186 research outputs found

    Two Dimensional, Spatial Arrangement of Fibronectin Adsorbed to Biomaterials with Different Wettabilities

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    The effects of concentration, pH and substratum wettability on the two dimensional, spatial arrangement of adsorbed fibronectin are determined. Substrata with different wettability were exposed to a well defined flow of a fibronectin solution (0.1 or 1 mg/ml) in potassium phosphate buffer (pH 7.0 or 4.8) during 120 minutes at a shear rate of 20 s1. Rotary shadowed replicas of the surfaces were examined by transmission electron microscopy. Well defined structures, island-like in character on the low wettability substrata and knotted, reticulated on the high wettability substrata, could be seen in case of adsorption from pH 7.0 and the high concentration solution. Structures became more blurred upon lowering the solution pH and fibronectin concentration. Compared with bovine serum albumin, fibronectin shows smaller island-like structures, but the reticulated structure is thicker than for albumin

    Phononic crystal with free-form waveguiding and broadband attenuation

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    Waveguiding is highly desirable for multiple applications but is challenging to achieve in wide continuous frequency ranges. In this work, we developed a three-dimensional phononic crystal with broadband waveguiding functionality. Waveguiding is achieved by combining two types of unit cells with different wave scattering features to create an arbitrary-curved defect path. The unit cell design is governed by contradictory requirements to induce narrow- and broad-band wave attenuation along the path and within the phononic medium, respectively. This is achieved by modulating structural parameters to activate Bragg's scattering, local resonances and inertial amplification mechanism and interplay between them. We demonstrated numerically and experimentally the waveguiding with strong wave localization and confinement in additively manufactured three-dimensional structures along straight, angle- and arbitrary-curved paths. This work opens new perspectives for the practical utilization of phononic crystals in ultrasonic sensors, medical devices, and acoustic energy harvesters

    The impact of injury of the chorda tympani nerve during primary stapes surgery or cochlear implantation on taste function, quality of life and food preferences:A study protocol for a double-blind prospective prognostic association study

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    BACKGROUND: The chorda tympani nerve (CTN) is a mixed nerve, which carries sensory and parasympathetic fibres. The sensory component supplies the taste sensation of the anterior two-thirds of the ipsilateral side of the tongue. During middle ear surgery the CTN is exposed and frequently stretched or sacrificed, because it lacks a bony covering as it passes through the middle ear. Injury may cause hypogeusia, ageusia or altered taste sensation of the ipsilateral side of the tongue. To date, there is no consensus regarding which type of CTN injury (sacrificing or stretching), during middle ear surgery, leads to the least burden for the patient.METHODS: A double-blind prospective prognostic association study was designed in a single medical centre in the Netherlands to determine the effect of CTN injury on postoperative taste disturbance and quality of life. 154 patients, who will undergo primary stapes surgery or cochlear implantation will be included. The taste sensation, food preferences and quality of life of these patients will be evaluated preoperatively and at one week, six weeks and six months postoperatively using the Taste Strip Test, Electrogustometry, supplementary questionnaire on taste disturbance, Macronutrient and Taste Preference Ranking Task, Appetite, Hunger and Sensory Perception questionnaire and Questionnaire of Olfactory Disorders to assess the association of these outcomes with CTN injury. Evaluation of olfactory function will only take place preoperatively and at one week postoperatively using the Sniffin' Sticks. The patient and outcome assessor are blinded to the presence or absence of CTN injury.DISCUSSION: This study is the first to validate and quantify the effect of chorda tympani nerve injury on taste function. The findings of this study may lead to evidence-based proof of the effect of chorda tympani injury on taste function with consequences for surgical strategies.TRIAL REGISTRATION: Netherlands Trial Register NL9791. Registered on 10 October 2021.</p

    Systematic review:Validity, reliability, and diagnostic accuracy of the electrogustometer

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    OBJECTIVE: What are the electrogustometer's (EGM) validity, reliability, and diagnostic accuracy in assessing taste sensation in adults compared to other taste tests?DATA SOURCES: PubMed Medline, Elseviers's Embase, and the six databases of Cochrane Library.METHODS: We conducted a systematic search on December 20, 2022, consisting of synonyms for EGM. We considered randomized controlled trials and observational studies with original data for inclusion if they included adults who underwent electrogustometry. Articles were excluded if no analysis regarding validity, reliability, or diagnostic accuracy had been performed or if these analyses could not be performed with the published data.RESULTS: Nineteen articles discussing 18 studies were included for data extraction. The included studies carry a high risk of bias. Overall, the association between a variety of reference taste tests and EGM was moderate or weak with correlation coefficients ranging from -0.51 to 0.40 with one outlier of -0.74 found in one study correlating EGM and taste solutions. Test-retest reliability was good with reported correlation coefficients between 0.78 and 1.0. The sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and NPV of EGM in identifying abnormal taste function varied widely between the four studies on diagnostic accuracy.CONCLUSION: The included studies in this review lack the required standards regarding study design to draw firm conclusions about the validity, reliability, and diagnostic accuracy of the EGM. Future research is needed to assess these measurement properties. Based on the reported results, we would not recommend using the EGM as a screening test for taste disturbance in clinical practice.LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: NA.</p

    Systematic review:Validity, reliability, and diagnostic accuracy of the electrogustometer

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    OBJECTIVE: What are the electrogustometer's (EGM) validity, reliability, and diagnostic accuracy in assessing taste sensation in adults compared to other taste tests?DATA SOURCES: PubMed Medline, Elseviers's Embase, and the six databases of Cochrane Library.METHODS: We conducted a systematic search on December 20, 2022, consisting of synonyms for EGM. We considered randomized controlled trials and observational studies with original data for inclusion if they included adults who underwent electrogustometry. Articles were excluded if no analysis regarding validity, reliability, or diagnostic accuracy had been performed or if these analyses could not be performed with the published data.RESULTS: Nineteen articles discussing 18 studies were included for data extraction. The included studies carry a high risk of bias. Overall, the association between a variety of reference taste tests and EGM was moderate or weak with correlation coefficients ranging from -0.51 to 0.40 with one outlier of -0.74 found in one study correlating EGM and taste solutions. Test-retest reliability was good with reported correlation coefficients between 0.78 and 1.0. The sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and NPV of EGM in identifying abnormal taste function varied widely between the four studies on diagnostic accuracy.CONCLUSION: The included studies in this review lack the required standards regarding study design to draw firm conclusions about the validity, reliability, and diagnostic accuracy of the EGM. Future research is needed to assess these measurement properties. Based on the reported results, we would not recommend using the EGM as a screening test for taste disturbance in clinical practice.LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: NA.</p

    Prediction of obstructive sleep apnea:comparative performance of three screening instruments on the apnea-hypopnea index and the oxygen desaturation index

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate the performance of the NoSASĀ (neck, obesity, snoring, age, sex) score, the STOP-BangĀ (snoring, tiredness, observed apneas, blood pressure, body mass index, age, neck circumference, gender) questionnaire, and the Epworth sleepiness score (ESS) as a screening tool for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) severity based on the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) and the oxygen desaturation index (ODI). METHODS: Data from 235 patients who were monitored by ambulant polysomnography (PSG) were retrospectively analyzed. OSA severity was classified based on the AHI; similar classification categories were made based on the ODI. Discrimination was assessed by the area under the curve (AUC), while predictive parameters were calculated by four-grid contingency tables. RESULTS: The NoSAS score and the STOP-Bang questionnaire were both equally adequate screening tools for the AHI and the ODI with AUC ranging from 0.695 to 0.767 and 0.684 to 0.767, respectively. Both questionnaires perform better when used as a continuous variable. The ESS did not show adequate discrimination for screening for OSA (AUC ranging from 0.450 to 0.525). Male gender, age, and BMI proved to be the strongest individual predictors in this cohort. CONCLUSION: This is the first study to evaluate the predictive performance of three different screening instruments with respect to both the AHI and the ODI. This is important, due to increasing evidence that the ODI may have a higher reproducibility in the clinical setting. The NoSAS score and the STOP-Bang questionnaire proved to be equally adequate to predict OSA severity based on both the AHI and the ODI. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (10.1007/s11325-020-02219-6) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Case Report: Challenging Otologic Surgery in Patients With 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome

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    Patients with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome frequently have conductive hearing loss and/or chronic otitis media. Otologic surgery is often opted for. We present two patients undergoing otologic surgery. This case report outlines the typical otologic surgical challenges in patients with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome. Case one is a 52 year old male patient with chronic otitis media who underwent a mastoidectomy. The pre-operative CT scan showed a fused lateral semicircular canal and vestibule. Peroperatively, the lateral semicircular canal could not be used as a landmark to identify the facial nerve. Case two is a 10 year old female patient with conductive hearing loss. A middle ear inspection was performed where a bony epitympanic fixation of the malleus was encountered. In addition, the manubrium of the malleus was atrophic and also fixated. The bony fixation was removed, as was the manubrium of the malleus. Otologists should be aware of these typical anatomical variations in patients with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome. We recommend to use CT scanning of the middle and inner ear when preparing for otologic surgery in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome

    Ex vivo Evaluation of a New Drill System for Placement of Percutaneous Bone Conduction Devices

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    The procedure for installation of a percutaneous bone-conducting device has undergone significant improvements since its introduction 40 years ago. Today, the linear incision technique with tissue preservation (LITT-P) and the minimally invasive procedure (MIPS) are the most commonly used approaches. In both these techniques, a gradual increase of the osteotomy using a three-step drilling sequence is utilized, as this approach can allow a stepwise deepening and widening of the osteotomy in the mastoid and can prevent bone overheating. A new minimally invasive procedure (MONO) has been developed that allows an osteotomy to be performed and enables complete removal of the bone volume in one single drill step for a 4 mm implant using a novel parabolic twist drill. Here, the feasibility of the MONO procedure was qualitatively and quantitatively evaluated in terms of the dura response to drill trauma in comparison with the outcomes achieved with guide drills used for the LITT-P and MIPS techniques. Fresh frozen temporal bone from a human cadaver was subjected to penetration by three drills beyond the base of the mastoid bone to different depths. The sites were evaluated, and the damage to and possible penetration of the dura were determined. The results showed that for a drill depth exceeding mastoid bone thickness by not more than 1 mm, damage to the dura was limited or nonexistent, whereas for a drill depth exceeding bone thickness by 2 mm, damage increased, or the dura was penetrated. There was a trend toward more damage and penetration for both the round burr and MIPS guide drill compared with the MONO drill bit. From this experimental ex vivo study, it can be concluded that if the dura is encountered, the MONO system is not more inclined to penetrate the dura than the conventional LITT-P and MIPS systems
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