188 research outputs found

    Pain as a symptom of peripheral nerve sheath tumors: clinical significance and future therapeutic directions

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    Tumors arising from the supporting cells of peripheral nerve sheaths are relatively uncommon neoplasms, and as such many clinicians are unfamiliar with the details of their presentation, diagnosis and management. Further, little is known regarding the pathogenesis of these tumors, how they cause symptoms, and how to treat these symptoms. One classic symptom of peripheral nerve tumors is pain, however there has been little formal discussion regarding the significance of pain in this setting. Here we present a brief review of the clinical significance of pain, its relevance in pre-operative planning for the treatment of these tumors, and what is known regarding the molecular mechanisms of pain generation by these tumors

    Factors associated with preservation of facial nerve function after surgical resection of vestibular schwannoma

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    Avoidance of facial nerve palsy is one of the major goals of vestibular schwannoma (VS) microsurgery. In this study, we examined the significance of previously implicated prognostic factors (age, tumor size, the extent of resection and the surgical approach) on post-operative facial nerve function. We selected all VS patients from prospectively collected database (1984–2009) who underwent microsurgical resection as their initial treatment for histopathologically confirmed VS. The effect of variables such as surgical approach, tumor size, patient age and extent of resection on rates facial nerve dysfunction after surgery, were analyzed using multivariate logistic regression. Patients with preoperative facial nerve dysfunction (House-Brackman [HB] score 3 or higher) were excluded, and HB grade of 1 or 2 at the last follow-up visit was defined as “facial nerve preservation.” A total of 624 VS patients were included in this study. Multivariate logistic regression analysis found that only pre-operative tumor size significantly predicted poorer facial nerve outcome for patients followed-up for ≥6 and ≥12 months (OR 1.27, 95% CI 1.09–1.49, p < 0.01; OR 1.35, 95% CI 1.10–1.67, P < 0.01, respectively). We found no significant relationship between facial nerve function and age, extent of resection, surgical approach, or tumor size (when extent of resection and surgical approach were included in the regression analysis). Because facial nerve palsy is a debilitating and psychologically devastating condition for the patient, we suggest altering surgical aggressiveness in patients with unfavorable tumor anatomy, particularly in cases with large tumors where overaggressive resection might subject the patient to unwarranted risk. Residual disease can be followed and controlled with radiosurgery if interval growth is noted

    Deursoeking en beslaglegging van leerders in skole in 'n grondwetlike demokrasie : 'n vergelykende ontleding van Suid-Afrika en die Verenigde State

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    In hierdie artikel word die regsraamwerk wat die effektiewe bestuur van deursoeking en beslagleggingsaksies rig, gebruik om die reg van leerders op privaatheid in gevalle van onredelike deursoeking en beslaglegging van leerders se besittings in Suid-Afrika te vergelyk met die Verenigde State. In Suid-Afrika mag 'n skoolhoof of die persoon aan wie hierdie gesag gedelegeer is, 'n groep leerders of die besittings van 'n groep leerders lukraak deursoek vir enige gevaarlike voorwerp of onwettige dwelmmiddel, mits daar 'n billike en redelike vermoede bestaan. In die Suid-Afrikaanse reg word die begrippe deursoeking en beslaglegging nie duidelik gedefinieer nie. Hoewel daar riglyne gepubliseer is wat die bestuur en voorkoming van dwelmmisbruik in skole rig, word deursoeking van leerders tans oorgelaat aan eie oordeel wat van een geval tot die volgende gebruik word. Deursoeking noodsaak 'n mate van skending van die reg op privaatheid van leerders of hulle besittings. Daar is 'n belangrike verskil tussen Suid-Afrika en die Verenigde State wat betref die vryheid om 'n individu te mag deursoek. In die Verenigde State mag 'n skoolhoof nie 'n groep leerders deursoek as daar 'n redelike vermoede bestaan dat een van hulle 'n moontlike oortreding begaan het nie. Indien daar 'n redelike vermoede bestaan dat 'n individuele leerder 'n moontlike oortreding begaan het, mag slegs daardie leerder deursoek word. In die artikel word onderwysers gemaan dat elke situasie waartydens deursoeking of beslaglegging betrokke is van mekaar verskil en dat 'n presedent moeilik gevolg kan word. Nuwe hofuitspake en verskillende omstandighede noodsaak verskillende optredes. Die doel met deursoeking en inbeslaglegging van leerders se besittings moet verband hou met die handhawing van goeie orde en dissipline by 'n skool en nie met die toepassing van strafreg nie.http://www.dejure.up.ac.za/am2014gv201

    Connectivity-based parcellation of normal and anatomically distorted human cerebral cortex.

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    For over a century, neuroscientists have been working toward parcellating the human cortex into distinct neurobiological regions. Modern technologies offer many parcellation methods for healthy cortices acquired through magnetic resonance imaging. However, these methods are suboptimal for personalized neurosurgical application given that pathology and resection distort the cerebrum. We sought to overcome this problem by developing a novel connectivity-based parcellation approach that can be applied at the single-subject level. Utilizing normative diffusion data, we first developed a machine-learning (ML) classifier to learn the typical structural connectivity patterns of healthy subjects. Specifically, the Glasser HCP atlas was utilized as a prior to calculate the streamline connectivity between each voxel and each parcel of the atlas. Using the resultant feature vector, we determined the parcel identity of each voxel in neurosurgical patients (n = 40) and thereby iteratively adjusted the prior. This approach enabled us to create patient-specific maps independent of brain shape and pathological distortion. The supervised ML classifier re-parcellated an average of 2.65% of cortical voxels across a healthy dataset (n = 178) and an average of 5.5% in neurosurgical patients. Our patient dataset consisted of subjects with supratentorial infiltrating gliomas operated on by the senior author who then assessed the validity and practical utility of the re-parcellated diffusion data. We demonstrate a rapid and effective ML parcellation approach to parcellation of the human cortex during anatomical distortion. Our approach overcomes limitations of indiscriminately applying atlas-based registration from healthy subjects by employing a voxel-wise connectivity approach based on individual data

    The Frontal Aslant Tract and Supplementary Motor Area Syndrome: Moving towards a Connectomic Initiation Axis.

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    Connectomics is the use of big data to map the brain's neural infrastructure; employing such technology to improve surgical planning may improve neuro-oncological outcomes. Supplementary motor area (SMA) syndrome is a well-known complication of medial frontal lobe surgery. The 'localizationist' view posits that damage to the posteromedial bank of the superior frontal gyrus (SFG) is the basis of SMA syndrome. However, surgical experience within the frontal lobe suggests that this is not entirely true. In a study on n = 45 patients undergoing frontal lobe glioma surgery, we sought to determine if a 'connectomic' or network-based approach can decrease the likelihood of SMA syndrome. The control group (n = 23) underwent surgery avoiding the posterior bank of the SFG while the treatment group (n = 22) underwent mapping of the SMA network and Frontal Aslant Tract (FAT) using network analysis and DTI tractography. Patient outcomes were assessed post operatively and in subsequent follow-ups. Fewer patients (8.3%) in the treatment group experienced transient SMA syndrome compared to the control group (47%) (p = 0.003). There was no statistically significant difference found between the occurrence of permanent SMA syndrome between control and treatment groups. We demonstrate how utilizing tractography and a network-based approach decreases the likelihood of transient SMA syndrome during medial frontal glioma surgery. We found that not transecting the FAT and the SMA system improved outcomes which may be important for functional outcomes and patient quality of life

    Interventional neurorehabilitation for promoting functional recovery post-craniotomy: a proof-of-concept.

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    Funder: Alan Turing Institute; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/100012338Funder: Guarantors of Brain; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100000627The human brain is a highly plastic 'complex' network-it is highly resilient to damage and capable of self-reorganisation after a large perturbation. Clinically, neurological deficits secondary to iatrogenic injury have very few active treatments. New imaging and stimulation technologies, though, offer promising therapeutic avenues to accelerate post-operative recovery trajectories. In this study, we sought to establish the safety profile for 'interventional neurorehabilitation': connectome-based therapeutic brain stimulation to drive cortical reorganisation and promote functional recovery post-craniotomy. In n = 34 glioma patients who experienced post-operative motor or language deficits, we used connectomics to construct single-subject cortical networks. Based on their clinical and connectivity deficit, patients underwent network-specific transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) sessions daily over five consecutive days. Patients were then assessed for TMS-related side effects and improvements. 31/34 (91%) patients were successfully recruited and enrolled for TMS treatment within two weeks of glioma surgery. No seizures or serious complications occurred during TMS rehabilitation and 1-week post-stimulation. Transient headaches were reported in 4/31 patients but improved after a single session. No neurological worsening was observed while a clinically and statistically significant benefit was noted in 28/31 patients post-TMS. We present two clinical vignettes and a video demonstration of interventional neurorehabilitation. For the first time, we demonstrate the safety profile and ability to recruit, enroll, and complete TMS acutely post-craniotomy in a high seizure risk population. Given the lack of randomisation and controls in this study, prospective randomised sham-controlled stimulation trials are now warranted to establish the efficacy of interventional neurorehabilitation following craniotomy

    Angiogenesis induced by tumor necrosis factor-agr; is mediated by α4 integrins

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    Tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2 or bFGF) are potent stimulators of angiogenesis. TNF-α, but not FGF-2, can induce the expression of vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) on the surface of endothelial cells. The soluble form of VCAM-1 has recently been demonstrated to function as an angiogenic mediator. Here we demonstrate that monoclonal antibodies directed against VCAM-1 or its α4 integrin counter-receptor inhibited TNF-α-induced endothelial cell migration in vitro. Angiogenesis induced in vivo in rat corneas by TNF-α was inhibited by a neutralizing antibody directed against the rat α4 integrin subunit. A peptide antagonist of the a4 integrins blocked TNF-α-induced endothelial cell migration in vitro and angiogenesis in rat corneas in vivo. No inhibition by the antibodies or peptide antagonist was observed either in vitro or in vivo when FGF-2 was used as the stimulus. The peptide antagonist did not inhibit TNF-a binding to its receptor nor did it block the function of αvβ3, an integrin previously implicated in TNF-a and FGF-2 mediated angiogenesis. These results demonstrate that angiogenic processes induced by TNF-α are mediated in part by agr;4 integrins possibly by a mechanism involving the induction of soluble VCAM-1.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/41761/1/10456_2004_Article_188219.pd

    Electrical Stimulation to Conductive Scaffold Promotes Axonal Regeneration and Remyelination in a Rat Model of Large Nerve Defect

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    BACKGROUND: Electrical stimulation (ES) has been shown to promote nerve regeneration when it was applied to the proximal nerve stump. However, the possible beneficial effect of establishing a local electrical environment between a large nerve defect on nerve regeneration has not been reported in previous studies. The present study attempted to establish a local electrical environment between a large nerve defect, and examined its effect on nerve regeneration and functional recovery. METHODOLOGY/FINDINGS: In the present study, a conductive scaffold was constructed and used to bridge a 15 mm sciatic nerve defect in rats, and intermittent ES (3 V, 20 Hz) was applied to the conductive scaffold to establish an electrical environment at the site of nerve defect. Nerve regeneration and functional recovery were examined after nerve injury repair and ES. We found that axonal regeneration and remyelination of the regenerated axons were significantly enhanced by ES which was applied to conductive scaffold. In addition, both motor and sensory functional recovery was significantly improved and muscle atrophy was partially reversed by ES localized at the conductive scaffold. Further investigations showed that the expression of S-100, BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor), P0 and Par-3 was significantly up-regulated by ES at the conductive scaffold. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Establishing an electrical environment with ES localized at the conductive scaffold is capable of accelerating nerve regeneration and promoting functional recovery in a 15 mm nerve defect in rats. The findings provide new directions for exploring regenerative approaches to achieve better functional recovery in the treatment of large nerve defect

    Evaluation of Ischemic Stroke Hybrid Segmentation in a Rat Model of Temporary Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion using Ground Truth from Histologic and MR data

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    A segmentation method that quantifies cerebral infarct using rat data with ischemic stroke is evaluated using ground truth from histologic and MR data. To demonstrate alternative approach to rapid quantification of cerebral infarct volumes using histologic stained slices that requires scarifying animal life, a study with MR acquire volumetric rat data is proposed where ground truth is obtained by manual delineations by experts and automated segmentation is assessed for accuracy. A framework for evaluation of segmentation is used that provides more detailed accuracy measurements than mere cerebral infarct volume. Our preliminary experiment shows that ground truth derived from MRI data is at least as good as the one obtained from the histologic slices for evaluating segmentation algorithms for accuracy. Therefore we can develop and evaluate automated segmentation methods for rapid quantification of stroke without the necessitating animal sacrifice