4,146 research outputs found

    Co-registered combined OCT and THz imaging to extract depth and refractive index of a tissue-equivalent test object

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    Terahertz (THz) imaging and optical coherence tomography (OCT) provide complementary information with similar length scales. In addition to OCT’s extensive use in ophthalmology, both methods have shown some promise for other medical applications and non-destructive testing. In this paper, we present an iterative algorithm that combines the information from OCT and THz imaging at two different measurement locations within an object to determine both the depth of the reflecting layers at the two locations and the unknown refractive index of the medium for both the OCT wavelengths and THz frequencies. We validate this algorithm using a silicone test object with embedded layers and show that the depths and refractive index values obtained from the algorithm agreed with the measured values to within 3.3%. We further demonstrate for the first time that OCT and THz images can be co-registered and aligned using unsupervised image registration. Hence we show that a combined OCT/THz system can provide unique information beyond the capability of the separate modalities alone, with possible applications in the medical, industrial and pharmaceutical sectors

    Demonstration of a Near-IR Laser Comb for Precision Radial Velocity Measurements in Astronomy

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    We describe a successful effort to produce a laser comb around 1.55 ÎĽ\mum in the astronomical H band using a method based on a line-referenced, electro-optical-modulation frequency comb. We discuss the experimental setup, laboratory results, and proof of concept demonstrations at the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) and the Keck-II telescope. The laser comb has a demonstrated stability of << 200 kHz, corresponding to a Doppler precision of ~0.3 m/s. This technology, when coupled with a high spectral resolution spectrograph, offers the promise of <<1 m/s radial velocity precision suitable for the detection of Earth-sized planets in the habitable zones of cool M-type stars

    Chronic multichannel neural recordings from soft regenerative microchannel electrodes during gait

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    Reliably interfacing a nerve with an electrode array is one of the approaches to restore motor and sensory functions after an injury to the peripheral nerve. Accomplishing this with current technologies is challenging as the electrode-neuron interface often degrades over time, and surrounding myoelectric signals contaminate the neuro-signals in awake, moving animals. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the potential of microchannel electrode implants to monitor over time and in freely moving animals, neural activity from regenerating nerves. We designed and fabricated implants with silicone rubber and elastic thin-film metallization. Each implant carries an eight-by-twelve matrix of parallel microchannels (of 120\u2009 7\u2009110\u2009\u3bcm2 cross-section and 4\u2009mm length) and gold thin-film electrodes embedded in the floor of ten of the microchannels. After sterilization, the soft, multi-lumen electrode implant is sutured between the stumps of the sciatic nerve. Over a period of three months and in four rats, the microchannel electrodes recorded spike activity from the regenerating sciatic nerve. Histology indicates mini-nerves formed of axons and supporting cells regenerate robustly in the implants. Analysis of the recorded spikes and gait kinematics over the ten-week period suggests firing patterns collected with the microchannel electrode implant can be associated with different phases of gait

    5D gravity and the discrepant G measurements

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    It is shown that 5D Kaluza-Klein theory stabilized by an external bulk scalar field may solve the discrepant laboratory G measurements. This is achieved by an effective coupling between gravitation and the geomagnetic field. Experimental considerations are also addressed.Comment: 13 pages, to be published in: Proceedings of the 18th Course of the School on Cosmology and Gravitation: The gravitational Constant. Generalized gravitational theories and experiments (30 April-10 May 2003, Erice). Ed. by G. T. Gillies, V. N. Melnikov and V. de Sabbata, (Kluwer), 13pp. (in print) (2003

    Reddening law and interstellar dust properties along Magellanic sight-lines

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    This study establishes that SMC, LMC and Milky Way extinction curves obey the same extinction law which depends on the 2200A bump size and one parameter, and generalizes the Cardelli, Clayton and Mathis (1989) relationship. This suggests that extinction in all three galaxies is of the same nature. The role of linear reddening laws over all the visible/UV wavelength range, particularly important in the SMC but also present in the LMC and in the Milky Way, is also highlighted and discussed.Comment: accepted for publication in Astrophysics and Space Science. 16 pages, 12 figures. Some figures are colour plot

    Demonstration of a near-IR line-referenced electro-optical laser frequency comb for precision radial velocity measurements in astronomy

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    An important technique for discovering and characterizing planets beyond our solar system relies upon measurement of weak Doppler shifts in the spectra of host stars induced by the influence of orbiting planets. A recent advance has been the introduction of optical frequency combs as frequency references. Frequency combs produce a series of equally spaced reference frequencies and they offer extreme accuracy and spectral grasp that can potentially revolutionize exoplanet detection. Here we demonstrate a laser frequency comb using an alternate comb generation method based on electro-optical modulation, with the comb centre wavelength stabilized to a molecular or atomic reference. In contrast to mode-locked combs, the line spacing is readily resolvable using typical astronomical grating spectrographs. Built using commercial off-the-shelf components, the instrument is relatively simple and reliable. Proof of concept experiments operated at near-infrared wavelengths were carried out at the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility and the Keck-II telescope

    Interaction of an Archimedean spiral structure with orbital angular momentum light

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    Complementing the research of surface plasmon polariton vortices for Archimedean spiral structures grooved in gold platelets, we here study the analogous positive structure of an Archimedean spiral consisting of bent gold nanorods. We consider spirals of two different sizes, for which we perform numerical calculations with the boundary element method. For a micrometer-sized metallic structure we show that the scattered electric field forms a vortex in the centre of the spiral. When the spiral is illuminated by orbital angular momentum light, the topological charge of the vortex can be controlled. For a nanometer-sized plasmonic Archimedean spiral we find that the response to optical excitation is governed by several resonances. When the nanostructure is excited by orbital angular momentum light, different resonances appear compared to the excitation with plane waves. Our results highlight that the distinct architecture of the Archimedean spiral responds in a unique way to the excitation with orbital angular momentum light

    Searching for Exoplanets Using a Microresonator Astrocomb

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    Detection of weak radial velocity shifts of host stars induced by orbiting planets is an important technique for discovering and characterizing planets beyond our solar system. Optical frequency combs enable calibration of stellar radial velocity shifts at levels required for detection of Earth analogs. A new chip-based device, the Kerr soliton microcomb, has properties ideal for ubiquitous application outside the lab and even in future space-borne instruments. Moreover, microcomb spectra are ideally suited for astronomical spectrograph calibration and eliminate filtering steps required by conventional mode-locked-laser frequency combs. Here, for the calibration of astronomical spectrographs, we demonstrate an atomic/molecular line-referenced, near-infrared soliton microcomb. Efforts to search for the known exoplanet HD 187123b were conducted at the Keck-II telescope as a first in-the-field demonstration of microcombs
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