29 research outputs found

    Nanodispersed Ni-catalysts with Additives in Partial Oxidation of Methane

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    Catalytic activity of Ni-Zn-surface-skeletal catalysts modi ed by Rh, Au, Ti, Mo and W in the reaction of methane partial oxidation has been studied. In uence of catalysts of conditions preparation on its catalytic activity was researched. It was shown that introduction of additives in Ni-Zn catalysts promote to increasing of activity in the process of methane partial oxidation to synthesis-gas and thermostability of skeletal Nicatalysts thanks to the change of its faseous composition and the predominance of reduced form of Ni in catalysts structure

    Condition of the Mechanoactivated Calcium Chloride Solution and its Influence on Structural and Mechanical Characteristics of Cement Stone

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    Using the method of dynamic light scattering we investigated the influence of the rotor and pulse impact on a dimensional change of particles in calcium chloride hydrosol used as texturing additives in concrete mixing. The mechanism of the strengthening action of the additive is shown by the results of an assessment of the parameters of the pore structure of the cement stone which is carried out by the method of the low-temperature adsorption and desorption of nitrogen vapors. With the use of the method of the low-temperature adsorption desorption of nitrogen for the analysis of porosity of the experimental exemplars of the cement stone received with the use of the mechanically activated CaCl2 solution, decrease in the area of a specific surface area in 1.7 … 2.1 times and the volume of pore spaces by 1.6 times that is caused by preferred decrease of the maintenance with the diameter over 6 nanometers and decrease in an upper bound of pore size from 160 to 90 nanometers is shown

    Polymorphism of genes-candidates and ehokardiographic indicators at pregnant women in norm and at preeklampsia

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    Research about interrelation of some ehokardiographic indicators of heart with polymorphic markers of genes angiotensinogen (-6A/G AGT) and chimasa (-1903 G/A СМА) at pregnant women is conducted at preeklampsia. Polymorphism associations -1903 G/A СМА and -6A/G AGT with increase final diastolic left ventricular at pregnant women are found the size at preeklampsia

    Гидрофобизация пэтф-поверхностей для разделения эмульсий типа «вода в масле»

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    The technique of poly(ethylene terephthalate) track-etched membranes (PETF TMs) modification to increase of water-in-oil emulsions separations is developed. The water-in-oil emulsions separations by using PETF TMs with regular pore geometry and pore sizes 200 and 350 nm is described in the article. PETF TMs were modified with octadecyltrichlorosilane by spin-coating method to increase their hydrophobic properties. The results of changes in the pore diameters and the contact angle after PETF TMs modification are presented. The obtained samples were characterized by AFM, SEM and gas permeability test. Chloroform–water and n-hexadecane–water emulsions have been used as a test liquid for water-in-oil emulsions separations. At an operating vacuum of 700 mbar, the specific filtration performance of chloroform: water emulsions were 51.5 and 932.0 l/(m2 ⋅ h), hexadecane: water were 46.1 and 203.4 l/(m2 ⋅ h) for PETF-200 / OTS and PETF-350 / OTS, respectively. The degree of purification of emulsions by modified membranes according to the refractive index is of 100 %. Obtained membranes can be used to separate oil-water emulsions in order to prevent the corrosion of pipelines and changes of crude oil viscosity, as well as the treatment of water purification from oil industry waste.Разработана модификация поли(этилентерефталатных) трековых мембран (ПЭТФ ТМ) для увеличения разделения водомасляных эмульсий. Описано разделение эмульсий типа «вода в масле» с использованием ПЭТФ ТМ с правильной геометрией пор и размером пор 200 и 350 нм. Мембраны модифицированы октадецилтрихлорсиланом методом спин-коатинга для повышения их гидрофобных свойств. Представлены результаты изменения диаметров пор и угла смачивания после модификации ПЭТФ ТМ. Структура образцов изучена методами атомносиловой и сканирующей электронной микроскопии. Методом газопроницаемости определен размер пор мембран. Эмульсии хлороформ–вода и н-гексадекан–вода использовали в качестве тестовой жидкости для разделения эмульсий типа «вода в масле». При вакууме 700 мбар удельные показатели фильтрации эмульсий хлороформ : вода составляли 51,5 и 932,0 л/(м2⋅ч), гексадекан : вода – 46,1 и 203,4 л/(м2⋅ч) для ПЭТФ-200/ОТС и ПЭТФ-350/ОТС соответственно. Степень очистки эмульсий модифицированными мембранами по показателю преломления составила 100 %. Полученные трековые мембраны могут применяться для разделения водонефтяных эмульсий с целью предотвращения коррозии трубопроводов и изменения вязкости нефти, а также при очистке воды от отходов нефтяной промышленности

    Защитные покрытия Ленгмюра–Блоджетт на основе высших жирных кислот

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    The morphology and tribotechnical properties of Langmuir–Blodgett (LB) monolayers and multilayers of some fatty acids, such as nervonic (NA), cerotic (CA) and montanic acids (OCA), was investigated. It was established that the wear resistance of silicon surface coated by LB monolayer of OCA is greater by 11 and 1.3 times in comparison with the LB monomolecular films of NA and CA, respectively. The multilayer of OCA, formed by 140 layers, increases the stability of steel surface by 35 times.Исследованы морфология и трибологические свойства моно- и мультислойных пленок Ленгмюра– Блоджетт (ЛБ) на основе нервоновой (НК), церотиновой (ЦК) и монтановой кислот (МК). Установлено, что ЛБ монослой МК на поверхности кремния в 11 и 1,3 раза стабильнее мономолекулярных ЛБ пленок НК и ЦК соответственно. Мультислойное покрытие МК, состоящее из 140 слоев, в 35 раз увеличивает износоустойчивость стальной поверхности


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    Humanity more critically and responsibly estimates possibilities to control the risks of consequences of human activity. More attention is spent for the spare of notification system about failures on AES and questions of informing population about radiation contamination. The experts of Worldwide nature protection organization of Greenpeace consider that in case of scale failure on AES population presently is badly protected from radiation influencing, as well as before, people are not enough informed about its consequences. PURPOSE OF WORK. Optimization of informing the population from polluted territories, on the basis of developing the models of self-government local organs’ informative activity and creation the development Centers of associations in obedience to UNESCO Chernobyl' Program and Chernobyl' Programs of UNO. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Scientific state information generators, which inform people from territories, influenced after AES failure, results of public opinion about the health state and morbidity, its dynamics and also results of the radiation-ecological monitoring of 30-kilometre alienation area according to the radiation state system are collected, generalized and analyzed. RESEARCH RESULTS. Remote consequences of AES failure have sociological-psychological character. The general dynamics of postchernobil situation among suffering population is determined by negative factors combination, such, as: radical change of ecological terms of dwelling; method and lifestyle, destruction of traditional economic activity of people in agricultural regions; health sharp worsening of considerable part of population; low level of being informed of population in relation to radiation-ecological problems; general change of socio-economic life terms; a socio-economic crisis in the state; errors in social policy on overcoming the consequences of failure, social and medical help. According to the results of research it is needed to select five principal reasons of the insufficient information of influenced regions’ population: insufficient volume of information which is got by habitants; inadequate form of getting information; absence of informative materials serve system; high level of mistrust of people from polluted regions to any official information; absence of Internet access in Chernobyl area. CONCLUSIONS. 1. Analysis of postchernobil situation and especially, its remote consequences should be carried out not from the visions of social stress, but from the paradigm of social crises theory. 2. System of informing the population from influenced regions, and also special educational program and adequate forms and methods of ecological education of schoolboys requires native alteration. 3. Centers of development, created on the financial base of local social infrastructure can become associations for a grant of necessary concrete and systematic information about ecological and radiological situatio

    Проблеми і потреби інформування населення територій, що забруднені радіоактивними речовинами

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    Humanity more critically and responsibly estimates possibilities to control the risks of consequences of human activity. More attention is spent for the spare of notification system about failures on AES and questions of informing population about radiation contamination. The experts of Worldwide nature protection organization of Greenpeace consider that in case of scale failure on AES population presently is badly protected from radiation influencing, as well as before, people are not enough informed about its consequences.PURPOSE OF WORK. Optimization of informing the population from polluted territories, on the basis of developing the models of self-government local organs’ informative activity and creation the development Centers of associations in obedience to UNESCO Chernobyl' Program and Chernobyl' Programs of UNO.MATERIALS AND METHODS. Scientific state information generators, which inform people from territories, influenced after AES failure, results of public opinion about the health state and morbidity, its dynamics and also results of the radiation-ecological monitoring of 30-kilometre alienation area according to the radiation state system are collected, generalized and analyzed.RESEARCH RESULTS. Remote consequences of AES failure have sociological-psychological character. The general dynamics of postchernobil situation among suffering population is determined by negative factors combination, such, as: radical change of ecological terms of dwelling; method and lifestyle, destruction of traditional economic activity of people in agricultural regions; health sharp worsening of considerable part of population; low level of being informed of population in relation to radiation-ecological problems; general change of socio-economic life terms; a socio-economic crisis in the state; errors in social policy on overcoming the consequences of failure, social and medical help.According to the results of research it is needed to select five principal reasons of the insufficient information of influenced regions’ population: insufficient volume of information which is got by habitants; inadequate form of getting information; absence of informative materials serve system; high level of mistrust of people from polluted regions to any official information; absence of Internet access in Chernobyl area.CONCLUSIONS. 1. Analysis of postchernobil situation and especially, its remote consequences should be carried out not from the visions of social stress, but from the paradigm of social crises theory.2. System of informing the population from influenced regions, and also special educational program and adequate forms and methods of ecological education of schoolboys requires native alteration.3. Centers of development, created on the financial base of local social infrastructure can become associations for a grant of necessary concrete and systematic information about ecological and radiological situation.Исследованы и проанализированы научные источники информации о состоянии информирования населения территорий, пострадавших от аварии на Чернобыльской АЭС, и результаты опроса о состоянии их здоровья. Предложено осуществлять информирование населения в оптимальном объеме с использованием новых организационных форм в виде Центров развития сообщества, созданных на материальной базе местной социальной инфраструктуры.Досліджено та проаналізовано наукові джерела інформації про стан інформування населення територій, які постраждали від аварії на Чорнобильській АЕС, та результати опитування про стан їхнього здоров’я. Запропоновано здійснювати інформування населення в оптимальному обсязі з використанням нових організаційних форм у вигляді Центрів розвитку спільноти, що створені на матеріальній базі місцевої соціальної інфраструктури

    Changes in mortality rates from acute types of coronary artery disease in Russia for the period from 2015 to 2019

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    Aim. To identify regional specifics of changes in mortality rates from acute types of coronary artery disease (CAD) in 82 Russian regions for the period from 2015 to 2019.Material and methods. The study used data from the Federal State Statistics Service of Russia on mortality from acute CAD types in 82 Russian regions. Standardized death rates (SDRs) for 2015 and 2019 were estimated based on the European standard. We analyzed the SDRs of the population from acute (primary) and recurrent myocardial infarction (MI), other acute CAD types (I21-I22, I24.8 in the 10th revision of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-10)).Results. Over the period from 2015 to 2019, mortality from all acute CAD types decreased by 21%, from acute MI — by 9%, from recurrent MI — by 22%, from any MI (acute/recurrent) recurrent — by 14%, and from other CAD types — by 21%. A decrease in mortality from all acute CAD types was recorded in 69 regions, from acute MI — in 58 regions, and recurrent MI — in 62 regions. However, a simultaneous decrease in SDRs from each of the acute CAD types (acute MI, recurrent MI and other acute CAD types) for the period 2015-2019 occurred only in 29 Russian regions. An increase in mortality from all acute CAD types was noted in 14 regions and from any MI — in 21 regions. The coefficient of variation (Cv) for recurrent MI and other acute CAD types of 69% and 103%, respectively, in 2015 and its growth (up to 75% and 134%, respectively) by 2019 indicate growing problems with the coding of death causes.Conclusion. In 2019, compared to 2015, a decrease in mortality from acute CAD types was recorded in most Russian regions. The identified regional specifics require clarification of approaches to death cause coding and the introduction of additions to mortality reduction programs, taking into account the specifics of each Russian region

    Grounding of modern model of informative providing, ecological defence and bioethical development of population of territories, polluted by radio-active matters

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    Aim. Environmental protection and the bioethical development of population should be studied on the basis of modern paradigm that actualizes and allows to create new forms and organizational structures on the local level for population provision of reliable information. Purpose of the study is the development of new form and organizational structure model of local government’s information activities. Methods and results. With this aim the materials of environmental radiation monitoring have been analyzed, using analytical-comparative method and content-analysis. It has been established that representatives of central and local authorities do not pay enough attention to the issues of informing the population about the environmental and radiological situation. Conclusion. This indicates insufficient providing of population with objective information and a need of integrated information system creation in the organizational form of Centers for environmental protection, biological ethics and territories development