266 research outputs found

    Canonical Transformation Path to Gauge Theories of Gravity

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    In this paper, the generic part of the gauge theory of gravity is derived, based merely on the action principle and on the general principle of relativity. We apply the canonical transformation framework to formulate geometrodynamics as a gauge theory. The starting point of our paper is constituted by the general De~Donder-Weyl Hamiltonian of a system of scalar and vector fields, which is supposed to be form-invariant under (global) Lorentz transformations. Following the reasoning of gauge theories, the corresponding locally form-invariant system is worked out by means of canonical transformations. The canonical transformation approach ensures by construction that the form of the action functional is maintained. We thus encounter amended Hamiltonian systems which are form-invariant under arbitrary spacetime transformations. This amended system complies with the general principle of relativity and describes both, the dynamics of the given physical system's fields and their coupling to those quantities which describe the dynamics of the spacetime geometry. In this way, it is unambiguously determined how spin-0 and spin-1 fields couple to the dynamics of spacetime. A term that describes the dynamics of the free gauge fields must finally be added to the amended Hamiltonian, as common to all gauge theories, to allow for a dynamic spacetime geometry. The choice of this "dynamics Hamiltonian" is outside of the scope of gauge theory as presented in this paper. It accounts for the remaining indefiniteness of any gauge theory of gravity and must be chosen "by hand" on the basis of physical reasoning. The final Hamiltonian of the gauge theory of gravity is shown to be at least quadratic in the conjugate momenta of the gauge fields -- this is beyond the Einstein-Hilbert theory of General Relativity.Comment: 16 page

    Collective mechanism of dilepton production in high-energy nuclear collisions

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    Collective bremsstrahlung of vector meson fields in relativistic nuclear collisions is studied within the time-dependent Walecka model. Mutual deceleration of the colliding nuclei is described by introducing the effective stopping time and average rapidity loss of baryons. It is shown that electromagnetic decays of virtual omega-mesons produced by bremsstrahlung mechanism can provide a substantial contribution to the soft dilepton yield at the SPS bombarding energies. In particular, it may be responsible for the dilepton enhancement observed in 160 AGev central Pb+Au collisions. Suggestions for future experiments to estimate the relative contribution of the collective mechanism are given.Comment: 6 page

    Fluid Dynamics of Relativistic Quantum Dust

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    The microscopic transport equations for free fields are solved using the Schwinger function. Thus, for general initial conditions, the evolution of the energy-momentum tensor is obtained, incorporating the quantum effects exactly. The result for relativistic fermions differs from classical hydrodynamics, which is illustrated for Landau and Bjorken type initial conditions in this model of exploding primordial matter. Free fermions behave like classical dust concerning hydrodynamic observables. However, quantum effects which are present in the initial state are preserved.Comment: 5 pages; LaTe

    Dilepton production by bremsstrahlung of meson fields in nuclear collisions

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    We study the bremsstrahlung of virtual omega mesons due to the collective deceleration of nuclei at the initial stage of an ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collision. It is shown that electromagnetic decays of these mesons may give an important contribution to the observed yields of dileptons. Mass spectra of positron-electron and muon pairs produced in central Au+Au collisions are calculated under some simplifying assumptions on the space-time variation of the baryonic current in a nuclear collision process. Comparison with the CERES data for 160 AGev Pb+Au collisions shows that the proposed mechanism gives a noticeable fraction of the observed lepton pairs in the intermediate region of invariant masses. Sensitivity of the dilepton yield to the in-medium modification of masses and widths of vector mesons is demonstrated.Comment: 14 page

    Collapse of Flux Tubes

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    The dynamics of an idealized, infinite, MIT-type flux tube is followed in time as the interior evolves from a pure gluon field to a q‾ q\overline q \ q plasma. We work in color U(1). q‾ q\overline q\ q pair formation is evaluated according to the Schwinger mechanism using the results of Brink and Pavel. The motion of the quarks toward the tube endcaps is calculated by a Boltzmann equation including collisions. The tube undergoes damped radial oscillations until the electric field settles down to zero. The electric field stabilizes the tube against pinch instabilities; when the field vanishes, the tube disintegrates into mesons. There is only one free parameter in the problem, namely the initial flux tube radius, to which the results are very sensitive. Among various quantities calculated is the mean energy of the emitted pions.Comment: 16 pages plus 12 figures. RevTex3. DOE/ER/40427-160N9

    Relativistic Kinetic Equations for Electromagnetic, Scalar and Pseudoscalar Interactions

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    We derive the kinetic equations for both the covariant and equal-time Wigner functions of Dirac particles with electromagnetic, scalar and pseudoscalar interactions. We emphasize the constraint equations for the spinor components in the equal-time formulation.Comment: 12 pages, no figures, revte

    Coherent photon bremsstrahlung and dynamics of heavy-ion collisions: comparison of different models

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    Differential spectra of coherent photon bremsstrahlung in relativistic heavy ion collisions are calculated within various schematic models of the projectile-target stopping. Two versions of the degradation length model, based on a phenomenological deceleration law, are considered. The simple shock wave model is studied analytically. The predictions of these models agree in the soft photon limit, where the spectrum is determined only by the final velocity distribution of charged particles. The results of these models in the case of central Au+Au collisions at various bombarding energies are compared with the predictions of the microscopic transport model UrQMD. It is shown that at the AGS energy the coherent photon bremsstrahlung exceeds the photon yield from π0\pi^0-decays at photon energies \omega\loo 50 MeV.Comment: 23 pages RevTeX, 9 eps Figure

    Bremsstrahlung from a Microscopic Model of Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions

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    We compute bremsstrahlung arising from the acceleration of individual charged baryons and mesons during the time evolution of high-energy Au+Au collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider using a microscopic transport model. We elucidate the connection between bremsstrahlung and charge stopping by colliding artificial pure proton on pure neutron nuclei. From the intensity of low energy bremsstrahlung, the time scale and the degree of stopping could be accurately extracted without measuring any hadronic observables.Comment: 25 pages using revtex with 9 embedded EPS figures, modified somewhat the discussion on the method in sect. II B, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Chiral phase properties of finite size quark droplets in the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model

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    Chiral phase properties of finite size hadronic systems are investigated within the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model. Finite size effects are taken into account by making use of the multiple reflection expansion. We find that, for droplets with relatively small baryon numbers, chiral symmetry restoration is enhanced by the finite size effects. However the radius of the stable droplet does not change much, as compared to that without the multiple reflection expansion.Comment: RevTex4, 9 pages, 6 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.
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