35 research outputs found

    Частицы синтетических полимеров в свежевыпавшем снеге на северо-западе Кольского полуострова в 2020–2021 гг.

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    Pollution of the hydrosphere, the atmosphere and the upper lithosphere by synthetic polymers has now become a global human problem. In this connection, a study of newly fallen solid precipitation was carried out from December 2020 to April 2021 in the north-west of the Kola Peninsula to identify polymeric particles that could be absorbed from the atmosphere by snow crystals. Snow sampling was carried out along highways at a distance from roads in calm weather. In the laboratory, melt snow water was filtered through nuclear filters, which were scanned under a binocular MBS-10 microscope to take account of insoluble polymer fibers. Simultaneously, filters stained with a Nile Red solution were analyzed under a Carl Zeiss AxioImager D1epifluorescent microscope for microplastic investigations. Synthetic polymer particles were identified among the aerosol material. The polymeric particle composition was strongly dominated by irregularly shaped polymer micro-fragments. Polymer macrofibres and polymer microfibers were also constantly present. By the research carried out the first assessment of polymeric particles flows to the earth surface with solid precipitation in the north-west of the Kola Peninsula was done.Загрязнение гидросферы, атмосферы и верхней части литосферы синтетическими полимерами признано в настоящее время глобальной проблемой человечества, в рамках решения которой одной из приоритетных задач является выявление путей и масштабов миграции полимерных частиц. В связи с этим с декабря 2020 г. по апрель 2021 г. на северо-западе Кольского полуострова были проведены исследования свежевыпавших твердых атмосферных осадков с целью выявления в них полимерных частиц, которые могли быть абсорбированы из атмосферы кристаллами снега. В талой снеговой воде полимерные частицы идентифицировались под бинокулярным микроскопом МБС-10 и эпифлуоресцентным микроскопом Carl Zeiss AxioImager D1. Данные о потоках полимерных частиц на поверхность земли с твердыми атмосферными осадками на северо-западе Кольского полуострова получены впервые

    Нерастворимые фракции аэрозолей и тяжёлых металлов в свежевыпавшем снеге на северо-западе Кольского полуострова в 2018 г.

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    As a result of studies of newly fallen snow in the North of the Kola Peninsula, it was found that from January to May 2018 its density amounted, on the average, to 0.160±0.006 g/cm3 (n = 82), and pH of melted snow water - 6.87±0.14 (n = 47). Neutral and slightly alkaline reaction of snow water impedes the mobility of heavy metals in the insoluble fraction of aerosols. In loose fresh snow (density less than 0.2 g/cm3) the content of solid aerosols increases as the snow density grows. The average concentration of solid aerosol particles in freshly fallen snow is 4.04±0.24 mg/l (n = 47). Over the winter period of 2018 (120 days), about 1.85-2.37 thousand tons of aerosol substance precipitated on the underlying surface of the area under investigation. The daily deposition of aerosols averaged 1.03-1.33 mg m-2, and together with solid precipitation, mg m-2 day-1: Zn - 12.5-14.2, Cu - 2.2-2.5, Pb - 0.58-0.66, Cd - 0.31-0.42. According to the results of our researches, two impact areas were previously identified, both allocated to large regional centers. The Murmansk coast is divided into three background areas, each of which corresponds to its natural landscape complex.С января по май 2018 г. на северо-западе Кольского полуострова проведено исследование концентраций твёрдых нерастворимых частиц в свежевыпавшем снеге, а также потока твёрдых аэрозолей на поверхность земли в зимний период. Средняя концентрация твёрдых нерастворимых частиц в свежевыпавшем снеге составляет 4,04±0,24 мг/л (п = 47), что выше фоновых значений для западной Арктики. Поток твёрдых аэрозольных частиц в среднем равен 2,10±0,09 мг м2 за один снегопад

    Therapeutic properties of a vector carrying the HSV thymidine kinase and GM-CSF genes and delivered as a complex with a cationic copolymer

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    Vertical particle fluxes of sediment matter in the White Sea and western Arctic seas

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    Studies of vertical particle fluxes were carried out in 2006-2007 in the Dalnezelenetskaya Inlet of the Barents Sea and in the Chupa Inlet of the White Sea. Average annual particle flux volume in the Dalnezelenetskaya Inlet was 20-21 cm**3/m**2/day, or 1350-1400 mg/m**2/day, while in the Chupa Inlet it was 17-18 cm**3/m**2/day, or 500-550 mg/m**2/day. Sediment matter is mostly represented by flocculent detritus less than 100 µm in size. Currently estimated sedimentation rate is 0.9-1.1 mm/a in the Dalnezelenetskaya Inlet and 0.3-1.0 mm/a in the Chupa Inlet

    Abrasion and algal fouling of coarse material on the Murman littoral

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    On the Murmansk coast of the Barents Sea the boulder littoral zone is widely spread mostly covered by Fucus communities. This is one of the most productive benthic communities of the Barents Sea. The studies of intertidal communities have the long history, but the dynamics of intertidal ecosystems due to surf and storms is not clear. The goal of the work is to identify the leading factors that determine the rate of abrasion of coarse material and fouling algae-macrophytes of the intertidal zone of Murman. The study has been conducted in the Zelenetskaya Bay of the Barents Sea on the basis of the biological station of the MMBI KSC RAS. The rate of abrasion has been carried out during 2004–2013, phyto-overgrowing – 2009–2013. In three pilot landfills 12 samples of coarse material have been exposed during the year (from July to next July). The weight change of the sample as well as species composition and biomass of algae of fouling communities have been investigated. The influence of the surf intensity, temperature of water and air has been analyzed (univariate analysis of variance ANOVA has been applied). It has been shown that on the littoral of the Murmansk coast the abrasion of coarse material is determined primarily by the number of storms, so the storm rate has been proposed. It has been revealed that the density of fouling boulders with macroalgae depends primarily on the intensity of the surf and the average gradient of air temperature. The basis for the emerging communities of annual species are green (Acrosiphonia arcta, Blidingia minima, Spongomorpha aeruginosa) and brown algae (Pylaiella littoralis, Dictyosiphon chordaria). These algae groups are found everywhere in Fucus communities of the boulder intertidal zone of the Murman coast and probably they are the intermediate stage of fouling the coarse-grained materia

    Insoluble fractions of aerosols and heavy metals in fresh snow in the North-West of the Kola Peninsula in 2018

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    As a result of studies of newly fallen snow in the North of the Kola Peninsula, it was found that from January to May 2018 its density amounted, on the average, to 0.160±0.006 g/cm3 (n = 82), and pH of melted snow water - 6.87±0.14 (n = 47). Neutral and slightly alkaline reaction of snow water impedes the mobility of heavy metals in the insoluble fraction of aerosols. In loose fresh snow (density less than 0.2 g/cm3) the content of solid aerosols increases as the snow density grows. The average concentration of solid aerosol particles in freshly fallen snow is 4.04±0.24 mg/l (n = 47). Over the winter period of 2018 (120 days), about 1.85-2.37 thousand tons of aerosol substance precipitated on the underlying surface of the area under investigation. The daily deposition of aerosols averaged 1.03-1.33 mg m-2, and together with solid precipitation, mg m-2 day-1: Zn - 12.5-14.2, Cu - 2.2-2.5, Pb - 0.58-0.66, Cd - 0.31-0.42. According to the results of our researches, two impact areas were previously identified, both allocated to large regional centers. The Murmansk coast is divided into three background areas, each of which corresponds to its natural landscape complex