57 research outputs found

    Evolution of <I>Vibrio cholerae</I> El Tor and Detection of Their Gene-Variants in the Caucasus

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    , rstC genes), and 7 strains – to the genotype I. Genotypes I and II (genetically altered ones) are the hybrid variants of the El Tor biovar producing CT of the first type


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    The aim of the study was to establish the clinical and laboratory  features of Lyme borreliosis (LB) and borreliosis caused by Borrelia miyamotoi in adults from Novosibirsk region.Materials and methods. The study included 724 patients, residents of the Novosibirsk region, hospitalized with a  fever that arose after a tick bite in the epidemic seasons 2015–2017. In all patients, clinical manifestations of the disease, hemogram  parameters and biochemical parameters of blood serum were  studied. DNA of B. miyamotoi was detected in blood and  cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of patients using nested PCR; the results  were confirmed by direct sequencing of PCR fragments. LB was  diagnosed by the presence of erythema migrans as well as by the  detection of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato DNA by PCR and/or  specific IgM by ELISA. Results and discussion. B. miyamotoi DNA of the Asian type was  identified in samples from 10,2% of 724 examined patients, LB with  erythema migrans was diagnosed in 16,0% of patients, and LB  without erythema migrans was revealed in 4,6% of patients. All  patients with B. miyamotoi infection had high or moderate fever and  symptoms of intoxication in the absence of erythema migrans;  13,5% of patients with B. miyamotoi had meningeal symptoms  without any changes in the CSF. Notably, the changes in leukocyte  formula were recorded more often in patients with B. miyamotoi  compared to those with LB (p &lt;0,05).In patients with B. miyamotoi  infection, the increase in the activity of serum transaminases was poorly expressed, however their average values were higher than in patients with LB with erythema migrans (p &lt;0,05).The conclusion. Nonspecific symptoms of the disease caused by B.  miyamotoi have been established. These studies are the basis for  inclusion the detection of B. miyamotoi DNA in blood samples using  PCR into the complex of examination for patients with a fever after the tick bite.Цель исследования – установить клинико-лабораторные особенности иксодовых  клещевых боррелиозов и боррелиоза, вызванного Borrelia miyamotoi, у взрослых жителей Новосибирской области.Материалы и методы. В исследование включено 724 больных, жителей Новосибирской  области, госпитализированных с лихорадкой, возникшей после укуса клеща в  эпидемических сезонах 2015–2017 гг. У всех пациентов изучены клинические проявления  заболевания, показатели гемограммы и биохимические показатели сыворотки крови.  Методом двухраундовой ПЦР выявляли ДНК B. miyamotoi в крови и ликворе, результаты  подтверждали секвенированием обнаруженных ПЦР-фрагментов. Иксодовый клещевой  боррелиоз (ИКБ) диагностировали по наличию мигрирующей эритемы, а также на основании выявления ДНК Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato методом ПЦР и/или специфических IgM методом ИФА.Результаты и обсуждение. Из числа 724 больных у 10,2% в крови выявлена ДНК B.  miyamotoi азиатского типа, у 16,0% диагностирована эритемная и у 4,6% безэритемная  формы ИКБ. При боррелиозе, вызванном B. miyamotoi, наблюдались высокая и умеренная  лихорадка и симптомы интоксикации при отсутствии мигрирующей эритемы; у 13,5%  больных отмечались менингеальные симптомы без воспалительных изменений в ликворе;  относительный нейтрофилез и палочкоядерный сдвиг лейкоцитарной формулы  регистрировались чаще по сравнению с ИКБ (р &lt;0,05). Повышение активности сывороточных трансаминаз было слабо выраженным, их средние показатели  были выше по сравнению с эритемной формой ИКБ (p&lt;0,05).Заключение. Установлена неспецифичность симптомов заболевания, вызванного В.  miyamotoi. Данные исследования являются основанием для включения в комплекс  обследования пациентов с лихорадкой после укуса клеща, наряду с традиционными  методами лабораторной диагностики ИКБ, проведения анализа образцов крови методом ПЦР на наличие ДНК B. miyamoto

    Management of the Investigation and Detection of Legionellosis Agent in the Environmental Samples during the Preparation and Holding of the XXII Winter Olympics and XI Paralympics in Sochi

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    Provided are the data on the management and carrying out of the laboratory control over the hot-water supply systems of the sports venues and accommodation areas for the presence of Legionella pneumophila during the XXII Olympics and XI Paralympics in Sochi, 2014. Inspected have been 105 facilities. The samples from 37 of them showed positive. L. pneumophila DNA concentration varies between 2.19·102 and 3.92·107 genome equivalents (g.e.)/l. By means of bacteriological investigation detected have been legionella colonies in the water supply systems of 16 facilities, at one of the items - the loading is over 1·104 colony-forming units/l. Performed has been comparative analysis of the results obtained using PCR assay and bacteriological test. Based on the genotyping of 7 isolated strains serogroup 1 and 2 strains of 2-14 serogroups it is concluded that L. pneumophila strains circulating in the resort town Sochi are genetically heterogeneous

    Clinical and laboratory characteristics of diseases caused by Borrelia spp. in the inhabitants of the Novosibirsk region in 2015–2017

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    The aim of the study was to establish the clinical and laboratory  features of Lyme borreliosis (LB) and borreliosis caused by Borrelia miyamotoi in adults from Novosibirsk region.Materials and methods. The study included 724 patients, residents of the Novosibirsk region, hospitalized with a  fever that arose after a tick bite in the epidemic seasons 2015–2017. In all patients, clinical manifestations of the disease, hemogram  parameters and biochemical parameters of blood serum were  studied. DNA of B. miyamotoi was detected in blood and  cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of patients using nested PCR; the results  were confirmed by direct sequencing of PCR fragments. LB was  diagnosed by the presence of erythema migrans as well as by the  detection of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato DNA by PCR and/or  specific IgM by ELISA. Results and discussion. B. miyamotoi DNA of the Asian type was  identified in samples from 10,2% of 724 examined patients, LB with  erythema migrans was diagnosed in 16,0% of patients, and LB  without erythema migrans was revealed in 4,6% of patients. All  patients with B. miyamotoi infection had high or moderate fever and  symptoms of intoxication in the absence of erythema migrans;  13,5% of patients with B. miyamotoi had meningeal symptoms  without any changes in the CSF. Notably, the changes in leukocyte  formula were recorded more often in patients with B. miyamotoi  compared to those with LB (p &lt;0,05).In patients with B. miyamotoi  infection, the increase in the activity of serum transaminases was poorly expressed, however their average values were higher than in patients with LB with erythema migrans (p &lt;0,05).The conclusion. Nonspecific symptoms of the disease caused by B.  miyamotoi have been established. These studies are the basis for  inclusion the detection of B. miyamotoi DNA in blood samples using  PCR into the complex of examination for patients with a fever after the tick bite