567 research outputs found

    Agama Dan Integrasi Sosial Dalam Pemikiran Clifford Geertz

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    Artikel ini menelaah hasil penelitian Clifford Geertz tentang keberagamaan masarakat di Mojokuto Jawa Timur. Tema yang diusung dalam artikel ini adalah interelasi antara agama dan masyarakat serta interaksi sosial antara berbagai kelompok sosial yang ada di Mojokuto Jawa Timur. Dari kajian terhadap interrelasi agama dan masyarakat dapat dipahami seberapa jauh pengaruh agama terhadap prilaku relegiousitas masyarakat Jawa, termasuk pengaruh budaya lokal terhadap agama itu sendiri, yang menurut pengamatan Clifford Geertz melahirkan ”Agama Jawa”. Sementara dari kajian terhadap interaksi dari berbagai kelompok sosial dapat dipahami bahwa, agama, di samping memiliki fungsi integrasi (kohesi sosial) juga menjadi penyebab terjadinya konflik dalam masyarakat. Ketiga varian agama Jawa; santri, priyayi, dan abangan meskipun secara kualitas berbeda dan saling mengklaim bahwa komunitasnya yang paling baik dan benar namun ketiganya masih memperlihatkan nuansa tradisi Jawa. Bahkan, kaum santri yang ketat sekalipun dalam batas-batas tertentu pada Kenyataannya masih mentolerir tradisi jawa

    Alignment of galaxies relative to their local environment in SDSS-DR8

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    We study the alignment of galaxies relative to their local environment in SDSS-DR8 and, using these data, we discuss evolution scenarios for different types of galaxies. We defined a vector field of the direction of anisotropy of the local environment of galaxies. We summed the unit direction vectors of all close neighbours of a given galaxy in a particular way to estimate this field. We found the alignment angles between the spin axes of disc galaxies, or the minor axes of elliptical galaxies, and the direction of anisotropy. The distributions of cosines of these angles are compared to the random distributions to analyse the alignment of galaxies. Sab galaxies show perpendicular alignment relative to the direction of anisotropy in a sparse environment, for single galaxies and galaxies of low luminosity. Most of the parallel alignment of Scd galaxies comes from dense regions, from 2...3 member groups and from galaxies with low luminosity. The perpendicular alignment of S0 galaxies does not depend strongly on environmental density nor luminosity; it is detected for single and 2...3 member group galaxies, and for main galaxies of 4...10 member groups. The perpendicular alignment of elliptical galaxies is clearly detected for single galaxies and for members of < 11 member groups; the alignment increases with environmental density and luminosity. We confirm the existence of fossil tidally induced alignment of Sab galaxies at low z. The alignment of Scd galaxies can be explained via the infall of matter to filaments. S0 galaxies may have encountered relatively massive mergers along the direction of anisotropy. Major mergers along this direction can explain the alignment of elliptical galaxies. Less massive, but repeated mergers are possibly responsible for the formation of elliptical galaxies in sparser areas and for less luminous elliptical galaxies.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Wavelet analysis of the formation of the cosmic web

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    According to the modern cosmological paradigm galaxies and galaxy systems form from tiny density perturbations generated during the very early phase of the evolution of the Universe. Using numerical simulations we study the evolution of phases of density perturbations of different scales to understand the formation and evolution of the cosmic web. We apply the wavelet analysis to follow the evolution of high-density regions (clusters and superclusters) of the cosmic web. We show that the positions of maxima and minima of density waves (their spatial phases) almost do not change during the evolution of the structure. Positions of extrema of density perturbations are the more stable, the larger is the wavelength of perturbations. Combining observational and simulation data we conclude that the skeleton of the cosmic web was present already in an early stage of structure evolution.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, revised versio