1,280 research outputs found

    Optimal Harvest Time of Florida Valencia Oranges to Maximize Grower Returns

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    Research goals are to estimate the optimal harvest time of Florida Valencia oranges for Florida growers and calculate the economic consequences of harvesting inside or outside the optimal window. Determining the optimal fruit harvest time will help the industry anticipate how mechanical harvesting may affect deviations from this optimum.Crop Production/Industries,

    The "Phantom Costs" of Florida's Citrus Industry

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    Regulatory compliance, the "phantom costs of production," is an increasingly "fact-of-life" for U.S. agriculture. A survey was developed and implemented to enumerate regulatory compliance costs for Florida's 748,500 acres citrus industry. Complying with 61 production related regulations, 643,757 hours were expended at a total annual cost of over $24.3 million.Crop Production/Industries,

    Assessing the potential impact of strengthening food safety regulations on developing countries: The US Food Safety and Modernization Act

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    This paper’s goal is to assess the extent to which producers in Developing Countries have coped stricter US food safety regulations. We approach the question by calculating refusals/imports ratios and their trends for a sample of Developing Countries. We conclude there is a learning process in low value added products.food safety, traceability, value chain analysis, trade, Latin America and the Caribbean, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, International Development, International Relations/Trade,


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    A cost-benefit analysis of the on-going eradication of citrus canker in Florida is conducted. Costs include the losses incurred from eradicated groves. Benefits include elimination of the adverse effects of canker on citrus production and marketing.Crop Production/Industries,

    Economic Analysis of Strategies to Combat HLB in Florida Citrus

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    citrus greening, huanglongbing, asian citrus psyllid, Crop Production/Industries, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    When does an individual accept misinformation? An extended investigation through cognitive modeling

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    Poor sleep quality at baseline is associated with increased aggression over one year in forensic psychiatric patients

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    Objective: In forensic psychiatric patients, sleep problems as well as impulsivity and aggression are highly prevalent, yet studies on their association over time are lacking. This study investigates the association between sleep quality and changes in impulsivity and aggression in forensic psychiatric patients over one year. Methods: Data were drawn from an ongoing prospective observational study in adult forensic psychiatric patients admitted to a forensic treatment facility between October 2006 and January 2018. Validated self-reports and observational instruments were used to assess sleep quality, impulsivity and aggression upon admission to the hospital and after one year. Linear regression analyses were performed to examine the association between sleep quality, impulsivity and aggression. All models were adjusted for baseline values of outcome measures, demographic features and general psychopathology. Results: Data from 83 men (age 37.7 ± 11.7 years) with completed consecutive measurements were analyzed. Poor sleep quality was associated with increased self-reported aggression (β = 1.08; 95% CI, 0.38–1.78). This association was positively confounded by general psychopathology, indicating that sleep quality is specifically related to self-reported aggression instead of being part of general psychopathology (adjusted β = 1.18; 95% CI, 0.39–1.97). Poor sleep quality was not associated with changes in self-reported impulsivity, clinician-rated impulsivity or clinician-rated hostility in this population. Conclusion: Poor sleep quality was associated with an increase in self-reported aggression over one year in male forensic psychiatric patients. Early evaluation and treatment of sleep problems in (forensic) psychiatric patients may play an important role in reducing the risk of aggressive behavior

    Modeling echo chambers and polarization dynamics in social networks

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    Echo chambers and opinion polarization recently quantified in several sociopolitical contexts and across different social media, raise concerns on their potential impact on the spread of misinformation and on openness of debates. Despite increasing efforts, the dynamics leading to the emergence of these phenomena stay unclear. We propose a model that introduces the dynamics of radicalization, as a reinforcing mechanism driving the evolution to extreme opinions from moderate initial conditions. Inspired by empirical findings on social interaction dynamics, we consider agents characterized by heterogeneous activities and homophily. We show that the transition between a global consensus and emerging radicalized states is mostly governed by social influence and by the controversialness of the topic discussed. Compared with empirical data of polarized debates on Twitter, the model qualitatively reproduces the observed relation between users' engagement and opinions, as well as opinion segregation in the interaction network. Our findings shed light on the mechanisms that may lie at the core of the emergence of echo chambers and polarization in social media

    New estimates of pan-Arctic sea ice-atmosphere neutral drag coefficients from ICESat-2 elevation data

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    The effect that sea ice topography has on the momentum transfer between ice and atmosphere is not fully quantified due to the vast extent of the Arctic and limitations of current measurement techniques. Here we present a method to estimate pan-Arctic momentum transfer via a parameterization that links sea ice-atmosphere form drag coefficients with surface feature height and spacing. We measure these sea ice surface feature parameters using the Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2). Though ICESat-2 is unable to resolve as well as airborne surveys, it has a higher along-track spatial resolution than other contemporary altimeter satellites. As some narrow obstacles are effectively smoothed out by the ICESat-2 ATL07 spatial resolution, we use near-coincident high-resolution Airborne Topographic Mapper (ATM) elevation data from NASA's Operation IceBridge (OIB) mission to scale up the regional ICESat-2 drag estimates. By also incorporating drag due to open water, floe edges and sea ice skin drag, we produced a time series of average total pan-Arctic neutral atmospheric drag coefficient estimates from November 2018 to May 2022. Here we have observed its temporal evolution to be unique and not directly tied to sea ice extent. By also mapping 3-month aggregates for the years 2019, 2020 and 2021 for better regional analysis, we found the thick multiyear ice area directly north of the Canadian Archipelago and Greenland to be consistently above 2.0×10-3, while most of the multiyear ice portion of the Arctic is typically around ∼1.5×10-3
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