16 research outputs found

    Quali sono le ragioni delle Missed Care? Risultato di uno studio bilaterale. Ragioni delle Missed Care

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    Evidence of missed nursing care in clinical practice has been well documented; however, fewer studies highlighting why care is missed have been conducted and this prevents effective interventions aimed at minimizing the missed care

    Ethical elements in priority setting in nursing care: A scoping review

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    Background: Nurses are often responsible for the care of many patients at the same time and have to prioritise their daily nursing care activities. Prioritising the different assessed care needs and managing consequential conflicting expectations, challenges nurses’ professional and moral values. Objective: To explore and illustrate the key aspects of the ethical elements of the prioritisation of nursing care and its consequences for nurses. Design, data sources and methods: A scoping review was used to analyse existing empirical research on the topics of priority setting, prioritisation and rationing in nursing care, including the related ethical issues. The selection of material was conducted in three stages: research identification using two data bases, CINAHL and MEDLINE. Out of 2024 citations 25 empirical research articles were analysed using inductive content analysis. Results: Nurses prioritised patient care or participated in the decision-making at the bedside and at unit, organisational and at societal levels. Bedside priority setting, the main concern of nurses, focused on patients’ daily care needs, prioritising work by essential tasks and participating in priority setting for patients’ access to care. Unit level priority setting focused on processes and decisions about bed allocation and fairness. Nurses participated in organisational and societal level priority setting through discussion about the priorities. Studies revealed priorities set by nurses include prioritisation between patient groups, patients having specific diseases, the severity of the patient's situation, age, and the perceived good that treatment and care brings to patients. The negative consequences of priority setting activity were nurses’ moral distress, missed care, which impacts on both patient outcomes and nursing professional practice and quality of care compromise. Conclusions: Analysis of the ethical elements, the causes, concerns and consequences of priority setting, need to be studied further to reveal the underlying causes of priority setting for nursing staff. Prioritising has been reported to be difficult for nurses. Therefore there is a need to study the elements and processes involved in order to determine what type of education and support nurses require to assist them in priority setting. © 2018 Elsevier Lt

    Maturação da uva niágara rosada cultivada em estufa de plástico e a céu aberto Maturation of red niagara grapes cultivated under plastic greenhouse and in the natural condition

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    Objetivando avaliar o efeito da estufa de plástico na evolução da maturação da uva Vitis labrusca L. cv. Niágara Rosada, conduziu-se este experimento de julho de 1994 a janeiro de 1995, em Bento Gonçalves, RS. As plantas foram submetidas a dois sistemas de cultivo (estufa e a céu aberto) e a três épocas de poda (21 de julho, 1&ordm; e 11 de agosto de 1994). Avaliaram-se a evolução do &ordm;Brix, densidade, pH, acidez total e &ordm;Brix/acidez total do mosto. Videiras cultivadas na estufa propiciaram, em todas as épocas de poda, uma maior precocidade na maturação da uva. Esta precocidade foi de 17 a 25 dias (média de 21 dias) quando a uva atingiu 15&ordm;Brix e de 20 a 33 dias (média de 27 dias) com 18&ordm;Brix, variando em função da data de poda. Considerando o efeito da estufa na fenologia da videira e a época de poda, verificou-se que a poda mais precoce proporcionou uma antecipação da maturação da uva de 32 dias e preços cinco vezes maiores quando comparada com a época normal da poda da videira na Serra Gaúcha.<br>The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of the plastic greenhouse on the maturation of Red Niagara (Vitis labrusca L.) grapevines. The experiment was carried out in Bento Gonçalves, RS, Brazil, from July 1994 to January 1995. There were two cultural systems (greenhouse and natural condition) and three pruning times for each system (July 21 and August 1st and 11). The variables evaluated in the must were &ordm;Brix, density, pH, total acidity, and &ordm;Brix/total acidity. Grapevines cultivated in the greenhouse accelerated the process of maturation in all pruning times. Grape maturity was anticipated from 17 to 25 days (average of 21 days) when reached 15&ordm;Brix and from 20 to 33 days (average of 27 days) with 18&ordm;Brix, varying according to the pruning time. However, considering the greenhouse effect on both the grapevine phenology and the pruning time, grapevines early pruned showed an anticipation of harvest of 32 days when compared to the normal pruning time in the Serra Gaúcha region. This anticipation of grape maturation could allow prices five times higher when harvested with 15&ordm;Brix than those obtained with grapes grown in the natural condition