12,996 research outputs found

    Scheme for remote implementation of partially unknown quantum operation of two qubits in cavity QED

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    By constructing the recovery operations of the protocol of remote implementation of partially unknown quantum operation of two qubits [An Min Wang: PRA, \textbf{74}, 032317(2006)], we present a scheme to implement it in cavity QED. Long-lived Rydberg atoms are used as qubits, and the interaction between the atoms and the field of cavity is a nonresonant one. Finally, we analyze the experimental feasibility of this scheme.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Exploration of nonlocalities in ensembles consisting of bipartite quantum states

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    It is revealed that ensembles consisting of multipartite quantum states can exhibit different kinds of nonlocalities. An operational measure is introduced to quantify nonlocalities in ensembles consisting of bipartite quantum states. Various upper and lower bounds for the measure are estimated and the exact values for ensembles consisting of mutually orthogonal maximally entangled bipartite states are evaluated.Comment: The title and some contents changed, 4 pages, no figure

    Monte Carlo modeling of spin injection through a Schottky barrier and spin transport in a semiconductor quantum well

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    We develop a Monte Carlo model to study injection of spin-polarized electrons through a Schottky barrier from a ferromagnetic metal contact into a non-magnetic low-dimensional semiconductor structure. Both mechanisms of thermionic emission and tunneling injection are included in the model. Due to the barrier shape, the injected electrons are non-thermalized. Spin dynamics in the semiconductor heterostructure is controlled by the Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit interactions and described by a single electron spin density matrix formalism. In addition to the linear term, the third order term in momentum for the Dresselhaus interaction is included. Effect of the Schottky potential on the spin dynamics in a 2 dimensional semiconductor device channel is studied. It is found that the injected current can maintain substantial spin polarization to a length scale in the order of 1 micrometer at room temperature without external magnetic fields.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, J. Appl. Phys., accepted for publicatio

    The Equation of State and Quark Number Susceptibility in Hard-Dense-Loop Approximation

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    Based on the method proposed in [ H. S. Zong, W. M. Sun, Phys. Rev. \textbf{D 78}, 054001 (2008)], we calculate the equation of state (EOS) of QCD at zero temperature and finite quark chemical potential under the hard-dense-loop (HDL) approximation. A comparison between the EOS under HDL approximation and the cold, perturbative EOS of QCD proposed by Fraga, Pisarski and Schaffner-Bielich is made. It is found that the pressure under HDL approximation is generally smaller than the perturbative result. In addition, we also calculate the quark number susceptibility (QNS) at finite temperature and finite chemical potential under hard-thermal/dense-loop (HTL/HDL) approximation and compare our results with the corresponding ones in the previous literature.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Dense Ionized and Neutral Gas Surrounding Sgr A*

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    We present high resolution H41a hydrogen recombination line observations of the 1.2' (3 pc) region surrounding Sgr A* at 92 GHz using the OVRO Millimeter Array with an angular resolution of 7" x 3" and velocity resolution of 13 km/s. New observations of H31a, H35a, H41a, and H44a lines were obtained using the NRAO 12-m telescope, and their relative line strengths are interpreted in terms of various emission mechanisms. These are the most extensive and most sensitive observations of recombination line to date. Observations of HCO+ (1 - 0) transition at 89 GHz are also obtained simultaneously with a 40% improved angular resolution and 4-15 times improved sensitivity over previous observations, and the distribution and kinematics of the dense molecular gas in the circumnuclear disk (CND) are mapped and compared with those of the ionized gas. The line brightness ratios of the hydrogen recombination lines are consistent with purely spontaneous emission from 7000 K gas with n_e = 20,000 cm3^{-3} near LTE condition. A virial analysis suggests that the most prominent molecular gas clumps in the CND have mean densities of 10^7 cm^{-3}, sufficient to withstand the tidal shear in the Galactic Center region. Therefore, these clumps may survive over several dynamical times, and the CND may be a dynamically stable structure. We estimate a total gas mass of 3 x 10^5 solar mass for the CND. \Comment: 34 pages including 11 figures (4 jpgs), Latex, uses aastex. The full pdf format file including high resolution figures is available at http://www.astro.umass.edu/~myun/papers/SgrA.pdf . To appear in the 20 November 2004 (V616) issue of the Astrophysical Journa

    Hall Drag in Correlated Double Layer Quantum Hall Systems

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    We show that in the limit of zero temperature, double layer quantum Hall systems exhibit a novel phenomena called Hall drag, namely a current driven in one layer induces a voltage drop in the other layer, in the direction perpendicular to the driving current. The two-by-two Hall resistivity tensor is quantized and proportional to the K{\bf K} matrix that describes the topological order of the quantum Hall state, even when the K{\bf K} matrix contains a zero eigenvalue, in which case the Hall conductivity tensor does not exist. Relation between the present work and previous ones is also discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 1 eps figure. Accepted in PRB, R

    Genome-wide Analysis and Expression Profiling Suggest Diverse Roles of TCP Genes During Development and Stress Responses in Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L)

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    Teosinte branched 1/cycloidea/proliferating cell factor 1 (TCP) proteins are plant-specific transcription factors playing crucial roles in various biological processes, such as leaf development, flower symmetry, shoot branching and senescence. However, no comprehensive analysis of the TCP gene family has been reported in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L). Herein, a total of 15 TCP family members were identified in the genome of grapevine, located on eight of the 19 chromosomes. Phylogenetic and structural analyses showed that the VvTCPs were classified into two groups, designated as Class I and Class II. The Class II genes were further divided into two subclasses, the CIN subclass and the CYC/TB1 subclass. Genes belonging to the same subclass shared similar gene structures, conserved domains and motifs. Real-time PCR showed that almost all members of Class II exhibited organ-specific expression patterns, while members of Class I and the CIN Class were ubiquitously expressed in all the tissues examined, indicating multiple roles in the development of different grapevine organs. In addition, many members were strongly modulated by abiotic (cold, heat, drought) and biotic (downy mildew and powdery mildew infection) stresses, suggesting important and diverse regulatory roles in adverse conditions and plant immunity. The comprehensive in silico analysis of the grapevine TCP transcription factor family gives us some references to potential functions in grapevine development and stress responses

    AC loss estimation of HTS armature windings for electric machines

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    Application of support vector machines on the basis of the first Hungarian bankruptcy model

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    In our study we rely on a data mining procedure known as support vector machine (SVM) on the database of the first Hungarian bankruptcy model. The models constructed are then contrasted with the results of earlier bankruptcy models with the use of classification accuracy and the area under the ROC curve. In using the SVM technique, in addition to conventional kernel functions, we also examine the possibilities of applying the ANOVA kernel function and take a detailed look at data preparation tasks recommended in using the SVM method (handling of outliers). The results of the models assembled suggest that a significant improvement of classification accuracy can be achieved on the database of the first Hungarian bankruptcy model when using the SVM method as opposed to neural networks

    Infrared spectroscopy of small-molecule endofullerenes

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    Hydrogen is one of the few molecules which has been incarcerated in the molecular cage of C60_{60} and forms endohedral supramolecular complex H2_2@C60_{60}. In this confinement hydrogen acquires new properties. Its translational motion becomes quantized and is correlated with its rotations. We applied infrared spectroscopy to study the dynamics of hydrogen isotopologs H2_2, D2_2 and HD incarcerated in C60_{60}. The translational and rotational modes appear as side bands to the hydrogen vibrational mode in the mid infrared part of the absorption spectrum. Because of the large mass difference of hydrogen and C60_{60} and the high symmetry of C60_{60} the problem is identical to a problem of a vibrating rotor moving in a three-dimensional spherical potential. The translational motion within the C60_{60} cavity breaks the inversion symmetry and induces optical activity of H2_2. We derive potential, rotational, vibrational and dipole moment parameters from the analysis of the infrared absorption spectra. Our results were used to derive the parameters of a pairwise additive five-dimensional potential energy surface for H2_2@C60_{60}. The same parameters were used to predict H2_2 energies inside C70_{70}[Xu et al., J. Chem. Phys., {\bf 130}, 224306 (2009)]. We compare the predicted energies and the low temperature infrared absorption spectra of H2_2@C70_{70}.Comment: Updated author lis