68 research outputs found

    Crystal chemistry search of multiferroics with the stereochemically active lone pair

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    On the basis of our previous studies of magnetoelectric ordering of BiFeO3, TbMnO3, TbMn2O5 and BiMn2O5 we formulate the crystal chemistry criteria for the search of multiferroics and reveal potential multiferroics Pb2Cu(OH)4Cl2, Pb5Cr3F19, Mn(SeO3){\dot}H2O and BiPbSr2MnO6 each containing the ion with a lone pair.Comment: 4 pages, 8 figures,submitted to J Supercond Nov Mag


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    The lecture deals with the main causes of development of hypo vitaminoses in infants and preschool children, with the emphasis made on the lack of pathognomonic signs of vitamin in sufficiency, showing the demands for the essential vitamins, and describing the natural sources of their entering the human body. The authors compare the composition of various multivitamin preparations registered in Russian the liquid dosage form convenient for use in 1ctoc7cyearcold children.Key words: avitaminosis, hypovitaminosis, prevention, infants, children

    Role of Pedagogical Disciplines Studied by Master’s Students in Implementation of the Program of Patriotic Upbringing of the Youth

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    Волкова Милена Александровна, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры «Безопасность жизнедеятельности», Южно-Уральский государственный университет, г. Челябинск, [email protected]. M.A. Volkova, [email protected] South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russian FederationАктуализировавшаяся в последние несколько лет в связи с осложнением политической ситуации в мире проблема воспитания патриотизма студенческой молодежи требует поиска новых форм, методов и средств, используемых в образовательном процессе высшей школы для содействия развитию патриотических чувств и патриотического сознания студентов, в том числе обучающихся по программам магистратуры. Учитывая значительную загруженность студентов-магистрантов, значительная часть которых совмещает работу и учебу, осуществляет социальные роли, связанные с семейной жизнью, активно участвует в научно-исследовательской работе, важно в ходе образовательного процесса создать для этого необходимые условия, но сделать это без увеличения учебной нагрузки. Реализовать данные требования позволяют дисциплины, изучаемые магистрантами непедагогических направлений подготовки, в том числе технических, и относящиеся к вариативной части Блока 1: «Основы педагогики и андрагогики», «Педагогика и психология высшей школы», «Педагогика высшей школы». Значительные возможности для этого предоставляет модуль данных дисциплин «Компетентностная модель преподавателя высшей школы». Деятельность магистрантов по освоению темы данного модуля «Содействие в граж- данско-патриотическом самоопределении студенческой молодежи как одна из компетенций осуществления внеучебной воспитательной работы» представлена как система, состоящая из трех компонентов: когнитивного, потребностно-мотивационного, поведенчески-деятельностного. Представлена развернутая характеристика поведенчески-деятельностного компонента, который предполагает создание магистрантами проекта, содействующего патриотическому воспитанию студентов, обучающихся по программам бакалавриата и специалитета; даны критерии оценки проекта, среди которых – инновационность и реализуемость. Подобран инструментарий, позволяющий определить эффективность данной модели. Результаты данного исследования могут быть использованы в организациях высшего образования при организации образовательного процесса магистрантов педагогических направлений, в том числе технических, а результаты проектной деятельности студентов- магистрантов могут быть использованы для совершенствования системы патриотического воспитания студентов-бакалавров и будущих специалистов на уровне факультета и университета. The problem of patriotic upbringing of students intensified due to the complication of political situation in the world in the past few years requires searching for new forms, methods and means used in higher education to promote patriotism and patriotic awareness of students including those enrolled in the Master’s Degree programs. Given the significant workload of Master’s students who usually combine work and study, have social roles related to family life, and are actively involved in research it is important to create the necessary conditions in the educational process without increasing the study load. The implementation of the abovementioned requirements is possible due to the disciplines studied by Master’s students of non-pedagogical majors including technical areas and the ones related to the variable part of Block 1: ‘Fundamentals of Pedagogy and Andragogy’, ‘Pedagogy and Psychology of Higher Education’, and ‘Pedagogy of Higher Education’. Significant opportunities for this are provided by the module of the abovementioned disciplines called ‘Competence Model of a Higher School Teacher’. Activities of Master’s students on studying the module ‘Assistance in Civil and Patriotic Self-Determination of Students as One of the Competences of Extracurricular Educational Activities’ are represented as a system consisting of three components: cognitive component, need and motivational component, behavioral and activity component. It presents a detailed description of behavioral and activity component that involves the creation of projects by Master’s students promoting patriotic education of Bachelor’s and Master’s students; evaluation criteria of the project are also given among which innovation and feasibility of the project can be named. Tools and instruments that enable to determine the effectiveness of this model are represented as well. The results of this study can be used in the institutions of higher education for the organization of educational process of Master’s students of non-pedagogical majors including the technical ones. The results of the project activity of Master’s students can be used to improve the system of patriotic education of Bachelor’s students and future specialists


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    The article discusses the basic patterns of communication on the Internet, compares the fundamental differences between verbal and network communication. It also provides a general overview of language innovations slang and memes formed on the Internet. Partially considered is the psychological aspect of network communications without personal contact.В работе рассматриваются основные закономерности общения в интернете, сравниваются принципиальные различия вербального и сетевого общения. Также даётся общий обзор языковых неологизмов (сленг и мемы), образовавшихся в интернете. Частично рассматривается психологический аспект сетевых коммуникаций без личного контакта

    Psychological and pedagogical conditions conducive to the formation of intercultural competence among students from different countries [Farklı ülkelerden gelen öğrenciler arasında kültürlerarası yeterliliğin oluşmasına yardımcı olan psikolojik ve pedagojik koşullar]

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    The most important task of modern education is the development of students' skills to successfully interact with representatives of other cultures, to effectively respond to requests, challenges and opportunities arising in intercultural situations. This article presents the formation of intercultural communication of foreign students by means of the Russian language and literature on the example of students of KSPU named after I. Creanga (Republic of Moldova), as well as on an overview of the process of teaching foreign students of MGIMO and the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. As part of a comparative analysis of the results obtained at the initial and final stages, a quantitatively and qualitatively higher level of IQC was recorded among foreign students of the experimental group at the final, final stage of the study. It was found that specially created psychological and pedagogical conditions, representing the introduction of the model of the formation of intercultural competence into educational activities, significantly improved the result of the experimental group. This testifies to the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed model. © 2021 JLLS and the Authors - Published by JLLS

    Pathogenetic mechanisms causing abnormal inflammation in the eutopic endometrium of women with endometriosis-associated infertility and methods of its management

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    This review aims to explore existing literature surrounding the pathogenic mechanisms causing inflammation in the eutopic endometrium of women with endometriosis-associated infertility. We discuss morphological and functional changes in the eutopic endometrium in patients with endometriosis and infertility. We also cover endometrial receptivity defects and the vicious circle of endometrial inflammation in patients with external genital endometriosis associated with infertility. There is a description of treatment methods for estrogen-induced inflammation in the eutopic endometrium in women with endometriosis-associated infertility. © 2021, Dynasty Publishing House. All rights reserved

    Psychological and pedagogical conditions conducive to the formation of intercultural competence among students from different countries

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    The most important task of modern education is the development of students' skills to successfully interact with representatives of other cultures, to effectively respond to requests, challenges and opportunities arising in intercultural situations. This article presents the formation of intercultural communication of foreign students by means of the Russian language and literature on the example of students of KSPU named after I. Creanga (Republic of Moldova), as well as on an overview of the process of teaching foreign students of MGIMO and the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. As part of a comparative analysis of the results obtained at the initial and final stages, a quantitatively and qualitatively higher level of IQC was recorded among foreign students of the experimental group at the final, final stage of the study. It was found that specially created psychological and pedagogical conditions, representing the introduction of the model of the formation of intercultural competence into educational activities, significantly improved the result of the experimental group. This testifies to the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed model