6 research outputs found

    Influence of external information in the minority game

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    The influence of a fixed number of agents with the same fixed behavior on the dynamics of the minority game is studied. Alternatively, the system studied can be considered the minority game with a change in the comfort threshold away from half filling. Agents in the frustrated, non ergodic phase tend to overreact to the information provided by the fixed agents, leading not only to large fluctuations, but to deviations of the average occupancies from their optimal values. Agents which discount their impact on the market, or which use individual strategies reach equilibrium states, which, unlike in the absence of the external information provided by the fixed agents, do not give the highest payoff to the collective.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Adaptive Boolean Networks and Minority Games with Time--Dependent Capacities

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    In this paper we consider a network of boolean agents that compete for a limited resource. The agents play the so called Generalized Minority Game where the capacity level is allowed to vary externally. We study the properties of such a system for different values of the mean connectivity KK of the network, and show that the system with K=2 shows a high degree of coordination for relatively large variations of the capacity level.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Learning, competition and cooperation in simple games

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    PACS. 02.50.-r Probability theory, stochastic processes, and statistics - 02.50.Ga Markov processes - 05.40.-a Fluctuation phenomena, random processes, and Brownian motion,

    Learning, competition and cooperation in simple games

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    The minority model was introduced to study the competition between agents with limited information. It has the remarkable feature that, as the number of strategies available to the agents increases, the collective gain made by the agents is reduced. This crowd effect arises from the fact that only a minority can profit at each moment, while all agents make their choices using the same input. We show that the properties of the model change drastically if the agents make choices based on their individual stories, keeping all remaining rules unaltered. This variation reduces the intrinsic frustration of the model, and improves the tendency towards cooperation and self organization. We finally study the stable mixing of individual and collective behavior

    Genomic inbreeding depression for climatic adaptation of tropical beef cattle

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    Inbreeding has the potential to negatively impact animal performance. Strategies to monitor and mitigate inbreeding depression require that it can be accurately estimated. Here, we used genomewide SNP data to explore 3 alternative measures of genomic inbreeding: the diagonal elements of the genomic relationship matrix (FGRM), the proportion of homozygous SNP (FHOM), and the proportion of the genome covered by runs of homozygosity (FROH). We used 2,111 Brahman (BR) and 2,550 Tropical Composite (TC) cattle with phenotypes recorded for 10 traits of relevance to tropical adaptation. We further explored 3 marker densities ranging from a high-density chip (729,068 SNP), a medium-density chip (71,726 SNP) specifically designed for Bos indicus cattle, and a low-density chip (18,860 SNP) associated with the measures of inbreeding. Measures of FGRM were highly correlated across the 3 SNP densities and negatively correlated with FHOM and FROH in the BR population. In both populations, there was a strong positive correlation for each measure of inbreeding across the 3 SNP panels. We found significant (P < 0.01) inbreeding depression for various traits, particularly when using the highest-density SNP chip in the BR population, where inbreeding was negatively associated with coat color and coat type such that inbred animals presented shorter, slicker, and lighter coats. Based on FGRM using the medium-density chip, we found that a 1% increase in inbreeding in the BR and TC populations was associated with a decrease of 0.514 and 0.579 kg BW, respectively, in yearlings. In the TC population, a 1% increase in FHOM was associated with a decrease in BCS of −0.636% (P < 0.001). The low-density chip, comprising SNP associated with inbreeding, captured genes, and regions with pleiotropic effects (P < 0.001). However, it did not improve our ability to identify inbreeding depression, relative to the use of higher-density panels. We conclude that where heterogeneous populations are present, such as in tropical environments where composite animals abound, measures of inbreeding that do not depend on allele frequencies, such as FHOM and FROH, are preferable for estimating genomic inbreeding. Finally, the sustainable intensification of livestock systems in tropical regions will rely on genetic safeguards to ensure that productivity is improved while also adapting animals to cope with climate change. The results of this study are a step toward achieving that goal

    Using genome-wide measures of coancestry to maintain diversity and fitness in endangered and domestic pig populations

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    Conservation and breeding programmes aim at maintaining most diversity, therefore avoiding deleterious effects of inbreeding while maintaining enough variation from which traits of interest can be selected. Theoretically, most diversity is maintained using optimal contributions based on many markers to calculate coancestries, but this can decrease fitness by maintaining linked deleterious variants. The heterogeneous patterns of coancestry displayed in pigs make them an excellent model to test these predictions. We propose methods to measure coancestry and fitness from resequence data, and use them in population management. We analysed resequencing data of Sus cebifrons, a highly endangered porcine species from the Philippines, and genotype data from the Pietrain domestic breed. By analysing the demographic history of Sus cebifrons we inferred two past bottlenecks that resulted in some inbreeding load. In Pietrain, we analysed signatures of selection possibly associated with commercial traits. We also simulated the management of each population to assess the performance of different optimal contribution methods to maintain diversity, fitness and selection signatures. Maximum genetic diversity was maintained using marker-by-marker coancestry, and least using genealogical coancestry. Using a measure of coancestry based on shared segments of the genome achieved best results in terms of diversity and fitness. However, this segment-based management eliminated signatures of selection. We demonstrate that maintaining both diversity and fitness depends on the genomic distribution of deleterious variants, which is shaped by demographic and selection histories. Our findings show the importance of genomic and next-generation sequencing information in the optimal design of breeding or conservation programmes