3 research outputs found

    Geographical and seasonal variability in the development of aphids (Homoptera, Aphidinea)

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    The purpose of the research is to study geographical and seasonal variability of aphids from the Ferghana Range.Materials and methods. The research materials were long-term collections, observations and experiments conducted in various zones of the Ferghana Range (Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan) in 2006–2020. The studies used entomological, aphidological and statistical methods. The V. Barov’s psi-square and Student and Fisher’s Z methods were used to compare the samples. Mathematical analysis was performed based on 16 morphometric characteristics from the samples of adult aphids (n = 10).Results and discussion. The morphological features of aphids during divergence are a key factor in their range forage and adaptation to it. Other environmental factors have undoubtedly a direct effect on aphids through forage plants in some cases. The study of morphometric parameters of the samples taken in Mayli-Say and Khanabad showed that the variability of the aphid’s hindleg was zero, and the samples from Mayli-Say differed significantly from the samples from Khanabad (P > 0.01). The study results confirm that the samples from both regions are mainly subject to geographical variability influenced by climatic and other factors, and the confidence level differs in morphometric parameters

    Особенности географической и сезонной изменчивости в развитии тлей (Homoptera, Aphidinea)

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    The purpose of the research is to study geographical and seasonal variability of aphids from the Ferghana Range.Materials and methods. The research materials were long-term collections, observations and experiments conducted in various zones of the Ferghana Range (Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan) in 2006–2020. The studies used entomological, aphidological and statistical methods. The V. Barov’s psi-square and Student and Fisher’s Z methods were used to compare the samples. Mathematical analysis was performed based on 16 morphometric characteristics from the samples of adult aphids (n = 10).Results and discussion. The morphological features of aphids during divergence are a key factor in their range forage and adaptation to it. Other environmental factors have undoubtedly a direct effect on aphids through forage plants in some cases. The study of morphometric parameters of the samples taken in Mayli-Say and Khanabad showed that the variability of the aphid’s hindleg was zero, and the samples from Mayli-Say differed significantly from the samples from Khanabad (P > 0.01). The study results confirm that the samples from both regions are mainly subject to geographical variability influenced by climatic and other factors, and the confidence level differs in morphometric parameters.Цель исследований: изучить особенности географической и сезонной изменчивости тлей Ферганского хребта.Материалы и методы. Материалом для исследований служили многолетние сборы, наблюдения и эксперименты, проведенные в 2006–2020 гг. в различных зонах Ферганского хребта (Узбекистан, Кыргызстан). В исследованиях использовали энтомологические, афидологические и статистические методы. Для сравнения образцов использовали методы пси-квадрат В. Барова, «Z» Стьюдента и Фишера. Был проведен математический анализ на основе 16 морфометрических признаков из образцов взрослых особей тлей (n = 10).Результаты и обсуждение. При дивергенции морфологические особенности тлей являются ключевым фактором в их кормовой растительности и адаптации к ней. Другие факторы окружающей среды в ряде случаев несомненно оказывают прямое воздействие на тлей через кормовые растения. Изучение морфометрических параметров образцов, отобранных в Майлисае и Ханабаде, показало, что вариабельность задней лапы тлей равна нулю, а образцы из Майлисая, значительно отличаются от образцов из Ханабада (P > 0,01). Результаты исследования подтверждают, что образцы из обоих регионов, в основном, подвержены географической изменчивости под влиянием климатических и других факторов, а уровень достоверности различается по морфометр


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    The article presents the results of scientific research work carried out to optimize the water and salt procedures of soils in the conditions of moderately saline soils in terms of alluvial, mechanical composition of the Bukhara region with the help of phytomeliorative measures, to economize river waters spent on irrigation and salt washing of agricultural crop