173 research outputs found

    Economic behavior of the ural students in the context of growing consumer claims

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    The thematic justification is provided by the fact, that together with transition toward market economy in Russia there appeared a definite rupture between theoretical developments of a phenomenon “economic behavior” by the economists and applied, empiric knowledge achieved as a result of numerous social surveys, that leads to a diffusion of social knowledge and the criteria of social analysis of economic life of the society. The objective of the article is an analysis of social economic factors, value orientations, motives and purposes of economic behavior of modern Russian young people in the main spheres of their vital activity, i.e. production, family and domestic, social, cultural and political spheres. The defining methods of investigation are social surveys and formalized interviews, that allow to find out predominant life purposes, value orientations, motives of behavior and actions of young people in the process of their everyday activity within the boundaries of four social institutions of the society: a parents’ family, a school, an institution of higher education, a plant. In the article we analyze the main social economic contradictions following ontogenetic growing-up and social and vocational socialization of young people (pupils, students, young specialists) in the conditions of the Ural cities, towns and villages. We show a discord between value orientations to the production labor and too high customer claims of students. The achieved substantiations of the principles of project realization concerning creation and transforming of regional youth politics in a whole, and educational politics, in particular, can provide increasing of effectiveness of a real investment of the youth into forward development of Russian social medium. © 2018 by the authors

    Effect of Nitrogen Source and Inorganic Phosphate Concentration on Methanol Utilization and PEX

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    Methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris has proved to be especially useful for production of various heterologous proteins. In biotechnology it is very important to maintain the balance between high levels of heterologous gene expression and cell viability. Decisive understanding of gene regulation mechanisms is essential for reaching this goal. In this study, we investigated the effect of different nitrogen sources and phosphate concentration in media on methanol utilization. It was shown that expression levels of main genes, which are involved in methanol utilization (MUT genes) and in functioning of peroxisomes (PEX genes), are maximal when ammonium sulphate is used as a nitrogen source. Expression of these genes is decreased in media with poor nitrogen sources, such as proline. Addition of rapamycin to the media completely removed repression of AOX1 promoter in media with proline, which allows proposing that Tor-kinase is involved in establishing of nitrogen regulation of this gene. It was also shown that MUT genes expression levels get higher, when the phosphate concentration in media is increased

    Genetic determinants of resistance to hypoxia as one of the success factors in martial arts

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    Objective: to study the genetic selection of the EPAS1 gene (G/А, rsl867785) in a group of athletes involved in Greco-Roman wrestling with different levels of sportsmanship. Materials and methods: the genetic examination of 79 male athletes (from 7 to 25 years old) involved in Greco-Roman wrestling and 92 controls (from 7 to 30 years old) was performed. Results: the frequency of A-allele associated with better adaptation to hypoxic conditions was higher in the group of wrestlers (EPAS1*GG - 27.8% EPAS1*AG - 67.1% and EPAS1*AA - 5.1% against EPAS1*GG - 56.5% EPAS1*AG - 35.9% and EPAS1 *AA - 7.6 %. x2 = 16.7 p = 0.0002). The frequency of A-allele carriers increased with increasing level of sportsmanship of studied athletes. The increase in the frequency of minor A-allele in the subgroup of Greco-Roman wrestlers testifies to their advantage in comparison with the carriers of G-allele. Conclusions: G/A-polymorphism of the EPAS1 gene can be used in the selection and prediction of sports success in Greco-Roman wrestling


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    Phosphorylated derivatives of amino acids: glycine, β-alanine, γ-aminobutyric, L-aspartic and L-glutamic acid have been synthesized. Phosphorylation reaction is carried out using dimethylphosphite on allyl ethers of N-acetyl derivatives of amino acids. Obtained phosphorylated amino acids are of interest for potential use as pharmaceutical substances for a new class of effective drugs.  Разработан процесс получения фосфорилированных аминокислот, представляющих интерес для использования в качестве фармацевтических субстанций нового класса эффективных лекарственных средств различного терапевтического действия. Процесс включает 3 стадии: N-ацетилирование аминокислот, получение аллиловых эфиров N-ацетилпроизводных аминокислот и фосфорилирование синтезированных эфиров путем присоединения диметилфосфита по двойной связи аллиловых групп. В результате образуются целевые соединения – 3-диал-коксифосфорил-1-пропиловые эфиры N-ацетилированных аминокислот. При осуществлении указанного процесса синтезированы и выделены фосфорилированные производные следующих аминокислот: глицина, β-аланина, γ-аминомасляной, L-аспарагиновой и L-глутаминовой кислот. Установлено, что полнота конверсии аллилового эфира при действии диметилфосфита зависит от природы применяемой N-ацетиламинокислоты. Реакция фосфо-рилирования легко протекает при использовании аллиловых эфиров N-ацетилпроизводных монокарбоновых аминокислот – глицина, β-аланина и γ-аминомасляной кислоты. Диаллиловые эфиры вступают в реакцию значительно труднее, что, вероятно, связано с пространственными затруднениями при фосфорилировании двойных связей. Полученные фосфорилированные производные представляют интерес для использования в качестве потенциальных фармацевтических субстанций для нового класса эффективных лекарственных средств антигипоксического и кардиоваскулярного действия, а также корректоров патологий центральной нервной системы. 

    Синтез и кардиопротекторная эффективность аргинина сукцината

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    The synthesis was developed and physic-chemical properties of the pharmaceutical substance the di-L-arginine succinate were determined. Its cardioprotective effectiveness in cases of ischemic-reperfusion injury of the myocardium was demonstrated in experiments on rats. The substance was used to obtain the drug Inokardin of cardioprotective action.Разработаны условия синтеза и определены физико-химические показатели фармацевтической субстанции ди-L-аргинина сукцинат. В опытах на животных показана его кардиопротекторная эффективность при ишемическо-реперфузионном повреждении миокарда. Субстанция использована для получения лекарственного средства Инокардин кардиопротекторного действия

    Получение солей основных аминокислот с ацетилсалициловой и кетоглутаровой кислотами

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    Methods of preparation, physical and chemical characteristics for amine salts of basic amino acids (L-arginine, L and DL-lysine, L-ornitine) with acetylsalicylic and ketoglutaric acids, as well as ketoglutaric acid double salts containing L-glutamine as the second cation, have been described. The obtained salts of amino acids are potentially therapeutically important compounds.Описано получение и физико-химические характеристики аминовых солей оснóвных аминокислот (L-аргинина, L- и DL-лизина, L-орнитина) с ацетилсалициловой и кетоглутаровой кислотами, а также двойных солей кетоглутаровой кислоты, содержащих в качестве второго катиона L-глутамин. Соли полученных оснóвных аминокислот являются потенциально терапевтически значимыми соединениями

    Синтез аллиловых эфиров N-ацетилпроизводных аминокислот

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    N-acetyl amino acids' (aminoacetic, β-alanine, ү-aminobutyriс, L-aspartic and L-glutamic) allyl esters have been synthesized. Physico-chemical characteristics of the esters have been determined. The рhosphorylated derivates of these allyl esters are of interest for pharmaceutical рurposes.Синтезированы аллиловые эфиры N-ацетилпроизводных аминокислот (аминоксусной, β-аланина, ү-аминома-сляной, L-аспарагиновой и L-глутаминовой). Определены физико-химические характеристики эфиров. Фосфорили-рованные производные аллиловых эфиров аминокислот представляют интерес для фармацевтических целей