7 research outputs found

    Fitogeografía de Galicia (NW Ibérico): análisis histórico y nueva propuesta corológica

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    Se revisan las diversas propuestas corológicas que se han ido sucediendo a lo largo del último siglo para el SW Europeo en general y el territorio gallego en particular, así como los fundamentos teóricos sobre los que éstas se sustentan. Teniendo en cuenta el estado actual de los conocimientos sobre flora y vegetación en el extremo NW Ibérico y los efectos que la dinámica paleoambiental reciente (Pleistoceno-Holoceno) y la actividad humana han tenido en este territorio, se propone una nueva sectorización biogeográfica enmarcada en la propuesta más reciente de Rivas-Martínez para la Península Ibérica. Como aportación más novedosa de esta nueva sectorización destaca la inclusión de la totalidad del territorio gallego dentro de la Región Eurosiberiana, desestimándose la existencia de territorios biogeográficamente mediterráneos, tal y como había sido sostenido hasta el momento por numerosos autores.The diverse chorological schemes proposed for Galicia (NW Spain) through the last century and the theorical basis on they were founded are re-assesed. For this, we take into account both the present-day state of floristic and vegetation knowledge and the palaeoenviromental reconstructions and the impact of human actvity on vegetation in the NW Iberian area. As a result, a new phytogeographical map fitted into the most recent published by Rivas-Martínez for the Iberian Peninsula is proposed for Galicia. On the contrary of many previous authors, we conclude that all Galician territory must be included into the Eurosiberian Region, although the vegetation of some valleys in the SE area have a strong influence of mediterranean flora

    Tertiary relict laurophyll vegetation in the Madonie mountains (Sicily)

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    Laurel woodlands in the Madonie mountains (Sicily) are characterized by the presence of Laurus nobilis, Rhamnus lojaconoi and Vitis vinifera subsp. sylvestris. The results of a phytosociological study are presented, and a new endemic association, Rhamno lojaconoi–Lauretum nobilis, is described. Present Mediterranean laurel communities are the result of an adaptive response by Tertiary laurel forest to the peculiar microclimatic conditions that characterize the refugia where they persist. These refugia have been recently considered as a priority habitat under the Directive 92/43/EEC, and their plant communities are very vulnerable. Protection measures of the studied laurel populations are necessary, with particular reference to the bulking up of R. lojaconoi through in situ and ex situ propagation. A multivariate analysis of 63 relevés from all the Sicilian laurel communities described so far and additional 65 relevés from all over southern Europe and the Mediterranean basin bears out the autonomy of the new association, showing at the same time some oristic afnities between Sicilian, southern Italian, Spanish and Iberian associations. Their syntaxonomic treatment is discussed