5,312 research outputs found

    Starbursts and black hole masses in X-shaped radio galaxies: Signatures of a merger event?

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    We present new spectroscopic identifications of 12 X-shaped radio galaxies and use the spectral data to derive starburst histories and masses of the nuclear supermassive black holes in these galaxies. The observations were done with the 2.1-m telescope of the Observatorio Astron\'omico Nacional at San Pedro M\'artir, M\'exico. The new spectroscopic results extend the sample of X-shaped radio galaxies studied with optical spectroscopy. We show that the combined sample of the X-shaped radio galaxies has statistically higher black-hole masses and older episodes of star formation than a control sample of canonical double-lobed radio sources with similar redshifts and luminosities. The data reveal enhanced star-formation activity in the X-shaped sample on the timescales expected in galactic mergers. We discuss the results obtained in the framework of the merger scenario.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Frequency combs and platicons in optical microresonators with normal GVD

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    We predict the existence of a novel type of the flat-top dissipative solitonic pulses, "platicons", in microresonators with normal group velocity dispersion (GVD). We propose methods to generate these platicons from cw pump. Their duration may be altered significantly by tuning the pump frequency. The transformation of a discrete energy spectrum of dark solitons of the Lugiato-Lefever equation into a quasicontinuous spectrum of platicons is demonstrated. Generation of similar structures is also possible with bi-harmonic, phase/amplitude modulated pump or via laser injection locking.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Extragalactic Relativistic Jets and Nuclear Regions in Galaxies

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    Past years have brought an increasingly wider recognition of the ubiquity of relativistic outflows (jets) in galactic nuclei, which has turned jets into an effective tool for investigating the physics of nuclear regions in galaxies. A brief summary is given here of recent results from studies of jets and nuclear regions in several active galaxies with prominent outflows.Comment: 5 pages; contribution to ESO Astrophysical Symposia, "Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology", eds. B. Aschenbach, V. Burwitz, G. Hasinger, B. Leibundgut (Springer: Heidelberg 2006

    Does the Borexino experiment have enough resolution to detect the neutrino flavor day-night asymmetry?

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    The Earth's density distribution can be approximately considered piecewise continuous at the scale of two-flavor oscillations of neutrinos with energies about 1 MeV. This quite general assumption appears to be enough to analytically calculate the day-night asymmetry factor. Using the explicit time averaging procedure, we show that, within the leading-order approximation, this factor is determined by the electron density immediately before the detector, i.e. in the Earth's crust. Within the approximation chosen, the resulting asymmetry factor does not depend either on the properties of the inner Earth's layers or on the substance and the dimensions of the detector. For beryllium neutrinos, we arrive at the asymmetry factor estimation of about 4×104-4 \times 10^{-4}, which is at least one order of magnitude beyond the present experimental resolution, including that of the Borexino experiment.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures; Talk given at the 17th International Seminar on High Energy Physics "QUARKS'2012" (Yaroslavl, Russia, June 4-10, 2012); to appear in the Proceedings volum

    Neutrino spin rotation in dense matter and electromagnetic field

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    Exact solutions of the Dirac--Pauli equation for massive neutrino with anomalous magnetic moment interacting with dense matter and strong electromagnetic field are found. The complete system of neutrino wavefunctions, which show spin rotation properties are obtained and their possible applications are discussed.Comment: 11 pages, latex, misprints are correcte

    Secondary recrystallization in Fe-3% Si alloy with (110)[001] single-component texture

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    After the primary recrystallization of a preliminarily deformed (110)[001] single crystal, the texture also has the preferred (110)[001] orientation. Furthermore, the texture contains weak orientations, a major part of which is formed at the sample surface and can be described by a spectrum of scattered orientations 120вЊ©210вЊ.351 вЊ©103вЊ. A further heating leads to two concurrent processes taking place in the samples, i.e., the normal growth of Goss grains and secondary recrystallization. Abnormally grown crystals are represented by a quartet of orientations related with the initial Goss orientation by a rotation around [011], [011̄], [101], and [101̄] axes at an angle of ∼30. The crystallographic relationship between the initial and final grain orientations can be explained by their closeness to special misorientations as follows: Σ9, Σ19a, Σ27a, and Σ33a (rotation around 〈110⌠axes to close angles). © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd