10 research outputs found


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    Purpose of the study – search for morphological cause of failure for free tendon auto and allografts after ACL reconstruction of the knee joint in early postoperative period during in vivo experiment. Materials and methods. Experiment included two groups of rabbits, each group consisting of 9 animals. In the first group the authors performed ACL autografting by semitendinous tendon harvested from operated limb. In the second group, ACL allografting was made by foot flexor tendon harvested earlier in rabbits excluded from present or other experiments after pretreatment and sterilization in modified Belyakov’s medium. Results. The major cause for failure of ACL tendon grafts after reconstruction in early postoperative period is the necrosis of intraarticular portion of auto or allograft on the 15th day after the procedure. In case of overexposure of the graft in early period the authors observed rupture along intraarticular portion or - more probable - along the demarcation area (serrated line) rather than graft slipping from bone tunnel with slackening. Intra-tunnel graft portion during first several days after the procedure became surrounded by granulated tissue in contrast to intraarticular portion that remained bare of such support. Conclusion. Comparative experimental and morphological study of two options of ACL reconstruction demonstrated a uniformity of alterations in dynamics with a certain delay in development of compensatory and adaptive processes after allografting. Necrosis (or homogenization) of intraarticular portion of auto or allograft is the cause for potential failure of ACL reconstruction in case of an extremely early and unjustified active rehabilitation

    Диагностическая значимость уровней ДНК и антител к капсидному антигену вируса Эпштейна–Барр в плазме крови больных раком носоглотки в неэндемическом регионе

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    Epstein–Barr virus (EBV), a representative of the herpesvirus family, is the etiological agent for a number of benign and malignant human neoplasms. Among the latter, the nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) occupies a special place. In NPC development EBV plays a key role stimulating the progression of the pathological process from precancerous lesions to the cancer development. For most NPC patients, elevated levels of humoral IgG and IgA antibodies against capsid and early EBV antigens are characteristic and their antibody titers rise to high levels long before the diagnosis of cancer. Using this phenomenon, virus-specific antibodies are used for many years as markers for NPC screening, especially in cases of undiagnosed primary lesion. In recent years, in endemic for NPC regions (South China, South-East Asia) a great attention has been paid to the use of quantitative determination of EBV DNA copies in the blood plasma of patients with NPC as a method of early cancer detection and monitoring.The aim of this study was to compare clinical significance of EBV DNA and humoral antibodies levels in blood plasma of NPC patients in non-endemic region, Russia. The results obtained indicate that both markers DNA / EBV and IgA antibodies against capsid EBV antigens can be successfully used for diagnosis of NPC in non-endemic region. However, in comparison with the virus-specific antibody titers, the viral DNA levels in the patients plasma are more sensitive and specific as NPC marker reflecting the efficacy of the therapy, and the state of remission or relapse.Вирус Эпштейна – Барр (ВЭБ), представитель семейства герпес-вирусов человека, является этиологическим агентом для ряда доброкачественных и злокачественных новообразований человека. Среди последних особое место занимает рак носоглотки (РНГ). В его возникновении ВЭБ играет ключевую роль, стимулируя прогрессирование патологического процесса от предраковых поражений до появления злокачественной опухоли. Для большинства больных РНГ характерны повышенные уровни гуморальных IgI- и IgA- антител к капсидному и раннему антигенам ВЭБ, причем титры этих антител поднимаются до высоких уровней задолго до диагностического рака. При учете этого феномена уже многие годы вирусоспецифические антитела используются в качестве маркеров для диагностики РНГ, особенно в случаях невыявленного первичного очага. В последние годы в эндемичных для РНГ регионах (Южный Китай, страны Юго-Восточной Азии) проявлен большой интерес к использованию количественного определения копий ДНК ВЭБ в плазме крови больных РНГ в качестве метода раннего выявления рака и мониторинга опухолевого процесса.Цель исследования – сравнительная оценка клинической значимости уровней ДНК ВЭБ и гуморальных антител к вирусу в плазме крови больных РНГ в неэндемичном регионе (России). Полученные результаты свидетельствуют о том, что оба маркера: ДНК ВЭБ и IgA- антитела к капсидному антигену ВЭБ могут быть успешно использованы для диагностики РНГ в неэндемичном регионе. Однако по сравнению с вирусоспецифическими антителами число копий вирусной ДНК в плазме крови больных является более чувствительным и специфическим маркером, отражающим эффективность проведенной терапии, а также состояние ремиссии или рецидива болезни


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    Results of treating of 99 patients with differentiated thyroid cancer spreading beyond the capsule of the organ were analysed. In most cases with spreading the tumor to the tracheal rings performing of organ-preserving operations (from “window-like” tracheal resections to circular tracheal resection with intertracheal anastomosis) is possible. Choosing of type of operation to be performed depends on localisation and spread of tumor invasion of trachea, pharynx and esophagus. Using of combined operations in patients with locally-spread thyroid cancer allows to achieve long and stable remission in most of the cases


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    The paper analyzes the results of treatment in patients with papillary thyroid cancer, by applying a great deal of clinical material. Different prognostic factors have been studied for their influence on the survival of the patients after surgical treatment. The most optimal treatment policy is proposed to be defined for patients with this form of cancer on the basis of the association between the above factors

    Supraclavicular flap in the reconstruction of defects of the head and neck (literature review)

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    The article presents a literature review on the use of the displaced skin and fascial supraclavicular flap in the reconstruction of defects of the head and neck. Given that the flap was relatively recently introduced into clinical practice, we have found it necessary to consider the anatomical features, scope, intake flap technique, complications and long-term results


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    Reconstruction of head and neck defects after surgery for cancer remains challenging. The choice of the reconstruction technique  depends on the tumor size and localization, type of the defect,  patient’s age, concomitant diseases, and disease prognosis.  Surgeons have currently a broad range of material for reconstructive surgery, from free flaps to revascularized flaps. Microsurgical  reconstruction has made a revolution in treatment of patients with  complex head and neck defects. However, the use of this technique may not be advisable for some patients. The search for  new techniques is needed to improve functional and aesthetic results and reduce traumatism without compromising oncologic outcomes.  Thirty-six patients underwent surgery with reconstruction using the  submental island flap, a new alternative in the reconstruction of  various head and neck defects. The graft was taken after making a  neck incision for neck lymph node dissection. A few patients develop  total and marginal necrosis of the graft. Short- and long-term results showed no worsening of oncologic outcomes in the selected group of patients

    Locally advanced thyroid cancer: case report

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    The paper gives the results of treatment in a female patient with locally advanced thyroid cancer with a tumor thrombus in the internal jugular vein with laryngeal or tracheal involvement, and a giant metastasis into the bone of the vault of the skull