733 research outputs found

    Second-order critical lines of spin-S Ising models in a splitting field with Grassmann techniques

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    We propose a method to study the second-order critical lines of classical spin-SS Ising models on two-dimensional lattices in a crystal or splitting field, using an exact expression for the bare mass of the underlying field theory. Introducing a set of anticommuting variables to represent the partition function, we derive an exact and compact expression for the bare mass of the model including all local multi-fermions interactions. By extension of the Ising and Blume-Capel models, we extract the free energy singularities in the low momentum limit corresponding to a vanishing bare mass. The loci of these singularities define the critical lines depending on the spin S, in good agreement with previous numerical estimations. This scheme appears to be general enough to be applied in a variety of classical Hamiltonians

    A Generalization of the Bargmann-Fock Representation to Supersymmetry by Holomorphic Differential Geometry

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    In the Bargmann-Fock representation the coordinates ziz^i act as bosonic creation operators while the partial derivatives ∂zj\partial_{z^j} act as annihilation operators on holomorphic 00-forms as states of a DD-dimensional bosonic oscillator. Considering also pp-forms and further geometrical objects as the exterior derivative and Lie derivatives on a holomorphic CD{\bf C}^D, we end up with an analogous representation for the DD-dimensional supersymmetric oscillator. In particular, the supersymmetry multiplet structure of the Hilbert space corresponds to the cohomology of the exterior derivative. In addition, a 1-complex parameter group emerges naturally and contains both time evolution and a homotopy related to cohomology. Emphasis is on calculus.Comment: 11 pages, LaTe

    Dynamics of a thin shell in the Reissner-Nordstrom metric

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    We describe the dynamics of a thin spherically symmetric gravitating shell in the Reissner-Nordstrom metric of the electrically charged black hole. The energy-momentum tensor of electrically neutral shell is modelled by the perfect fluid with a polytropic equation of state. The motion of a shell is described fully analytically in the particular case of the dust equation of state. We construct the Carter-Penrose diagrams for the global geometry of the eternal black hole, which illustrate all possible types of solutions for moving shell. It is shown that for some specific range of initial parameters there are possible the stable oscillating motion of the shell transferring it consecutively in infinite series of internal universes. We demonstrate also that this oscillating type of motion is possible for an arbitrary polytropic equation of state on the shell.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure

    On Hubbard-Stratonovich Transformations over Hyperbolic Domains

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    We discuss and prove validity of the Hubbard-Stratonovich (HS) identities over hyperbolic domains which are used frequently in the studies on disordered systems and random matrices. We also introduce a counterpart of the HS identity arising in disordered systems with "chiral" symmetry. Apart from this we outline a way of deriving the nonlinear σ\sigma-model from the gauge-invariant Wegner k−k-orbital model avoiding the use of the HS transformations.Comment: More accurate proofs are given; a few misprints are corrected; a misleading reference and a footnote in the end of section 2.2 are remove

    Hawking Radiation as Quantum Tunneling in Rindler Coordinate

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    We substantiate the Hawking radiation as quantum tunneling of fields or particles crossing the horizon by using the Rindler coordinate. The thermal spectrum detected by an accelerated particle is interpreted as quantum tunneling in the Rindler spacetime. Representing the spacetime near the horizon locally as a Rindler spacetime, we find the emission rate by tunneling, which is expressed as a contour integral and gives the correct Boltzmann factor. We apply the method to non-extremal black holes such as a Schwarzschild black hole, a non-extremal Reissner-Nordstr\"{o}m black hole, a charged Kerr black hole, de Sitter space, and a Schwarzschild-anti de Sitter black hole.Comment: LaTex 19 pages, no figure; references added and replaced by the version accepted in JHE

    On representations of super coalgebras

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    The general structure of the representation theory of a Z2Z_2-graded coalgebra is discussed. The result contains the structure of Fourier analysis on compact supergroups and quantisations thereof as a special case. The general linear supergroups serve as an explicit illustration and the simplest example is carried out in detail.Comment: 18 pages, LaTeX, KCL-TH-94-

    Toward peripheral nerve mechanical characterization using Brillouin imaging spectroscopy

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    SIGNIFICANCE: Peripheral nerves are viscoelastic tissues with unique elastic characteristics. Imaging of peripheral nerve elasticity is important in medicine, particularly in the context of nerve injury and repair. Elasticity imaging techniques provide information about the mechanical properties of peripheral nerves, which can be useful in identifying areas of nerve damage or compression, as well as assessing the success of nerve repair procedures. AIM: We aim to assess the feasibility of Brillouin microspectroscopy for peripheral nerve imaging of elasticity, with the ultimate goal of developing a new diagnostic tool for peripheral nerve injury APPROACH: Viscoelastic properties of the peripheral nerve were evaluated with Brillouin imaging spectroscopy. RESULTS: An external stress exerted on the fixed nerve resulted in a Brillouin shift. Quantification of the shift enabled correlation of the Brillouin parameters with nerve elastic properties. CONCLUSIONS: Brillouin microscopy provides sufficient sensitivity to assess viscoelastic properties of peripheral nerves

    Fermions and Loops on Graphs. II. Monomer-Dimer Model as Series of Determinants

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    We continue the discussion of the fermion models on graphs that started in the first paper of the series. Here we introduce a Graphical Gauge Model (GGM) and show that : (a) it can be stated as an average/sum of a determinant defined on the graph over Z2\mathbb{Z}_{2} (binary) gauge field; (b) it is equivalent to the Monomer-Dimer (MD) model on the graph; (c) the partition function of the model allows an explicit expression in terms of a series over disjoint directed cycles, where each term is a product of local contributions along the cycle and the determinant of a matrix defined on the remainder of the graph (excluding the cycle). We also establish a relation between the MD model on the graph and the determinant series, discussed in the first paper, however, considered using simple non-Belief-Propagation choice of the gauge. We conclude with a discussion of possible analytic and algorithmic consequences of these results, as well as related questions and challenges.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures; misprints correcte

    On the construction of generalized Grassmann representatives of state vectors

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    Generalized ZkZ_k-graded Grassmann variables are used to label coherent states related to the nilpotent representation of the q-oscillator of Biedenharn and Macfarlane when the deformation parameter is a root of unity. These states are then used to construct generalized Grassmann representatives of state vectors.Comment: 8 page

    Charged Particle with Magnetic Moment in the Aharonov-Bohm Potential

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    We considered a charged quantum mechanical particle with spin 12{1\over 2} and gyromagnetic ratio g≠2g\ne 2 in the field af a magnetic string. Whereas the interaction of the charge with the string is the well kown Aharonov-Bohm effect and the contribution of magnetic moment associated with the spin in the case g=2g=2 is known to yield an additional scattering and zero modes (one for each flux quantum), an anomaly of the magnetic moment (i.e. g>2g>2) leads to bound states. We considered two methods for treating the case g>2g>2. \\ The first is the method of self adjoint extension of the corresponding Hamilton operator. It yields one bound state as well as additional scattering. In the second we consider three exactly solvable models for finite flux tubes and take the limit of shrinking its radius to zero. For finite radius, there are N+1N+1 bound states (NN is the number of flux quanta in the tube).\\ For R→0R\to 0 the bound state energies tend to infinity so that this limit is not physical unless g→2g\to 2 along with R→0R\to 0. Thereby only for fluxes less than unity the results of the method of self adjoint extension are reproduced whereas for larger fluxes NN bound states exist and we conclude that this method is not applicable.\\ We discuss the physically interesting case of small but finite radius whereby the natural scale is given by the anomaly of the magnetic moment of the electron ae=(g−2)/2≈10−3a_e=(g-2)/2\approx 10^{-3}.Comment: 16 pages, Latex, NTZ-93-0
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