9 research outputs found

    An appraisal of physicochemical parameters and some trace metals at the disposal points of five industrial effluents in Trans-Amadi Industrial Area of Port Harcourt, Nigeria

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    Industrial effluent samples collected from the disposal point of five different companies in Trans-Amadi industrial area of Port Harcourt were analyzed to investigate effect on the environment. The analyzed effluent samples showed results of the physicochemical parameters and trace metals in the ranges : (pH 3.60 - 6.90), electrical conductivity (406.00 – 722.00 μs/cm), total dissolved solid (194.00-347.00 mg/l); total suspended solid (>1067.00), chloride (14.20-151.10mg/l), sulphate (20.40-25.30 mg/l), nitrate (3.00-3.20 mg/l), total organic carbon (4.57-1556.00 mg/l), chemical oxygen demand (20.00-6225.00 mg/l), iron (1.26-1.68 mg/l), zinc (0.02 mg/l), copper (0.06 mg/l), lead (0.38mg/l), nickel (0.56-0.93mg/l), cadmium (0.09-0.34mg/l), chromium (0.19 mg/l) and sodium (11.45-20.77mg/l). The results obtained were compared with World Health Organization and United State Environmental Protection Act (USEPA), maximum permissible limits. Results showed that pH, chloride, conductivity and total organic carbon values of samples from three industries were above the maximum permissible limit while TSS values of samples from the five industries were above specification. Only one Industry produced an effluent with a chemical oxygen demand within the allowable limit. Some heavy metals like Nickel, Cadmium, and Chromium were also above the USEPA maximum permissible limit. Total suspended solids were determined using Pressure Millipore Vacuum Pump Assembly (NACE TM-01-73), Concentrations of Chloride, Sulphate, Nitrate, Total organic carbon (TOC) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) were determined using a DR 2800 Spectrophotometer. Heavy metals were determined using Atomic absorption spectrometer (Perkin–Elmer model 2280/2380 model).Keywords: Heavy metals, Industrial effluents, Pollution, Spectrophotometer, Physicochemical, Concentratio

    The evaluation of trace metal concentration in selected seafood species from new Calarbar River, in Rivers State Nigeria

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    Three sea foods namely prawn, crab and tilapia fish from ‘new calabar river’ were assessed to determine their heavy metal concentrations as well as the health effects on the consumers. Samples were treated with concentrated trioxonitrate V and perchloric acid on a hot plate before analyzing the selected metals with an absorption spectrophotometer and flow injection mercury system (FIMS). Results obtained for crabindicated that; nickel (3.890-4.190 mg/kg), cadmium (0.007mg/kg), arsenic (0.010-0.020 mg/kg), lead (3.270-3.310 mg/kg), vanadium (0.004 mg/kg), chromium (2.970- 3.120 mg/kg), cobalt (1.050-1.190 mg/kg) show the highest concentration of all the heavy metals analyzed compared to the other sea foods. Prawn has the least concentration of heavy metals. The concentrations of nickel, lead and chromium in the three sea foods were above World Health Organization standard, while cadmium and vanadium in the three sea foods were within World Health Organization limit. The concentrations of arsenic in prawn and tilapia fish were within acceptable standard, while that of cobalt was within acceptable limit only in prawns. The concentration of heavy metals in sea foods depends on their mode of feeding as well as their body permeability. Heavy metal contaminated fish can cause several health hazards in humans ranging from cancers, liver damage, kidney failure, bronchitis among others.Keywords: Toxicity, ecosystem, adsorption, permeability, anthropogenic, bio-indicators, concentratio

    Quality assurance evaluation of drilling muds used by some companies in Port Harcourt, Nigeria

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    Five drilling mud samples were collected from three drilling companies within Port Harcourt metropolis. The physical and chemical properties were analyzed in the laboratory. Results showed that Density ranged from 9.00 to 11.50 ppg, oil: water ratio ranged from 50:50 to 73:27, Emulsion Stability ranged from 175.00 to 470.00 Volts, static filtration was 15.00 mgL-1, alkalinity ranged from 0.40 to 0.80 mgL-1, excess lime 0.50 to 1.03 mgL-1, whole chloride 48000.00 to 52000.00 mgL-1, whole calcium 2600.00 to 22400.00 mgL-1. These results were compared with the mud engineer’s specification and it was found that mud samples from Company A and B met the specification while mud samples from Company C were below specification. It was inferred that some of the samples were contaminated and cannot be used for drilling oil wells to avoid formation pressure which can cause fire hazard in a rig.Keywords: Drilling fluid, Filtrate alkalinity, Lime, American Petroleum Institut

    Rheological properties of some oil based muds used in reservoirs in the Niger Delta, Nigeria

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    Rheological properties of some oil based muds used in oil reservoirs located in the Niger Delta area of Nigeria were analyzed using standard methods (American standard for testing and material. Rheological parameters were obtained with a rotational viscometer by relating the shear stress of the fluid to the shear rate of the equipment. Results obtained from two of the oil based muds labelled OBM3 and OBM2; 1st gel strength (8 -9 lb/ft2), 2nd gel strength (21 — 28 IbIft2), plastic viscosity (19-23 cP), yield point (6-23 Ib412) show that the properties were within mud specification as recommended by American Association of Drilling Engineers (AADE) while results from the third oil based mud (OBM5); 1st gel strength ( 171b1f12), 2nd gel strength (35 1b1112), plastic viscosity (49 cP), yield point (32 IbIft2) show that the parameters were off mud specification. Plastic viscosity and yield points are flow parameters of drilling fluids determined by their solid concentration and electrochemical forces within the particles of the fluid respectively whereas the gel strengths are time dependent flow parameters hence they are termed thixotropic. Rheological properties maintained within mud specification as specified by AADE are essential for efficient drilling operations.Keywords: Newtonian, Thixotropy, Shear Stress, Shear Rate, Organophillic, Flocculatio

    Bioconcentration of some trace metals in Panicum maximum and Colocaesia esculenta from two automobile workshops in Choba and Alakahia, Obio-Akpor Local Government Area, Rivers State, Nigeria

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    The levels of Pb, Ni, Cr, Zn, Cd and V and their bioconcentration factors in two plant species commonly found around automobile workshops in Alakahia and Choba areas of Rivers state were investigated using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. Results showed that the concentration of Pb in plants ranged from 0.220 to 0.330 mg/kg with a mean bioconcentration factor of 0.121, Ni ranged from 0.013 to 0.030 mg/kg with a mean bio-concentration factor of 0.078, Cr ranged from 0.185 to 0.251mg/kg with a mean bioconcentration factor of 0.332, Zn ranged from 1.537 to 2.327 mg/kg with a mean bioconcentration factor of 0.591, while Cd and V were ≤ 0.001 mg/kg with a mean bioconcentration factor of 0.017 to 1.000 respectively. The results indicated possible Pb and Cr toxicity. Also, the Bioconcentration factors were < 1 showing the possibility of bioaccumulation of the metals. Despite a certain degree of metal enhancement from soil to plants, humans who consume the plants should pay more attention to the activities that introduce these metal pollutants to the environment due to their toxicity.Keywords: Bioconcentration, trace metals, panicum maximum, colocaesia esculenta, toxicit

    Evaluation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in some roasted food delicacies in Port Harcourt, Rivers State

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    The concentrations of sixteen priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were determined in some roasted food delicacies (plantain and fish) consumed within Port Harcourt metropolis using Gas chromatography fitted with flame ionization detection. Appreciable amount of Acenaphthene (1.450 mgkg-1); Flourene (0.456 – 2.021 mgkg-1); Anthracene (1.445 mgkg-1); Pyrene (1.235 - 1.346 mgkg-1); Chrysene (0.448- 2.122 mgkg-1); Benzo (k) fluoranthrene (0.036 – 2.531 mgkg-1); Benzo (b) flouranthrene (0.285 mgkg-1) were detected in roasted plantain samples. In the roasted fish samples the detected PAHs were Flourene (2.642 – 3.554 mgkg-1); Anthracene (2.604 – 4.526 mgkg-1); Pyrene (1.371 - 1402 mgkg-1); Chrysene (2.106 – 3.348 mgkg-1); Benzo (b) flouranthrene (0.285mgkg-1). None of the priority PAHs was detected in the raw plantain sample. However substantial amount of Benzo (k) fluoranthrene (0.020 mgkg-1) was detected in the fresh fish. Continual consumption of these foods may consequently put the several consumers at potential health risk.Keywords: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons; Health risk; roasted, carcinogenic and genotoxi

    Chemical fingerprinting and diagnostic ratios of Agbada-1 oil spill impacted sites in Niger Delta, Nigeria

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    Detailed compositional analysis by gas chromatography–flame ionization detection (GC–FID) was employed to elucidate an oil spill in the Niger delta by fingerprinting technique. Distribution patterns of normal alkanes and isoprenoids show nC8 to nC40 petroleum hydrocarbons. The diagnostic ratios such as Pr/Ph ranged from 1.52 to 2.17; Pr/nC17 ranged from 0.31 to 0.51; Ph/nC18 ranged from 0.14 to 0.99; nC25/nC18 ranged from 0.93 to 3.52; CPI ranged from 0.97 to 1.13; (Pr + nC17)/(Ph + nC18) ranged from 1.10 to 2.25; Ph/anth ranged from 0.28 to 1.11; BaA/Ch ranged from 0.57 to 2.90; Fl/Py ranged from 1.24 to 2.90. The ratio Fl/Py which is greater than unity (>1) is an indication of the petrogenic source of PAHs. Statistical analyses such as principal component analysis and cluster analysis were also applied as supporting tools. PCA loadings and scores plots carried out on selected parameters obtained from the analysis of the oil spill show that PC1 and PC2 together represented 95.4% (55.8% and 39.6% respectively) of the variability. The high similarity level of the results obtained from the cluster analysis which is 98%, shows that the spilled oil originated from a common source

    Behavioural characteristics of adulterated Premium Motor Spirit (PMS)

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    Distillation profiles and chemical characteristics of ten suspected adulterated Premium Motor Spirit samples randomly collected from different dispensing points were analysed to determine the chemical characteristics of these samples when compared to a reference sample that is not adulterated. Results of the analyses show, Research Octane Number values ranged from 60.10 to 93.30, specific gravity ranged from 0.75 to 0.79, Reid Vapour Pressure ranged from 0.28 kgf/cm2 to 0.60 kgf/cm2 while Atmospheric distillation ranged from 189 to 251 °C. The results of this research reveal that most of the products are highly adulterated and may pose problems when sent to the market for intended end users

    Preliminary hydrocarbon analysis of crude oils from Umutu/Bomu fields, south west Niger Delta Nigeria

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    Seven different crude oil samples were collected from two oil fields in the Niger Delta Nigeria. The bulk properties of these crude oils which include API gravity, reid vapour pressure; kinematic viscosity, dynamic viscosity, moisture, gum content and cloud point were analysed. Aliphatic biomarkers were used as supporting tool to deduce the geochemical characteristics such as thermal maturity, depositional environments, source of organic matter and extent of biodegradation. Results show that API° gravity ranged from 29.00° to 85.00°, specific gravity 0.65 to 0.88, 3.00 to 9.00, reid vapour pressure 3.00 to 9.00 kPa, kinematic viscosity 0.90 to 10.10 cSt, dynamic viscosity 0.70 to 8.90 cP, moisture content 0.13% to 26.00%, gum content 6.27 to 45.84 mg/L, cloud point 3.00 to 12.00 °C, pour point −7.00 to 4.00 °C and flash point <30.00 °C. Distribution of n-alkanes (Pr/Ph, and isoprenoide/n-alkanes ratios) reflects that the oil samples originated mainly from terrestrial organic sources deposited in an oxic paleoenvironment