27 research outputs found
First order quantum phase transitions
Quantum phase transitions have been the subject of intense investigations in
the last two decades [1]. Among other problems, these phase transitions are
relevant in the study of heavy fermion systems, high temperature
superconductors and Bose-Einstein condensates. More recently there is
increasing evidence that in many systems which are close to a quantum critical
point (QCP) different phases are in competition. In this paper we show that the
main effect of this competition is to give rise to inhomogeneous behavior
associated with quantum first order transitions. These effects are described
theoretically using an action that takes into account the competition between
different order parameters. The method of the effective potential is used to
calculate the quantum corrections to the classical functional. These
corrections generally change the nature of the QCP and give rise to interesting
effects even in the presence of non-critical fluctuations. An unexpected result
is the appearance of an inhomogeneous phase with two values of the order
parameter separated by a first order transition. Finally, we discuss the
universal behavior of systems with a weak first order zero temperature
transition in particular as the transition point is approached from finite
temperatures. The thermodynamic behavior along this line is obtained and shown
to present universal features.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures. Invited talk at ICM2006, Kyoto. To appear in JMM
Short-range antiferromagnetic correlations in Kondo insulators
We study the influence of short range antiferromagnetic correlations between
local -electrons on the transport and thermodynamic properties of Kondo
insulators, as first proposed by Coqblin et al. for metallic heavy fermions.
The inter-site magnetic correlations produce an effective bandwidth for the
-electrons. They are treated on the same footing as the local Kondo
correlations such that two energy scales appear in our approach. We discuss the
competition between these two scales on the physical properties.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figures. To be published in Physics Letters
Role of Disorder on the Quantum Critical Point of a Model for Heavy Fermions
A zero temperature real space renormalization group (RG) approach is used to
investigate the role of disorder near the quantum critical point (QCP) of a
Kondo necklace (XY-KN) model. In the pure case this approach yields
implying that any coupling between the local moments and the
conduction electrons leads to a non-magnetic phase. We also consider an
anisotropic version of the model (), for which there is a quantum phase
transition at a finite value of the ratio between the coupling and the
bandwidth, . Disorder is introduced either in the on-site interactions
or in the hopping terms. We find that in both cases randomness is irrelevant in
the model, i.e., the disorder induced magnetic-non-magnetic quantum
phase transition is controlled by the same exponents of the pure case. Finally,
we show the fixed point distributions at the atractors of the
disordered, non-magnetic phases.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure
Spin-3/2 random quantum antiferromagnetic chains
We use a modified perturbative renormalization group approach to study the
random quantum antiferromagnetic spin-3/2 chain. We find that in the case of
rectangular distributions there is a quantum Griffiths phase and we obtain the
dynamical critical exponent as a function of disorder. Only in the case of
extreme disorder, characterized by a power law distribution of exchange
couplings, we find evidence that a random singlet phase could be reached. We
discuss the differences between our results and those obtained by other
approaches.Comment: 4 page
Charging Effects and Quantum Crossover in Granular Superconductors
The effects of the charging energy in the superconducting transition of
granular materials or Josephson junction arrays is investigated using a
pseudospin one model. Within a mean-field renormalization-group approach, we
obtain the phase diagram as a function of temperature and charging energy. In
contrast to early treatments, we find no sign of a reentrant transition in
agreement with more recent studies. A crossover line is identified in the
non-superconducting side of the phase diagram and along which we expect to
observe anomalies in the transport and thermodynamic properties. We also study
a charge ordering phase, which can appear for large nearest neighbor Coulomb
interaction, and show that it leads to first-order transitions at low
temperatures. We argue that, in the presence of charge ordering, a non
monotonic behavior with decreasing temperature is possible with a maximum in
the resistance just before entering the superconducting phase.Comment: 15 pages plus 4 fig. appended, Revtex, INPE/LAS-00
Thermodynamic quantum crtical behavior in the anisotropic Kondo necklace model
The Ising-like anisotropy parameter in the Kondo necklace model is
analyzed using the bond-operator method at zero and finite temperatures for
arbitrary dimensions. A decoupling scheme on the double time Green's
functions is used to find the dispersion relation for the excitations of the
system. At zero temperature and in the paramagnetic side of the phase diagram,
we determine the spin gap exponent in three dimensions and
anisotropy between , a result consistent with the dynamic
exponent for the Gaussian character of the bond-operator treatment. At
low but finite temperatures, in the antiferromagnetic phase, the line of Neel
transitions is calculated for and . For it
is only re-normalized by the anisotropy parameter and varies with the distance
to the quantum critical point QCP as, where the
shift exponent . Nevertheless, in two dimensions, long range
magnetic order occurs only at T=0 for any . In the paramagnetic phase,
we find a power law temperature dependence on the specific heat at the
\textit{quantum liquid trajectory} , . It behaves as
for and , in concordance
with the scaling theory for .Comment: 12 pages and 3 figure
Renormalization group approach of itinerant electron systems near the Lifshitz point
Using the renormalization approach proposed by Millis for the itinerant
electron systems we calculated the specific heat coefficient for
the magnetic fluctuations with susceptibility near the Lifshitz point. The constant value
obtained for and the logarithmic temperature dependence, specific
for the non-Fermi behavior, have been obtained in agreement with the
experimental dat.Comment: 6 pages, Revte
Theory of finite temperature crossovers near quantum critical points close to, or above, their upper-critical dimension
A systematic method for the computation of finite temperature () crossover
functions near quantum critical points close to, or above, their upper-critical
dimension is devised. We describe the physics of the various regions in the
and critical tuning parameter () plane. The quantum critical point is at
, , and in many cases there is a line of finite temperature
transitions at , with . For the relativistic,
-component continuum quantum field theory (which describes lattice
quantum rotor () and transverse field Ising () models) the upper
critical dimension is , and for , is the control
parameter over the entire phase diagram. In the region , we obtain an expansion for coupling constants which then are
input as arguments of known {\em classical, tricritical,} crossover functions.
In the high region of the continuum theory, an expansion in integer powers
of , modulo powers of , holds for all
thermodynamic observables, static correlators, and dynamic properties at all
Matsubara frequencies; for the imaginary part of correlators at real
frequencies (), the perturbative expansion describes
quantum relaxation at or larger, but fails for or smaller. An important principle,
underlying the whole calculation, is the analyticity of all observables as
functions of at , for ; indeed, analytic continuation in is
used to obtain results in a portion of the phase diagram. Our method also
applies to a large class of other quantum critical points and their associated
continuum quantum field theories.Comment: 36 pages, 4 eps figure
Local fluctuations in quantum critical metals
We show that spatially local, yet low-energy, fluctuations can play an
essential role in the physics of strongly correlated electron systems tuned to
a quantum critical point. A detailed microscopic analysis of the Kondo lattice
model is carried out within an extended dynamical mean-field approach. The
correlation functions for the lattice model are calculated through a
self-consistent Bose-Fermi Kondo problem, in which a local moment is coupled
both to a fermionic bath and to a bosonic bath (a fluctuating magnetic field).
A renormalization-group treatment of this impurity problem--perturbative in
, where is an exponent characterizing the spectrum
of the bosonic bath--shows that competition between the two couplings can drive
the local-moment fluctuations critical. As a result, two distinct types of
quantum critical point emerge in the Kondo lattice, one being of the usual
spin-density-wave type, the other ``locally critical.'' Near the locally
critical point, the dynamical spin susceptibility exhibits scaling
with a fractional exponent. While the spin-density-wave critical point is
Gaussian, the locally critical point is an interacting fixed point at which
long-wavelength and spatially local critical modes coexist. A Ginzburg-Landau
description for the locally critical point is discussed. It is argued that
these results are robust, that local criticality provides a natural description
of the quantum critical behavior seen in a number of heavy-fermion metals, and
that this picture may also be relevant to other strongly correlated metals.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures; typos in figure 3 and in the main text
corrected, version as publishe