315 research outputs found

    Defense-through-Deception Network Security Model: Securing University Campus Network from DOS/DDOS Attack

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    Denial of Service (DOS) and (DDOS) Distributed Denial of Service attacks have become a major security threat to university campus network security since most of the students and teachers prepare online services such as enrolment, grading system, library etc. Therefore, the issue of network security has become a priority to university campus network management. Using online services in university network can be easily compromised. However, traditional security mechanisms approach such as Defense-In-Depth (DID) Model is outdated in today’s complex network and DID Model has been used as a primary cybersecurity defense model in the university campus network today. However, university administration should realize that Defense-In-Depth (DID) are playing an increasingly limited role in DOS/DDoS protection and this paper brings this fact to light. This paper presents that the Defense-In-Depth (DID) is not capable of defending complex and volatile DOS/DDOS attacks effectively. The test results were presented in this study in order to support our claim. The researchers established a Defense-In-Depth (DID) Network model at the Central Luzon State University and penetrated the Network System using DOS/DDOS attack to simulate the real network scenario. This paper also presents the new approach Defense-through-Deception network security model that improves the traditional passive protection by applying deception techniques to them that give insights into the limitations posed by the Defense-In-Depth (DID) Model. Furthermore, this model is designed to prevent an attacker who has already entered the network from doing damage

    Zig-Zag magnetic order and potential Kitaev interactions in the spin-1 honeycomb lattice KNiAsO4_4

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    Despite the exciting implications of the Kitaev spin-Hamiltonian, finding and confirming the quantum spin liquid state has proven incredibly difficult. Recently the applicability of the model has been expanded through the development of a microscopic description of a spin-1 Kitaev interaction. Here we explore a candidate spin-1 honeycomb system, KNiAsO4_4 , which meets many of the proposed criteria to generate such an interaction. Bulk measurements reveal an antiferromagnetic transition at \sim 19 K which is generally robust to applied magnetic fields. Neutron diffraction measurements show magnetic order with a k=(32,0,0)\textbf{k}=(\frac{3}{2},0,0) ordering vector which results in the well-known ``zig-zag" magnetic structure thought to be adjacent to the spin-liquid ground state. Field dependent diffraction shows that while the structure is robust, the field can tune the direction of the ordered moment. Inelastic neutron scattering experiments show a well defined gapped spin-wave spectrum with no evidence of the continuum expected for fractionalized excitations. Modeling of the spin waves shows that the extended Kitaev spin-Hamiltonians is generally necessary to model the spectra and reproduce the observed magnetic order. First principles calculations suggest that the substitution of Pd on the Ni sublattice may strengthen the Kitaev interactions while simultaneously weakening the exchange interactions thus pushing KNiAsO4_4 closer to the spin-liquid ground state.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    Spin-orbit coupling controlled ground states in the double perovskite iridates A2BIrO6 (A = Ba, Sr; B = Lu, Sc)

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    Iridates with the 5d4d^4 electronic configuration have attracted recent interest due to reports of magnetically-ordered ground states despite longstanding expectations that their strong spin-orbit coupling would generate a J=0J = 0 electronic ground state for each Ir5+^{5+} ion. The major focus of prior research has been on the double perovskite iridates Ba2_2YIrO6_6 and Sr2_2YIrO6_6, where the nature of the ground states (i.e. ordered vs non-magnetic) is still controversial. Here we present neutron powder diffraction, high energy resolution fluorescence detected x-ray absorption spectroscopy (HERFD-XAS), resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS), magnetic susceptibility, and muon spin relaxation data on the related double perovskite iridates Ba2_2LuIrO6_6, Sr2_2LuIrO6_6, Ba2_2ScIrO6_6, and Sr2_2ScIrO6_6 that enable us to gain a general understanding of the electronic and magnetic properties for this family of materials. Our HERFD-XAS and RIXS measurements establish J=0J = 0 electronic ground states for the Ir5+^{5+} ions in all cases, with similar values for Hund's coupling JHJ_{\rm H} and the spin-orbit coupling constant λSOC\lambda_{\rm SOC}. Our bulk susceptibility and muon spin relaxation data find no evidence for long-range magnetic order or spin freezing, but they do reveal weak magnetic signals that are consistent with extrinsic local moments. Our results indicate that the large λSOC\lambda_{\rm SOC} is the key driving force behind the electronic and magnetic ground states realized in the 5d4d^4 double perovskite iridates, which agrees well with conventional wisdom.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication by PR

    Fully human anti-CD39 antibody potently inhibits ATPase activity in cancer cells via uncompetitive allosteric mechanism

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    The extracellular ATP/adenosine axis in the tumor microenvironment (TME) has emerged as an important immune-regulatory pathway. Nucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase-1 (NTPDase1), otherwise known as CD39, is highly expressed in the TME, both on infiltrating immune cells and tumor cells across a broad set of cancer indications. CD39 processes pro-inflammatory extracellular ATP to ADP and AMP, which is then processed by Ecto-5MODIFIER LETTER PRIME-nucleotidase/CD73 to immunosuppressive adenosine. Directly inhibiting the enzymatic function of CD39 via an antibody has the potential to unleash an immune-mediated anti-tumor response via two mechanisms: 1) increasing the availability of immunostimulatory extracellular ATP released by damaged and/or dying cells, and 2) reducing the generation and accumulation of suppressive adenosine within the TME. Tizona Therapeutics has engineered a novel first-in-class fully human anti-CD39 antibody, TTX-030, that directly inhibits CD39 ATPase enzymatic function with sub-nanomolar potency. Further characterization of the mechanism of inhibition by TTX-030 using CD39(+) human melanoma cell line SK-MEL-28 revealed an uncompetitive allosteric mechanism (alpha < 1). The uncompetitive mechanism of action enables TTX-030 to inhibit CD39 at the elevated ATP concentrations reported in the TME. Maximal inhibition of cellular CD39 ATPase velocity was 85%, which compares favorably to results reported for antibody inhibitors to other enzyme targets. The allosteric mechanism of TTX-030 was confirmed via mapping the epitope to a region of CD39 distant from its active site, which suggests possible models for how potent inhibition is achieved. In summary, TTX-030 is a potent allosteric inhibitor of CD39 ATPase activity that is currently being evaluated in clinical trials for cancer therapy