48 research outputs found

    Characterization of Groups E6(3) and 2E6(3) by Gruenberg Kegel Graph

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    The Gruenberg Kegel graph (or the prime graph) Γ(G) of a nite group G is de ned as follows. The vertex set of Γ(G) is the set of all prime divisors of the order of G. Two distinct primes r and s regarded as vertices are adjacent in Γ(G) if and only if there exists an element of order rs in G. Suppose that L =≅ E6(3) or L ≅= 2E6(3). We prove that if G is a nite group such that Γ(G) = Γ(L), then G ≅= L. © 2021 Khramova A.P., Maslova N.V., Panshin V.V., Staroletov A.M. The work is supported by the Mathematical Center in Akademgorodok under the agreement 075-15-2019-1675 with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.The work is supported by the Mathematical Center in Akademgorodok under the agreement No. 075-15-2019-1675 with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation

    Analysis of the quality of life and the level of social well-being among college students

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    The aim of the study – to evaluate the indicators of quality of life and social well-being among adolescents studying at a technical college.Цель исследования – оценить показатели качества жизни и социального благополучия среди подростков, обучающихся в колледже

    Prevalence of sleep disorders in teenage girls in Irkutsk (questionnaire data)

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    Background. Adequate sleep ensures a person’s physical and psycho-emotional well-being. Adolescence is one of the critical stages of life. The exclusive attention of specialists and leveling the impact of adverse factors on the body during this period is the key to the proper development and preservation of the health of adolescents. Meanwhile, sleep problems in teenage girls remain poorly understood.The aim. To study the features of the sleep regime and quality of sleep of teenage girls in the city of Irkutsk.Materials and methods. A survey of 422 teenage girls in the city of Irkutsk was conducted using a translated version of a questionnaire about adolescent sleep habits to subjectively assess their sleep and wakefulness. Two groups were formed: group I – girls with sleep problems (n = 171); group II – girls without sleep problems (n = 251).Results. Sleep disorders among teenage girls in the city of Irkutsk occurred with a frequency of 40.52 %. In most cases, a complex effect of various unfavorable factors on the sleep process has been identified. The adolescents with sleep disorders we  examined were characterized by higher rates of sleep latency, later bedtime, earlier awakening, decreased time of night sleep, as well as changes in the sleep shift indicator towards its increase. These violations were noted both on weekdays and on weekends.Conclusions. Sleep problems were reported in 40.52% of respondents. The complex impact of various unfavorable factors on sleep quality has been revealed. The features of sleep hygiene of teenage girls are reflected. The group of girls with sleep problems was characterized by increased sleep latency, later bedtime, earlier awakening, reduced sleep time, and an increase in sleep shift

    Synchronous Behavior of Coupled Systems with Discrete Time

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    The dynamics of one-way coupled systems with discrete time is considered. The behavior of the coupled logistic maps is compared to the dynamics of maps obtained using the Poincare sectioning procedure applied to the coupled continuous-time systems in the phase synchronization regime. The behavior (previously considered as asynchronous) of the coupled maps that appears when the complete synchronization regime is broken as the coupling parameter decreases, corresponds to the phase synchronization of flow systems, and should be considered as a synchronous regime. A quantitative measure of the degree of synchronism for the interacting systems with discrete time is proposed.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Selective support for the development of regional vocational education services: The Russian experience

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    © 2016, Econjournals. All rights reserved.The paper relevance is reasoned by the optimization of management of regional vocational educational services. Russian regions differ from each other very much by social and economic indicators, as well as the climatic and geographical conditions. The Russian government initiated a number of reforms aimed at ensuring of equal access to vocational educational services and infrastructure across the country. One of the important components of such reforms is a targeted selective support for the development of regional vocational educational services. The paper aims to find out the specifics of selective support for the development of regional vocational educational services. The leading method is the method of action research, providing new information on the management of vocational education in the region and proposing methods for development of regional vocational educational services. The paper presents a selective mechanism to support the development of regional vocational educational services. Principles (consensus and initiative) are defined and methods (legal-regulatory, financial-economic, socio-political, information-communication, private-entrepreneurial, civil- initiative) are identified of selective support for the development of regional vocational educational services. It is found that the selective support for the development of regional vocational educational services is a component of the socio-economic development of the region and the imperative to improve the quality of life of the population. Article Submissions can be useful for research and teaching staff of vocational education, specialists of education authorities and regional authorities


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    The article presents the results of examination of 97 adolescent girls (mean age 14,96 ± 0,26 years) with hyperprolactinemia (PRL levels above 700 IU/ml): 30 adolescent girls with pituitary microprolactinoma (mean age 14,7 ± 3.2 years) and 67 adolescent girls with functional hyperprolactinemia (mean age 14,6 ± 3,4 years). The control group included 35 healthy adolescent girls (mean age 15,8 ± 0,89 years). Hyperprolactinemia (tumor and non-neoplastic) in puberty leads to disorders of sexual development and ovarian-menstrual cycle, followed by neurological symptoms. Elevated concentrations of testosterone, cortisol, DHEA, 17-OH-progesterone and LH/FSH ratio were shown in adolescents with hyperprolactinemia compared to the control group. Macroprolactinemia was estimated in 16,4—20 % of girls with hyperprolactinemia


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    Girls and teenaged girls of different ethnic groups living in Tofalaria during different age period were examined. The aim of this research was to establish the peculiarities of functioning of pituitary-thyroid system and metabolism of thyroid hormones in healthy girls and teenagers living under adverse climatic and geographical conditions depending on their ethnicity. It was set that in ethnic Tofs girls and in Europoids girls in age group of 7-11 there were differences in the content of the active fractions of thyroid hormones testifying different mechanisms of maintenance of thyroid homeostasis. These differences remain in age group of 12-14, when changes in pituitary section of the system are added to them. The functioning of pituitary-thyroid system-level of neuro-endocrine regulation in native girls of Tofalaria of 15-18 goes in more economical way. This is actually the result of genetically determined long-term adaptation of natives' organism to extreme climatic and geographical environmental factors

    Difficulties in managing a young child with recurrent bronchoobstructive syndrome

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    The aim of the study – demonstration of the difficulties in the diagnosis of diseases in the management of a patient of early childhood in the presence of recurrent bronchial obstruction.Цель исследования – продемонстрировать трудности в диагностике заболеваний при ведении пациента раннего детского возраста при наличии у него повторяющихся бронхообструкций