1,248 research outputs found

    Modelling electronic service systems using UML

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    This paper presents a profile for modelling systems of electronic services using UML. Electronic services encapsulate business services, an organisational unit focused on delivering benefit to a consumer, to enhance communication, coordination and information management. Our profile is based on a formal, workflow-oriented description of electronic services that is abstracted from particular implementation technologies. Resulting models provide the basis for a formal analysis to verify behavioural properties of services. The models can also relate services to management components, including workflow managers and Electronic Service Management Systems (ESMSs), a novel concept drawn from experience of HP Service Composer and DySCo (Dynamic Service Composer), providing the starting point for integration and implementation tasks. Their UML basis and platform-independent nature is consistent with a Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) development strategy, appropriate to the challenge of developing electronic service systems using heterogeneous technology, and incorporating legacy systems

    Production of callus from protoplasts of cultured grape pericarp

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    Protoplasts were isolated from callus cultures of grape vine pericarp after an overnight incubation at 26 °c in 2% Cellulase Onozuka SS plus 1 % Macerozyme dissolved in a mixture of 0.14 molal KCl and 0.10 molal CaCl2 at pH 5.5. When cultured in a liquid medium with either 0.24 M sorbitol or 0.23 M sucrose as osmotic stabilizer, new cell walls were regenerated within the first few days. Cell division commenced by the sixth day of culture, and approximately 0.5% of the population continued dividing. Eventual transfer of the culture to the surface of medium solidified with agar resulted in callus formation.Kallusbildung aus Protoplasten von kultiviertem TraubenperikarpEine Nährlösung wird beschrieben, in der Protoplasten, die aus Kalluskulturen von Traubenperikarp isoliert worden waren, neue Zellwände bildeten und Zellteilungen eingingen. Spätere Übertragung auf einen festen Nährboden ergab aktives Kalluswachstum

    In vitro propagation of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) from fragmented shoot apices

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    A method is described for the in vitro propagation of grapevine from fragmented shoot apices, which has the potential to produce approximately 8000 plantlets from a single apex within 4 months. Apical cell clumps were grown in a liquid culture medium with cytokinin but in the absence of auxin. Transfer of the differentiated cell clumps to the same medium gelled with agar resulted in shoot masses which could be repeatedly subcultured. Excised shoots rooted readily on a hormone-free basal medium, and were successfully transferred to glasshouse conditions. This method has potential value in commercial clonal grapevine propagation.In-vitro-Vermehrung der Rebe (Vitis vinifera L.) aus zerstĂĽckelten TriebspitzenEine Methode fĂĽr die in-vitro-Vermehrung der Rebe aus zerstĂĽckelten Triebspitzen wird beschrieben. Zellklumpen der Triebspitze wurden auf einem flĂĽssigen Medium, das Cytokinin, aber kein Auxin enthielt, kultiviert. Nach Ăśbertragung der differenzierten Zellklumpen auf ein mit Agar verfestigtes, aber sonst gleich zusammengesetztes Medium entstanden BĂĽschel von Trieben, die zerteilt und weiter vermehrt werden konnten. Explantierte Einzeltriebe bewurzelten sich auf einem hormonfreien Grundmedium rasch

    Ploidy stability in grapevines following long term storage in vitro

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    A modified method to prepare root tip squashes was used for the routine examination of chromosomes of grapevines developed from in vitro shoot cultures. The results established that adventitious buds obtained by culture of fragmented shoot apices were diploid, and that storage at 9.5 °C of multiple shoot cultures of eight Vitis genotypes for periods up to 12 months did not affect the ploidy level of plants regenerated from them

    Nothing Happens Unless First a Dream: Demystifying the Academic Library Job Search and Acing the Application Process

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    Academic library positions can be highly desirable for both new librarians and experienced librarians interested in transitioning into a different setting. Yet for both novice and experienced librarians alike, landing an interview for an academic librarian position can feel intimidating and overwhelming. Applicants may have difficulty understanding tenure track requirements, no academic library experience, no coursework in relevant areas, and may be competing with a large pool of qualified candidates. When academic job openings ask for years of academic library experience and library school specializations suggest that the path you pick is the path you keep until retirement, it begins to feel as though finding a position in an academic library is an insurmountable endeavor. As three librarians who have successfully made the move into an academic setting, we can attest that although the way may be unclear, this goal is not impossible to achieve. This paper will explain some of the facets unique to the academic setting with which applicants might not be familiar, how to tailor application materials to an academic position and why this is crucial for success, and how to acclimate to new responsibilities and expectations

    Tempering hope with realism. Induced pluripotent stem cells in regenerative medicine

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    • Since their discovery in 2007, human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells have been widely championed as the future for regenerative medicine. • By differentiating iPS cells into specialised cells for transplantation, it may be possible to replace diseased cells and “cure” patients of various chronic degenerative conditions, including Parkinson’s disease. • Such putative iPS cell-based therapies would avoid the need to procure transplantable cells from (and in the process, destroy) human embryos, and could be administered to patients without immunosuppressive therapy. • In reality, however, the optimism surrounding iPS cell research has outpaced progress to date and likely emanates, in part, from the “moral panic” surrounding human embryo research. • At such an early stage of development, questions remain about whether iPS cells are strictly equivalent to human embryonic stem cells as a source of transplantable cells. The Heerey Committee considered this point in its recent review of the Commonwealth legislation governing embryo research and human cloning and its Report (tabled in federal Parliament in July 2011) recommended that embryonic stem cell research should continue in Australia. • In addition, there are many ethical issues which will need to be considered when enrolling vulnerable patients in trials of iPS cell therapy given the uncertain benefits and risks involved. • In the rush to embrace iPS cell therapy, there is a real risk that the public may overrate the benefits and expect imminent translation to the clinic

    Partial characterization of Agrobacterium vitis strains

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    Seventeen strains of Agrobacterium vitis (formerly classified A. tumefaciens biovar 3) were characterized using part of the T-DNA and virA regions of the Ti plasmid as probes. All strains except one were of the wide host range (WHR) strains and were classified into two groups depending on their ability to utilize octopine or nopaline. These WHR type oncogenic strains had homology with the limited host range type (LHR) virA gen of A. vitis but not with the WHR virA gene of A. tumefaciens. The frequency of T-DNA excision in some Agrobacterium strains was estimated with the plasmid pTMA which mimics T-DNA excision from Ti plasmid DNA. In an A. vitis strain isolated from grapevine, T-DNA excision occurred after co-cultivation with grapevine tissues, but not with acetosyringone. In contrast, in A. tumefaciens, T-DNA excision occurred after co-cultivation with acetosyringone, but not with grapevine tissue
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