161 research outputs found

    A Novel File Search And Sharing Component In Controlled P2p Structures

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    In web p2p record sharing framework creating more traffic. In this framework document querying is imperative usefulness which demonstrates the execution of p2p framework. To enhance record query execution cluster the normal intrigued peers in view of physical proximity. Existing strategies are committed to just unstructured p2p frameworks and they don't have strict arrangement for topology development which decreases the file location proficiency. In this venture proposing a proximity aware interest–clustered p2p record sharing framework executed in organized p2p document framework. It shapes a cluster based on node proximity and in addition groups the nodes which having normal interest into sub-cluster. A novel query work named as DHT and record replication algorithm which bolsters productive document query and get to. To reduce overhead and file searching defer the record querying may get to be inefficient because of the sub-interest supernode over-burden or failure. In this manner, however the sub-interest based record querying enhances querying proficiency, it is still not adequately scalable when there are an extensive number of hubs in a sub-intrigue assemble. We then propose a distributed intra-sub-cluster record querying technique to facilitate enhance the document questioning proficiency

    The Quality Demonstration projected in Cloud supervisions

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    A defender amongst the preeminent vital current examinations inside of the Cloud Computing provisioning is that the Service Level Agreement and its application in ensuring the gave appropriated figuring organizations. The strategy for giving appropriated organizations has been reconsidered as partner result of using dispersed figuring that as a region of flip has well known new challenges with every suppliers and customers. Estimation the character of circulated processing procural from the client's point of view is basic accordingly on surety that the organization fits in with the sum decided inside of the understanding; this is regularly typically implied as Quality of skill. There has been some work in estimation the standard of Service as a strategy for ensuring the organization level in dispersed processing. One in everything about troubles with estimation the standard of aptitude parameters is that gigantic quantities of the parameters are subjective, and thusly makes it challenging to portray a deliberate metric to be utilized for instrumenting the gave organization. This paper depicts a working - headway investigate that attempts to portray partner assessed metric that may be utilized as partner execution live to benchmark SaaS applications in appropriated processing. Such a metric are significant to cloud suppliers and also buyers for ensuring that the sent organizations meet the shopper wants. The conveyed registering applications brings another course of action of data security issues. The cloud security model see capable of SLA (Service Level Agreement) was centered on. From the assurance troubles of conveyed figuring , appropriated registering security risks was compound widely, the organization level understandings was augmented, the CSLA (Cloud Service Level Agreement) structure was anticipated, the cloud security course of action was arranged, the cloud security level auxiliary designing and cloud organizations evaluating and charging models was anticipated


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    ABSTRACT Guide cane, echo locations are all useful in navigating the visually challenged people to reach their destination, but the main objective is not reached that it fails to join them with traffic. In this project we propose a bus system using wireless sensor networks (WSNs)-(ZigBee).The blind people in the bus station is provided with a ZigBee unit which is recognized by the ZigBee in the bus. The blind gives the input about the place he has to reach using microphones and the voice recognition system this input is then analyzed by the ARM-7 which generates the bus numbers corresponding to the location provided by the blind. These bus numbers are converted into audio output using the voice synthesizer APR9600.Whenever bus has entered into bus stop buzzer will be ON to indicate the blind person. The desired bus that the blind want to take is notified to him with the help of speech recognition system. The ZigBee transceiver in the bus sends the bus number to the transceiver with the blind and the bus number is announced to the blind through the headphones. This project is also aimed at helping the elder people for independent navigation

    Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis Using CNN Based Pre-trained Models

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    Memory loss and impairment are signs of Alzheimer's disease (AD), which may also cause other issues. It has a significant impact on patients' lives and is incurable, but rapid recognition of Alzheimer's disease can be useful to initiate appropriate therapy to avoid further deterioration to the brain. Previously, Machine Learning methodswere used to detect Alzheimer's disease. In recent times, Deep Learning algorithms have become more popular for pattern recognition. This workconcentrates on the recognition of Alzheimer's disease at a preliminary phase using advanced convolutional neural network models. As the disease advances, they steadily forget everything. It is critical to detect the disease as quickly as possible. The proposed model usespre-trained models that uses magnetic resonance imaging of the brain to determine if a person has very mild, mild, moderate, or non-dementia. The models used for classification are VGG16, VGG19, and ResNet50 architectures and provide performance comparison

    A study on assessment of knowledge, attitude and practice of premenstrual syndrome among female in urban area

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    Background: Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a significant clinical disorder affecting a substantial percentage of women. This study aims to investigate the existence, knowledge, and attitude of female students towards PMS. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted, with 250 female participants between the ages of 18 to 30 years. The participants completed a self-reporting menstrual distress questionnaire (MDQ) and a standardized health questionnaire to assess the prevalence and severity of premenstrual symptoms and also to assess the knowledge, attitude, and practice of PMS for subjective perceptions of health, stress, lifestyle, and demographic variables. The questionnaire was set in four parts, one each to assess the knowledge, the attitude, and practices regarding PMS and one to assess the gap between self-perceived PMS and actual PMS. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics. Results: The results revealed that 80% of the participants reported experiencing PMS, but only 48% met the criteria defined by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). The most common symptoms reported were irritability, mood swings, headache, fatigue, and menstrual cramps. PMS had a significant impact on participants’ normal life, with 60.4% reporting disturbances in their routine. While 51.2% believed that PMS/menstrual leave should be an option at universities, only 39.2% supported the idea at the workplace. Conclusions: Surprisingly, over 60% of participants did nothing to relieve their PMS symptoms. So, there is a significant impact of PMS in the lives of urban women and it is also a common problem all over the globe. The study underscores the need for increased awareness and education about PMS and its management, as well as the importance of promoting a stress-free environment to mitigate its impact on women’s quality of life

    RP-HPLC method development and validation for the estimation of antifungal drug terbinafine HCL in bulk and pharmaceutical dosage form

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    In the present work RP-HPLC method has been developed for the quantitative estimation of Terbinafine hydrochloride in bulk drug and pharmaceutical formulations. A rapid and sensitive RP-HPLC Method with PDA detection (220 nm) for routine analysis of in Bulk drug and Pharmaceutical formulation was developed. Chromatography was performed with mobile phase containing a mixture of Potassium dihydrogen phosphate and Acetonitrile (65:35 v/v) with flow rate 1.5 ml/min. The linearity was found to be in the range of 50-150 µg/ml with (r2=0.999). The proposed method was validated by determining sensitivity, accuracy, precision, LOD, LOQ and system suitability parameters according to ICH guidrelines

    UV Spectrophotometric Method For The Estimation of Seratrodast in Bulk and Pharmaceutical Dosage Form

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    A simple, specific, accurate and precise U.V Spectroscopy method was developed and validated for the estimation of Seratrodast in pharmaceutical dosage forms. The stock solution was prepared by weighing 100 mg of Standard Seratrodast in 100ml volumetric flask containing distilled water. The final stock solution was made to produce 100

    Development and validation of new analytical method for the simultaneous estimation of ibuprofen and diphenhydramine in bulk and pharmaceutical dosage form by RP-HPLC

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    A simple, accurate, rapid and precise method was developed for the simultaneous estimation of Ibuprofen and Diphenhydramine in Pharmaceutical dosage form. Chromatogram was run through Inertsil ODS (250x4.6mm) 5µ. Mobile phase used was Acetonitrile and Phosphate buffer (45:55) at a flow rate of 1.0 ml/min and detection wavelength was found to be 260 nm. The retention time was found to be 2.32 min and 2.93 min for Ibuprofen and Diphenhydramine respectively. The accuracy and reliability of the method was assessed by evaluation of linearity, precision (intra-day and inter-day % RSD >2), accuracy (98-102%), specificity, LOD, LOQ values in accordance with ICH guidelines. The developed method is applicable for routine quality control analysis of selected combined dosage forms


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    Alkaptonuria, also called endogenous ochronosis, and also called as Black Urine Disease, is a rare metabolic autosomal recessive disorder. It occurs by complete inhibition of homogentisic acid oxidase enzyme having its deposition in various tissues. Alkaptonuria is caused due to deficiency of homogentisic acid oxidase involved in the metabolism of tyrosine. Dark discolouration of urine, ochronosis at cartilage and connective tissues, arthritis at the third of fourth decade of life, renal stone disease, spontaneous tendon rupture etc. May be seen in alkaptonuria. Disease severity varies among individual patients, even between siblings, and increase with age because of homogentisic acid accumulation. Usually, life span is not shortened in AKU, but the quality of life is severely effected. Several studies have suggested that Nitisinone may be effective in the treatment of alkaptonuria. Characteristically, the excess HGA means sufferers pass dark urine, which upon standing turns black. This is a feature present from birth. Over time patients develop other manifestations of AKU, due to the deposition of HGA in collagenous tissues, namely ochronosis and ochronotic osteoarthropathy. Although this condition does not reduce life expectancy, it significantly affects the quality of life. The natural history of this condition is becoming better understood, despite gaps in knowledge. Clinical assessment of the condition has also improved along with the development of potentially disease-modifying therapy. Furthermore, recent developments in AKU research have to lead to new understanding of the disease, and further study of the AKU arthropathy has the potential to influence therapy in the management of osteoarthritis

    A System to Filter Unwanted Messages from OSN User Walls

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    Abstract: The very basic requirement in present days Online Social Networks (OSNs) or Mobile Social Networks (MSNs) is to enable users with the facility to filter and moderate the messages posted on their own private space(like Profile pages, walls etc) to evade that unnecessary content is displayed. As of now Online Social Networks (OSNs) do not provide any kind options in order to fill this user requirement. To address this issue, in this paper, we propose a system allowing Online Social Networks (OSNs) users to have a direct control on the messages posted on their profiles and walls. This is accomplished through a flexible rule-based system, that permits registered users to modify the filtering criteria to be applied to their walls, and Machine Learning based soft classifier automatically labeling messages in support of content-based filtering
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