11,993 research outputs found

    Anisotropic fluid inside a relativistic star

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    An anisotropic fluid with variable energy density and negative pressure is proposed, both outside and inside stars. The gravitational field is constant everywhere in free space (if we neglect the local contributions) and its value is of the order of g=108cm/s2g = 10^{-8} cm/s^{2}, in accordance with MOND model. With ρ, p1/r\rho,~ p \propto 1/r, the acceleration is also constant inside stars but the value is different from one star to another and depends on their mass MM and radius RR. In spite of the fact that the spacetime is of Rindler type and curved even far from a local mass, the active gravitational energy on the horizon is 1/4g-1/4g, as for the flat Rindler space, excepting the negative sign.Comment: 9 pages, refs added, new chapter added, no figure

    Orientation in the diagnosis of intraocular neoplasia, through intraocular fine needle aspiration (IFNA)

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    IFNA is a safe diagnostic technique that allows diagnostic of neoplastic and inflammatory processes of the eye1. In cats melanoma is common in the eye, skin and oral cavity2. In the eyep, local infiltration to systemic metastases may occur2. Being, the IFNA a method that assists in the diagnosis and therapeutics1,3,4,5. An european female cat, seven years old, was presented to consultation with brown patches of progressive growth in the right iris for four months. The pupillary light reflex, dazzle and menace response were present, and the ocular echography showed an area with iris thickening and with hyperechogenicity1. Due to clinical suspicion of iris melanoma, it was requested radiographic examination of the thorax, abdominal ultrasonography, hematological and biochemical blood analysis1,2, revealing no alterations. The IFNA was performed under general anesthesia introducing the a 26 gauge needle near the limbus and directed to the iris lesion with the bevel facing the surface of the mass3,4. The technique was performed without complications. The cytology using hematoxylin and eosin staining revealed moderate cellularity composed of rounded cells with moderate nuclear pleomorphism, bulky, pale cytoplasm1. The atypical round cells were suggestive of round cell amelanotic melanoma. Due to the cytological orientation, the enucleation of right eye was advised to the owner, which was declined.The diagnosis of ocular melanoma can be directed on clinical grounds and confirmed by anatomopathological exams2. IFNA is a practical, method in aiding the differentiation of neoplastic from non-neoplastic processes. It also helps guiding the surgical procedure and establishing prognosis1,3,4,5


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    Corneal transplantation is a procedure indicated for surgical treatment of several corneal diseases, requiring replacement of the affected tissues1,2,3,4. A dog of undefined breed, 5 years old, revealed on ocular examination, a deep corneal ulcer and a Descemet\'s membrane (DM) exposure. Aiming at corneal repair, the surgical technique of lamellar corneal transplantation was used. The perimeter of the transplant was defined with the help of a biopsy punch. With a 1 ml syringe and a 26 G” needle, air was injected into the deep corneal stroma in order to separate DM from stroma1,2. Subsequently paracentesis was performed to reduce ocular pressure and a small air bubble was added in order to help the corneal depthness perspective. With a crescent knife, excision of the compromised tissue was performed1,3. The DM was covered using cryopreserved canine cornea4 at -20°C in 3mg/ml tobramycin solution and thawed at room temperature it was also molded obtaining the appropriate sized tissue for the recoil1. The corneal suture was made using simple isolated points with 8-0 polyglactin and for corneal protection a third eyelid flap was performed1,3. Topical moxifloxacin, tropicamide, EDTA and autologous serum were used in post-surgical treatment3. The third eyelid flap was removed at 15 days post-surgery and a complete corneal repair was observed with total incorporation in the recipient cornea. Lamellar corneal transplantation employing cryopreserved cornea in tobramycin solution has been shown to be effective in the surgical treatment of descemetocele when related to other techniques1,3,4

    K\"all\'en-Lehmann representation of noncommutative quantum electrodynamics

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    Noncommutative (NC) quantum field theory is the subject of many analyses on formal and general aspects looking for deviations and, therefore, potential noncommutative spacetime effects. Within of this large class, we may now pay some attention to the quantization of NC field theory on lower dimensions and look closely at the issue of dynamical mass generation to the gauge field. This work encompasses the quantization of the two-dimensional massive quantum electrodynamics and three-dimensional topologically massive quantum electrodynamics. We begin by addressing the problem on a general dimensionality making use of the perturbative Seiberg-Witten map to, thus, construct a general action, to only then specify the problem to two and three dimensions. The quantization takes place through the K\"all\'en-Lehmann spectral representation and Yang-Feldman-K\"all\'en formulation, where we calculate the respective spectral density function to the gauge field. Furthermore, regarding the photon two-point function, we discuss how its infrared behavior is related to the term generated by quantum corrections in two dimensions, and, moreover, in three dimensions, we study the issue of nontrivial {\theta}-dependent corrections to the dynamical mass generation

    Probing the infrared quark mass from highly excited baryons

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    We argue that three-quark excited states naturally group into quartets, split into two parity doublets, and that the mass splittings between these parity partners decrease higher up in the baryon spectrum. This decreasing mass difference can be used to probe the running quark mass in the mid-infrared power-law regime. A measurement of masses of high-partial wave Delta* resonances should be sufficient to unambiguously establish the approximate degeneracy. We test this concept with the first computation of excited high-j baryon masses in a chirally invariant quark model.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. submitted to Phys Rev Letter

    Using highly excited baryons to catch the quark mass

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    Chiral symmetry in QCD can be simultaneously in Wigner and Goldstone modes, depending on the part of the spectrum examined. The transition regime between both, exploiting for example the onset of parity doubling in the high baryon spectrum, can be used to probe the running quark mass in the mid-IR power-law regime. In passing we also argue that three-quark states naturally group into same-flavor quartets, split into two parity doublets, all splittings decreasing high in the spectrum. We propose that a measurement of masses of high-partial wave Delta* resonances should be sufficient to unambiguously establish the approximate degeneracy and see the quark mass running. We test these concepts with the first computation of the spectrum of high-J excited baryons in a chiral-invariant quark model.Comment: 6 pages, 9 figures, To appear in the proceedings of the 19th International IUPAP Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics; added acknowledgment, hyphenized author nam