44 research outputs found

    The precision of molecular dynamics simulations and what we can learn from it?

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    We have investigated by molecular dynamics method the influence of a finite number of particles used in computer simulations on fluctuations of thermodynamic properties. As a case study, we used the two-dimensional Lennard-Jones system. 2D Lennard-Jones system, besides being an archetypal one, is a subject of long debate, as to whether it has continuous (infinite-order) or discontinuous (first-order) melting transition. We have found that anomalies on the equation of state (the van-der-Waals or Myer-Wood loops) previously considered a hallmark of the first order phase transition, are at best at the level of noise, since they have the same magnitude as the amplitude of pressure fluctuations. So, they could be regarded as statistically unsignificant effect. Also, we estimated inherent statistical noise, present in computer simulations, and came to conclusion, that it is larger, than predicted by statistical physics, and the difference between them (called algorithmic fluctuations) is possibly due to the computer-related issues. It was demonstrated that these fluctuations in principle could be observed in real-life physical experiments which would lead to practical resolution of The Matrix hypothesis

    Electrotransport and magnetic properies of Cr-GaSb spintronic materials synthesized under high pressure

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    Electrotarnsport and magnetic properties of new phases in the system Cr-GaSb were studied. The samples were prepared by high-pressure (P=6-8 GPa) high-temperature treatment and identified by x-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). One of the CrGa2_2Sb2_2 phases with an orthorhombic structure Iba2Iba2 has a combination of ferromagnetic and semiconductor properties and is potentially promising for spintronic applications. Another high-temperature phase is paramagnetic and identified as tetragonal I4/mcmI4/mcm

    Planar defects as a way to account for explicit anharmonicity in high temperature thermodynamic properties of silicon

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    Silicon is indispensable in semiconductor industry. Understanding its high-temperature thermodynamic properties is essential both for theory and applications. However, first-principle description of high-temperature thermodynamic properties of silicon (thermal expansion coefficient and specific heat) is still incomplete. Strong deviation of its specific heat at high temperatures from the Dulong-Petit law suggests substantial contribution of anharmonicity effects. We demonstrate, that anharmonicity is mostly due to two transverse phonon modes, propagating in (111) and (100) directions, and can be quantitatively described with formation of the certain type of nanostructured planar defects of the crystal structure. Calculation of these defects' formation energy enabled us to determine their input into the specific heat and thermal expansion coefficient. This contribution turns out to be significantly greater than the one calculated in quasi-harmonic approximation

    Glassy Dynamics Under Superhigh Pressure

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    Nearly all glass-forming liquids feature, along with the structural alpha-relaxation process, a faster secondary process (beta-relaxation), whose nature belongs to the great mysteries of glass physics. However, for some of these liquids, no well-pronounced secondary relaxation is observed. A prominent example is the archetypical glass-forming liquid glycerol. In the present work, by performing dielectric spectroscopy under superhigh pressures up to 6 GPa, we show that in glycerol a significant secondary relaxation peak appears in the dielectric loss at P > 3 GPa. We identify this beta-relaxation to be of Johari-Goldstein type and discuss its relation to the excess wing. We provide evidence for a smooth but significant increase of glass-transition temperature and fragility on increasing pressure.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, final version with minor changes according to referee demands and corrected Figs 1 and

    Observation of non-local dielectric relaxation in glycerol

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    Since its introduction, liquid viscosity and relaxation time Ï„\tau have been considered to be an intrinsic property of the system that is essentially local in nature and therefore independent of system size. We perform dielectric relaxation experiments in glycerol, and find that this is the case at high temperature only. At low temperature, Ï„\tau increases with system size and becomes non-local. We discuss the origin of this effect in a picture based on liquid elasticity length, the length over which local relaxation events in a liquid interact via induced elastic waves, and find good agreement between experiment and theory