23 research outputs found


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    This study intends to reveal the identity struggle of Cirebon against the domination of Sundanese through language. It aims to track strategy that used in showing its existence. This study has two missions. First is to know how the domination of Sundanese towards Cirebon lasted this far. Second is how Cirebon language is used as an instrument to fight the domination of Sundanese. This study took a place in Municipality and Regency of Cirebon as location of study. Municipality and Regency of Cirebon are two regions in territory of West Java. So far, West Java is often identified with Sundanese who indeed become its majority tribe. Unlike Cirebon which does not include neither Sundanese nor Javanese. Geographically Cirebon located in the border of West Java a nd Central Java that make Cirebon having its own uniqueness and often called themselves as wong Cerbon (Cirebon people). On the other hand, the difference identity of Cirebon with Sundanese often creates negative labeling by Sundanese to Cirebon. As result Cirebon society often become marginalized society in West Java. Therefore, there is a resistance effort performed by Cirebon to fight the domination of Sundanese. Language becomes a tool of resistance for Cirebon to fight that domination. In addition, edu cation domain becomes arena for power struggle. The result is the domination of Sundanese that lasted this far is done by using Conservation strategy through language which is played in education domain by introducing curriculum of Sundanese language into schools. That strategy has been done for so long since Dutch colonial government until present. The similar thing is done by Cirebon to perform resistance by using Succession and Subversion strategies in order to gain the same chance in power struggle

    KUASA SYARIAT ISLAM DI KOTA BANDA ACEH (Studi tentang Relasi Pemerintah Kota dan Kedai Kopi dalam Proses Penerapan Syariat Islam)

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    This study aims to determine the relations practice in the application of Islamic sharia in the city of Banda Aceh, the city government relationships with entrepreneurs coffee shop. This study begins with an event broadcast by TV One, titled \"lust of business in the country of sharia\" on April 15, 2011. Author disturbed with this program, because of two things. First, Aceh did not have sexual localization, discos and other public entertainment facilities that can be identified with the business of lust (sexual). Second, business is business lust that deviate from Islamic norms, as far as the public is not likely to let the author of the activity develops. Since then, the suspicion of the author only focused on the coffee shop as a reactor. Coffee shop is the only public entertainment spaces for the community that serves as a place for pleasure, chat, gather and various other activities. In 2011, the city government issued a Major Regulation No. 13 of 2011 on the organization of business governance. In addition, the city government also conducted a raid into coffee shops, cafe, restaurants, and also to other places. However, at certain times in the coffee shop activities that violate Islamic sharia will also still be found, but escaped from the control of government or maybe the government knows it but difficult identification direct. The method used in this study is a qualitative research method with a case study approach. The subjects were actors involved directly or focus on the application of Islamic sharia in the city of Banda Aceh, especially from the government of Banda Aceh and the owner of the coffee shop business. This study uses Gramsci's theory of hegemony which saw the implementation of Islamic sharia in the city of Banda Aceh as part of a government hegemony as well as to assess the form of counter hegemony. Methods of data collection was obtained through in-depth interviews, the use of secondary data, and direct observation. Research results show that the implementation of Islamic sharia made by the hegemony of the moral and intellectual leadership. Meanwhile, entrepreneurs build relationships to the city of Banda Aceh by silent resistance. The government strategy is to coercion as a bastion hegemony of Islamic sharia, as well as a coffee shop entrepreneurs continue to struggle to seize hegemony. The struggle of the entrepreneur is through the colonization of consciousness that make up the city of Banda Aceh society into consumerist society

    POLITIK PENGELOLAAN HAK BERSAMA (Dinamika Relasi Kuasa Dalam Pengelolaan Perkebunan Karet Rakyat Melalui Lembaga Kesejahteraan Desa Di Desa Kemuja Kecamatan Mendo Barat Kabupaten Bangka)

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    This thesis entitled of �The politics of managing commons rights, the dynamic of power relation in managing the collective rubber farm (PKR) through village welfare institution (LKD) in Kemuja village of Mendo Barat sub district of Bangka regency� comes from a substantial problem about how do Kemuja people manage the collective rubber farm through LKD institution in the midst of much obstacles both internal problem and shaded by strongly domination and penetration of actors interest who make use of PKR LKD as sphere and arena for persisted contest of power. Because of that, this research aims to answer the question of �how does the dynamic of power relation in managing the collective rubber farm (PKR) through village welfare institution (LKD) in Kemuja village of Mendo Barat sub district of Bangka regency�? To answer that question, this research uses the method of descriptive survey. Using that method, this research at least is able to answer that the dynamic of power relation in managing the PKR through LKD in Kemuja village seems from two things those are from constructed process of PKR LKD as a physical world, a community, and rules-in-us

    KEHIDUPAN MASYARAKAT PULAU GEBE Studi Tentang Kondisi Masyarakat Pasca Berakhirnya Kontrak Kerja PT. Aneka Tambang di Kabupaten Halmahera Tengah

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    The community live of Gebe Island that experiences bad situation (after the process of mining project), constitutes a description about the failure of state and the regent of Halmahera Tengah ( central Halmahera) in providing public goods for community in Gebe island. By this problem, the writer interested in to do researching and analyzing about the condition of Gebe island people after finality of work contract in P.T. Aneka Tambang in Gebe island. In this research, the writer wish to see and enlarge the state existence and the state failure as the high institution that take responsibility to provide and serve to the people of Gebe island. One of the base question that become main reference for the writer in enlarging the problem in Gebe island is the causal factor of state failure in giving public service in that region (Gebe island) after the finality of mining process in the island, or the causal factor in presenting the existence in people lives of that island after the process of mining. By the sorts of phenomenon that happen before, and as the sorts of datum in the field research, the writer find that: one of the main thing that become the root of failure in giving public service in Gebe island is sub-ordinate process which become problem during mining process. The sub-ordinate process which happen, in writer�s opinion, constitute one of the main thing that causes state has not capability and capacity to provide public service and fall the state down into the failure. Sub-ordinate process which happens during the mining process has given direct impact to the descent of quantity and quality or capability and capacity of the regent of Halmahera Tengah in giving public service. Commonly, this descent of quantity and quality can be known clearly during the transition period of the finality of work contract in P.T. Antam, Tbk persero. When this company leaves Gebe island, it happens chaos in that island. All sorts of public service such as: education, health, electricity, and watering become left unfinished and sorts of infrastructure had been destroyed totally. The regent government or the state has not capability to provide health service for 24 hours, no charge education, no more doctor and teacher. The government also could not provide the opportunities for the people of Gebe island, after the finality of mining process. Because of that, by the problem above, the state failure in providing public service to the Gebe island people, the writer�s conclusion that, this thing has relatedness with subordinate process which happen during the mining process go on. The state�s incapability in giving public service constitute a concrete description about the impact of the subordinate process of state�s role, that cause descent of capacity and capability of the regent government to serve to the people of Gebe island

    �CAPACITY BUILDING DAN TATA KELOLA KEUANGAN� (Studi Tentang Penguatan Kapasitas Perangkat Kampung Dalam Mewujudkan Kemandirian Tata Kelola Keuangan Kampung Di Kabupaten Kaimana)

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    This study on Capacity Building and Village Finance Management is important in hope that villages in Kaimana Regency had capacity to manage their finances. So that the Village Finance Management was not dominated by supra-government of villages. In relation to it, vital question of this thesis were �How was the process of Village Apparatus Capacity Building conducted to realize autonomy of Village Finance Management in Kaimana Regency?� To answer the question, there are to theoretic frameworks built in this study: (1) Village Apparatus Capacity Building and (2) Village Finance Management. Given qualitative method and case study approach results of research found that: first, villages were still domains of regency power so that stronger perception for village supra- government for village human resources capacity was lower and not able to manage finance. Therefore relation of regency-villages finance was only realized by giving financial support evenly to the village government. Second, capacity of Village Finance Management was still lower. This condition was shown by domination of village heads in the Village Finance Managemen