26 research outputs found

    How can microbial population genomics inform community ecology?

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    Populations are fundamental units of ecology and evolution, but can we define them for bacteria and archaea in a biologically meaningful way? Here, we review why population structure is difficult to recognize in microbes and how recent advances in measuring contemporary gene flow allow us to identify clearly delineated populations among collections of closely related genomes. Such structure can arise from preferential gene flow caused by coexistence and genetic similarity, defining populations based on biological mechanisms. We show that such gene flow units are sufficiently genetically isolated for specific adaptations to spread, making them also ecological units that are differentially adapted compared to their closest relatives. We discuss the implications of these observations for measuring bacterial and archaeal diversity in the environment. We show that operational taxonomic units defined by 16S rRNA gene sequencing have woefully poor resolution for ecologically defined populations and propose monophyletic clusters of nearly identical ribosomal protein genes as an alternative measure for population mapping in community ecological studies employing metagenomics. These population-based approaches have the potential to provide much-needed clarity in interpreting the vast microbial diversity in human and environmental microbiomes. This article is part of the theme issue 'Conceptual challenges in microbial community ecology'.National Science Foundation (Grant NSF1831730

    Host Association and Spatial Proximity Shape but Do Not Constrain Population Structure in the Mutualistic Symbiont Xenorhabdus bovienii

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    ABSTRACT To what extent are generalist species cohesive evolutionary units rather than a compilation of recently diverged lineages? We examine this question in the context of host specificity and geographic structure in the insect pathogen and nematode mutualist Xenorhabdus bovienii. This bacterial species partners with multiple nematode species across two clades in the genus Steinernema. We sequenced the genomes of 42 X. bovienii strains isolated from four different nematode species and three field sites within a 240-km2 region and compared them to globally available reference genomes. We hypothesized that X. bovienii would comprise several host-specific lineages, such that bacterial and nematode phylogenies would be largely congruent. Alternatively, we hypothesized that spatial proximity might be a dominant signal, as increasing geographic distance might lower shared selective pressures and opportunities for gene flow. We found partial support for both hypotheses. Isolates clustered largely by nematode host species but did not strictly match the nematode phylogeny, indicating that shifts in symbiont associations across nematode species and clades have occurred. Furthermore, both genetic similarity and gene flow decreased with geographic distance across nematode species, suggesting differentiation and constraints on gene flow across both factors, although no absolute barriers to gene flow were observed across the regional isolates. Several genes associated with biotic interactions were found to be undergoing selective sweeps within this regional population. The interactions included several insect toxins and genes implicated in microbial competition. Thus, gene flow maintains cohesiveness across host associations in this symbiont and may facilitate adaptive responses to a multipartite selective environment. IMPORTANCE Microbial populations and species are notoriously hard to delineate. We used a population genomics approach to examine the population structure and the spatial scale of gene flow in Xenorhabdus bovienii, an intriguing species that is both a specialized mutualistic symbiont of nematodes and a broadly virulent insect pathogen. We found a strong signature of nematode host association, as well as evidence for gene flow connecting isolates associated with different nematode host species and collected from distinct study sites. Furthermore, we saw signatures of selective sweeps for genes involved with nematode host associations, insect pathogenicity, and microbial competition. Thus, X. bovienii exemplifies the growing consensus that recombination not only maintains cohesion but can also allow the spread of niche-beneficial alleles

    High-Throughput Microfluidic Single-Cell Digital Polymerase Chain Reaction

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    Here we present an integrated microfluidic device for the high-throughput digital polymerase chain reaction (dPCR) analysis of single cells. This device allows for the parallel processing of single cells and executes all steps of analysis, including cell capture, washing, lysis, reverse transcription, and dPCR analysis. The cDNA from each single cell is distributed into a dedicated dPCR array consisting of 1020 chambers, each having a volume of 25 pL, using surface-tension-based sample partitioning. The high density of this dPCR format (118 900 chambers/cm<sup>2</sup>) allows the analysis of 200 single cells per run, for a total of 204 000 PCR reactions using a device footprint of 10 cm<sup>2</sup>. Experiments using RNA dilutions show this device achieves shot-noise-limited performance in quantifying single molecules, with a dynamic range of 10<sup>4</sup>. We performed over 1200 single-cell measurements, demonstrating the use of this platform in the absolute quantification of both high- and low-abundance mRNA transcripts, as well as micro-RNAs that are not easily measured using alternative hybridization methods. We further apply the specificity and sensitivity of single-cell dPCR to performing measurements of RNA editing events in single cells. High-throughput dPCR provides a new tool in the arsenal of single-cell analysis methods, with a unique combination of speed, precision, sensitivity, and specificity. We anticipate this approach will enable new studies where high-performance single-cell measurements are essential, including the analysis of transcriptional noise, allelic imbalance, and RNA processing

    Viruses of the Nahant Collection, characterization of 251 marine Vibrionaceae viruses

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    Viruses are highly discriminating in their interactions with host cells and are thought to play a major role in maintaining diversity of environmental microbes. However, large-scale ecological and genomic studies of co-occurring virus-host pairs, required to characterize the mechanistic and genomic foundations of virus-host interactions, are lacking. Here, we present the largest dataset of cultivated and sequenced co-occurring virus-host pairs that captures ecologically representative fine-scale diversity. Using the ubiquitous and ecologically diverse marine Vibrionaceae as a host platform, we isolate and sequence 251 dsDNA viruses and their hosts from three time points within a 93-day time-series study. The virus collection includes representatives of the three Caudovirales tailed virus morphotypes, a novel family of nontailed viruses, and the smallest (10,046 bp) and largest (348,911 bp) Vibrio virus genomes described. We provide general characterization and annotation of the viruses and describe read-mapping protocols to standardize genome presentation. The rich ecological and genomic contextualization of hosts and viruses make the Nahant Collection a unique platform for high-resolution studies of environmental virus-host infection networks.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (OCE 1435993

    Virfam annotation of viruses of the Nahant Collection.

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    Virfam annotation of the tailed viruses of the Nahant Collection -provides predicted morphotype and assignment to categories based on head-neck-tail modules

    High-throughput microfluidic single-cell RT-qPCR

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    A long-sought milestone in microfluidics research has been the development of integrated technology for scalable analysis of transcription in single cells. Here we present a fully integrated microfluidic device capable of performing high-precision RT-qPCR measurements of gene expression from hundreds of single cells per run. Our device executes all steps of single-cell processing, including cell capture, cell lysis, reverse transcription, and quantitative PCR. In addition to higher throughput and reduced cost, we show that nanoliter volume processing reduced measurement noise, increased sensitivity, and provided single nucleotide specificity. We apply this technology to 3,300 single-cell measurements of (i) miRNA expression in K562 cells, (ii) coregulation of a miRNA and one of its target transcripts during differentiation in embryonic stem cells, and (iii) single nucleotide variant detection in primary lobular breast cancer cells. The core functionality established here provides the foundation from which a variety of on-chip single-cell transcription analyses will be developed

    A conserved Bacteroidetes antigen induces anti-inflammatory intestinal T lymphocytes

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    The microbiome contributes to the development and maturation of the immune system. In response to commensal bacteria, intestinal CD4 + T lymphocytes differentiate into functional subtypes with regulatory or effector functions. The development of small intestine intraepithelial lymphocytes that coexpress CD4 and CD8αα homodimers (CD4IELs) depends on the microbiota. However, the identity of the microbial antigens recognized by CD4 + T cells that can differentiate into CD4IELs remains unknown. We identified β-hexosaminidase, a conserved enzyme across commensals of the Bacteroidetes phylum, as a driver of CD4IEL differentiation. In a mouse model of colitis, β-hexosaminidase–specific lymphocytes protected against intestinal inflammation. Thus, T cells of a single specificity can recognize a variety of abundant commensals and elicit a regulatory immune response at the intestinal mucosa. </jats:p