13 research outputs found

    Índice de normalidade da distância atlantoaxial dorsal em cães

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    RESUMO Foram utilizados 30 cães neurologicamente saudáveis e realizadas radiografias da coluna cervical, sendo mensurada a menor distância atlantoaxial dorsal e outros parâmetros anatômicos vertebrais. Esses dados foram avaliados por meio do coeficiente de correlação de Pearson. Após detecção do melhor parâmetro de correlação, utilizou-se a fórmula de coeficiente de correlação dimensional (CCD). Na segunda etapa desta pesquisa, foram utilizadas imagens radiográficas de 33 cães com subluxação atlantoaxial (SAA) e aplicou-se a fórmula CCD. Todas as imagens atlantoaxiais normais e subluxadas foram distribuídas aleatoriamente e submetidas à análise subjetiva. Observou-se que o parâmetro anatômico de maior correlação foi o comprimento do processo espinhoso do áxis, obtendo-se valor de índice médio de 0,056 e desvio-padrão de 0,019. O valor de índice médio obtido em cães com SAA foi de 0,287, e o desvio-padrão de 0,123. A análise subjetiva revelou acerto de 88,89% a 95,24%, enquanto a avaliação por meio da fórmula CCD demonstrou ser 100% eficiente no diagnóstico da SAA. Sugeriu-se a utilização da fórmula CCD para obtenção do índice de normalidade da distância atlantoaxial com valor de normalidade médio de 0,056 e limite máximo de 0,098, sendo esse índice eficaz no diagnóstico da subluxação entre o atlas e o áxis

    Normal index of dorsal atlantoaxial distance in dogs

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    <p></p><p>ABSTRACT Thirty healthy dogs had their cervical spines radiographed, and the dorsal atlantoaxial distance and others vertebral anatomical parameters were measured. These data were assessed using the Pearson correlation coefficient. After detection of the best correlation parameter, we used the dimensional correlation coefficient of formula (CCD). In the second stage of the study, radiographs of the 33 dogs with atlantoaxial subluxation (SAA) were used. In each radiographic image, the CCD formula was applied. All normal and subluxation radiographic images were randomized, and submitted to subjective analysis. It was observed that the anatomical parameter with the highest correlation is the length of the spinous process of the axis, obtaining a mean value of 0.056 index and 0.019 standard deviation. Index mean value obtained in dogs with the disease of 0.287 and standard deviation of 0.123. The subjective analysis revealed 88.89% to 95.24% agreement, while the result obtained by the CCD formula was shown to be 100% effective in the diagnosis of SAA. We suggest the use of the CCD formula to obtain the index of normality of the atlantoaxial distance with a mean value of 0.056 and maximum of 0.098, and it is concluded that the index is highly effective in the diagnosis of subluxation between the atlas and the axis.</p><p></p

    Branches of the aortic arch and thoracic aorta of the sloth (Bradypus variegatus)

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    <p></p><p>ABSTRACT Sloths are arboreal mammals, very specific, regarding their habits and morphology. This condition makes them even more vulnerable to environmental impacts. In order to provide information to assist in the medical and surgical assistance to these Xenarthras, a study of the aortic arch and thoracic portion of the descending aorta was carried out with the purpose of identify its main branches. Ten animals of the Bradypus variegatus species were used. One female and three males were submitted to dissection, where measurements of vessel diameter and length were obtained, while three females and three males were submitted to the digital contrast x-ray technique. There was a uniform syntopy of the arch, as well as of the descending portion of the aorta in the thorax. However, the topography differs considerably. Based on the branches, regardless of gender, a greater variation was observed in those originating from the arch, and those that emerge from the thoracic aorta and irrigate medial structures and the right antimere of the thorax. Greater values were obtained for the diameter of the arteries in the female than in the males and corresponding values for the length of the thoracic aorta in both. All this variation is possibly related to the adaptive processes of Bradipodidae over time.</p><p></p

    Cryptococcosis: a review of the brazilian experience for the disease Criptococose: revisão sobre a experiência brasileira sobre a doença

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    Cryptococcosis is a systemic mycosis caused by Cryptococcus neoformans. The disease occurs in patients with cellular immunodeficiency. The incidence of cryptococcosis arises with aids, and mycosis is one of the opportunistic infections that defines AIDS. After the HAART era the occurrence of cryptococcosis decreased all over the world, but it still continues to be a prevalent disease in Brazil. Thus, we consider this paper to be very important as a result of our reviewing of Brazilian literature regarding some relevant aspects of that disease.<br>Criptococose é micose sistêmica causada por Cryptococcus neoformans. A doença ocorre em pacientes com deficiência da imunidade celular. Com o aparecimento da doença AIDS, a incidência de criptococose aumentou, e a micose é uma das infecções oportunistas que definem um caso de AIDS. Após a era HAART, criptococose parece estar diminuindo no mundo todo, mas continua sendo uma doença prevalente no Brasil. Este artigo visa a análise da contribuição dos autores brasileiros sobre vários aspectos da doença