333 research outputs found

    Yellowknife Guide Book, edited by W.A. Padgham

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    Towards the Formal Specification and Verification of Maple Programs

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    In this paper, we present our ongoing work and initial results on the formal specification and verification of MiniMaple (a substantial subset of Maple with slight extensions) programs. The main goal of our work is to find behavioral errors in such programs w.r.t. their specifications by static analysis. This task is more complex for widely used computer algebra languages like Maple as these are fundamentally different from classical languages: they support non-standard types of objects such as symbols, unevaluated expressions and polynomials and require abstract computer algebraic concepts and objects such as rings and orderings etc. As a starting point we have defined and formalized a syntax, semantics, type system and specification language for MiniMaple

    Long Lived Large Type II Strings: decay within compactification

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    Motivated also by recent revival of interest about metastable string states (as cosmic strings or in accelerator physics), we study the decay, in presence of dimensional compactification, of a particular superstring state, which was proven to be remarkably long-lived in the flat uncompactified scenario. We compute the decay rate by an exact numerical evaluation of the imaginary part of the one-loop propagator. For large radii of compactification, the result tends to the fully uncompactified one (lifetime T = const M^5/g^2), as expected, the string mainly decaying by massless radiation. For small radii, the features of the decay (emitted states, initial mass dependence,....) change, depending on how the string wraps on the compact dimensions.Comment: 32 pages, 24 text plus appendices, 4 figure

    Dyonic p-branes from self-dual (p+1)-branes

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    The `electromagnetic' Sl(2;\bZ) duality group in spacetime dimension D=4kD=4k can be given a Kaluza-Klein interpretation in D=4k+2D=4k+2 as the modular group of a compactifying torus. We show how dyonic 2(k1)2(k-1)-branes in D=4kD=4k can be interpreted as self-dual (2k1)(2k-1)-branes in D=4k+2D=4k+2 wound around the homology cycles of the torus. In particular, dyons of the D=4 N=4 heterotic string theory are interpreted as winding modes of a D=6 self-dual string, while D=8 dyonic membranes are interpreted as wound 3-branes of D=10 IIB superstring theory. We also discuss the T-dual IIA interpretations of D=8 dyonic membranes.Comment: 16 pp. phyzzx. 1 fi

    Superstrings and D-branes in A Plane Wave

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    We carefully analyze the supersymmetry algebra of closed strings and open strings in a type IIB plane wave background. We use eight component chiral spinors, SO(8) Majorana-Weyl spinors, in light-cone gauge to provide a useful basis of string field theory calculation in the plane wave. We consider the two classes of D-branes, D±D_\pm-branes, and give a worldsheet derivation of conserved supercurrents for all half BPS D-branes preserving 16 supersymmetries in the type IIB plane wave background. We exhaustively provide the supersymmetry algebra of the half BPS branes as well. We also point out that the supersymmetry algebra distinguishes the two SO(4) directions with relative sign which is consistent with the Z_2 symmetry of the string action.Comment: v4: 28 pages, Latex, Worldsheet derivation of conserved supercurrents for all half BPS D-branes newly added, improved presentation and typo

    Super D-branes from BRST Symmetry

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    Recently a new formalism has been developed for the covariant quantization of superstrings. We study properties of Dp-branes and p-branes in this new framework, focusing on two different topics: effective actions and boundary states for Dp-branes. We present a derivation of the Wess-Zumino terms for super (D)p-branes using BRST symmetry. To achieve this we derive the BRST symmetry for superbranes, starting from the approach with/without pure spinors, and completely characterize the WZ terms as elements of the BRST cohomology. We also develope the boundary state description of Dp-branes by analyzing the boundary conditions for open strings in the completely covariant (i.e., without pure spinors) BRST formulation.Comment: 31 pp; journal version, expended discussion of D-brane pure spinor constraints in Section 2.

    Intersecting D-branes in Type IIB Plane Wave Background

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    We study intersecting D-branes in a type IIB plane wave background using Green-Schwarz worldsheet formulation. We consider all possible D±D_\pm-branes intersecting at angles in the plane wave background and identify their residual supersymmetries. We find, in particular, that DD±D_\mp - D_\pm brane intersections preserve no supersymmetry. We also present the explicit worldsheet expressions of conserved supercharges and their supersymmetry algebras.Comment: 32 pages, 2 tables; Corrected typos, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    D-brane Decay in Two-Dimensional String Theory

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    We consider unstable D0-branes of two dimensional string theory, described by the boundary state of Zamolodchikov and Zamolodchikov [hep-th/0101152] multiplied by the Neumann boundary state for the time coordinate tt. In the dual description in terms of the c=1c=1 matrix model, this D0-brane is described by a matrix eigenvalue on top of the upside down harmonic oscillator potential. As suggested by McGreevy and Verlinde [hep-th/0304224], an eigenvalue rolling down the potential describes D-brane decay. As the eigenvalue moves down the potential to the asymptotic region it can be described as a free relativistic fermion. Bosonizing this fermion we get a description of the state in terms of a coherent state of the tachyon field in the asymptotic region, up to a non-local linear field redefinition by an energy-dependent phase. This coherent state agrees with the exponential of the closed string one-point function on a disk with Sen's marginal boundary interaction for tt which describes D0-brane decay.Comment: 19 pages, harvmac, minor change