2,396 research outputs found

    Endomorphisms of the lattice of epigroup varieties

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    We examine varieties of epigroups as unary semigroups, that is semigroups equipped with an additional unary operation of pseudoinversion. The article contains two main results. The first of them indicates a countably infinite family of injective endomorphisms of the lattice of all epigroup varieties. An epigroup variety is said to be a variety of finite degree if all its nilsemigroups are nilpotent. The second result of the article provides a characterization of epigroup varieties of finite degree in a language of identities and in terms of minimal forbidden subvarieties. Note that the first result is essentially used in the proof of the second one.Comment: In comparison with the previous version, we eliminate a few typos onl

    Chain varieties of monoids

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    A variety of universal algebras is called a chain variety if its subvariety lattice is a chain. Non-group chain varieties of semigroups were completely classified by Sukhanov in 1982. Here we completely determine non-group chain varieties of monoids as algebras of tyoe (2,0).Comment: 76 pages, 3 figures, 3 tables. In comparison with the previous version, we made a number of linguistic corrections onl

    The lattice of varieties of implication semigroups

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    In 2012, the second author introduced and examined a new type of algebras as a generalization of De Morgan algebras. These algebras are of type (2,0) with one binary and one nullary operation satisfying two certain specific identities. Such algebras are called implication zroupoids. They invesigated in a number of articles by the second author and J.M.Cornejo. In these articles several varieties of implication zroupoids satisfying the associative law appeared. Implication zroupoids satisfying the associative law are called implication semigroups. Here we completely describe the lattice of all varieties of implication semigroups. It turns out that this lattice is non-modular and consists of 16 elements.Comment: Compared with the previous version, we rewrite Section 3 and add Appendixes A and

    On the interplay between Babai and Cerny's conjectures

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    Motivated by the Babai conjecture and the Cerny conjecture, we study the reset thresholds of automata with the transition monoid equal to the full monoid of transformations of the state set. For automata with nn states in this class, we prove that the reset thresholds are upper-bounded by 2n26n+52n^2-6n+5 and can attain the value n(n1)2\tfrac{n(n-1)}{2}. In addition, we study diameters of the pair digraphs of permutation automata and construct nn-state permutation automata with diameter n24+o(n2)\tfrac{n^2}{4} + o(n^2).Comment: 21 pages version with full proof

    Thermal radiation of conducting nanoparticles

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    The thermal radiation of small conducting particles was investigated in the region where the Stephan-Boltzmann law is not valid and strongly overestimates radiation losses. The new criterion for the particle size, at which black body radiation law fails, was formulated. The approach is based on the magnetic particle polarization, which is valid until very small sizes (cluster size) where due to drop of particle conductivity the electric polarization prevails over the magnetic one. It was also shown that the radiation power of clusters, estimated on the basis of the experimental data, is lower than that given by the Stephan-Boltzmann law.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Thermally activated intersubband scattering and oscillating magnetoresistance in quantum wells

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    Experimental studies of magnetoresistance in high-mobility wide quantum wells reveal oscillations which appear with an increase in temperature to 10 K and whose period is close to that of Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations. The observed phenomenon is identified as magnetointersubband oscillations caused by the scattering of electrons between two occupied subbands and the third subband which becomes occupied as a result of thermal activation. These small-period oscillations are less sensitive to thermal suppression than the largeperiod magnetointersubband oscillations caused by the scattering between the first and the second subbands. Theoretical study, based on consideration of electron scattering near the edge of the third subband, gives a reasonable explanation of our experimental findings.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Microwave zero-resistance states in a bilayer electron system

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    Magnetotransport measurements on a high-mobility electron bilayer system formed in a wide GaAs quantum well reveal vanishing dissipative resistance under continuous microwave irradiation. Profound zero-resistance states (ZRS) appear even in the presence of additional intersubband scattering of electrons. We study the dependence of photoresistance on frequency, microwave power. and temperature. Experimental results are compared with a theory demonstrating that the conditions for absolute negative resistivity correlate with the appearance of ZRS.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure