10 research outputs found

    Socialization of Self Care Toga and Acupressure at Gading Health Center in Surabaya

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    Background: The community made various efforts to be able to overcome the health complaints that they experienced, whether it was done alone by people who experienced health complaints or by healthy families. Efforts made by the community in overcoming health complaints suffered include self-treatment based on the knowledge they have by massage or consuming materials or processed from plants or animals, conducting consultations or examinations on traditional and medical health facilities, and can also bring in officers home health. Purpose: Increasing public knowledge regarding how to process traditional medicines and independent acupressure. Method: Providing knowledge to the Independent Care Cadres of Gading Surabaya Health Center regarding how to process traditional medicines and independent acupressure through demonstration of making traditional medicines and independent acupressure. Results: The activity of Independent Care of Family Medication and Acupressure Care for Cadre groups in Gading Surabaya Health Center went well. The cadre welcomed the program and they participated in the coaching activities actively. Conclusion: The Independent Care of Family Medication and Acupressure care for Cadre groups coaching program in Gading Surabaya Health Center is very beneficial for the community in overcoming minor ailments without taking chemical drugs

    Allergic Rhinitical Therapy with Acupuncture, Legundi and Temulawak Herbs

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    Background: Allergic rhinitis is an inflammatory disease of the nasal mucosa mediated by IgE (immunoglobulin E) with the main mediator histamine. Rhinitis in the science of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is called Bi Yuan (influenza) and Bi Zhi (nasal congestion). Cases of allergic rhinitis experienced by patients are complaints of repeated sneezing up to 10 times in the morning with rhinorrhea (runny nose). Patients classified as allergic rhinitis with differentiation of hot moist syndrome with splenic deficiency. Purpose: To prove the effect of acupuncture combination therapy on Yintang point (EXHN 3), Yinxiang (LI 20), Zusanli (ST 36), Taibai (SP 3) with herbal legundi (Vitex trifolia) and temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza) in patients with allergic rhinitis. Methods: Handling allergic rhinitis with acupuncture and herbal therapy methods. Acupuncture therapy was carried out at Yintang point (EXHN 3), Yinxiang (LI 20), Zusanli (ST 36), Taibai (SP 3) with the principle of eliminating hot humidification and toning of the spleen. In herbal therapy, patients are given herbal legundi (Vitex trifolia) and ginger (Curcuma xanthorrhiza). Results: The active compounds viteosin-A, viteksikarpin, and vitetrifolin-E which can inhibit releasing histamine and curcumin as anti-inflammatory have an effect on sneezing in allergic rhinitis. In handling allergic rhinitis, acupuncture therapy given 12 times, once every two days. Herbal therapy given for 14 times, taken every 2 days interval, 3 times a day with a dose of 5.2 grams of legundi and 4.2 grams of ginger. This therapy overcome the symptoms of sneezing and rhinorrhea in allergic rhinitis. Conclusion: Acupuncture and herbal therapy can be used to overcome sneezing and rhinorrhea in allergic rhinitis

    Pembuatan Dan Pengujian Alat Pengukur Temperatur Pada Rem Tromol Kendaraan Roda Dua Dengan Remote Measuring System

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    Kegagalan pada sistem pengereman banyak berakibat fatal yang berujung kecelakaan, salah satu penyebabnya yaitu Brake Fade. Penyebab dari brake fade adalah temperatur pengereman yang melebihi temperatur maksimum material kampas rem tersebut, sehingga terjadi penurunan koefisien gesek (daya pengereman). Maka dari itu pada penilitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisa pengaruh temperatur pengereman terhadap koefisien gesek, pengurangan ketebalan, dan waktu pengereman. Jenis rem yang digunakan merupakan rem tromol dengan kampas rem dari beberapa merk diantaranya, merk AHM, merk Indopart, merk Binapart, dan kampas rem OES. Metode pengujian yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini yaitu dengan dua metode, metode pertama adalah melakukan pengereman dari variasi RPM hingga kondisi steady, dan metode kedua yaitu melakukan pengujian braking cycle dimana pengereman dilakukan tiap 500 RPM dengan penahanan waktu 2 menit. Pengukuran temperatur pengereman dengan menggunakan infrared thermometer dan thermocouple yang menjadi rangkaian RMS-Brake. Pengukuran waktu pengereman dan ketebalan kampas rem sebelum dan setelah pengujian juga dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruhnya terhadap temperatur pengereman. Dari hasil pengujian, merk AHM fading pada temperatur 281,4ËšC dengan koefisien gesek 0,0998, merk Indopart fading pada temperatur 229,7ËšC dengan koefisien gesek 0,108175, merk Binapart fading pada temperatur 218,4ËšC dengan koefisien gesek 0,099842, dan kampas rem OES fading pada temperatur 250,4ËšC dengan koefisien gesek 0,102478. Selain itu, terdapat pula pengaruh temperatur terhadap pengurangan ketebalan kampas rem, dimana merk OES merupakan yang paling baik karena mengalami pengurangan ketebalan paling rendah dibanding yang lain yaitu sebesar 0,25 mm untuk mencapai temperatur 179,3ËšC. Dan untuk pengaruh temperatur terhadap waktu pengereman, semua merk memiliki waktu pengereman yang relatif kecil, namun didapat merk OES paling sedikit melepas panas dengan delta temperatur 0,49ËšC

    The Role Of Acupuncture Therapy To Overcome One-side Head Pain (Migraine)

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    Background: Migraine is a primary headache, usually described as pain attacks lasting 4 - 72 hours, unilateral, throbbing, with moderate to severe pain intensity that can be exacerbated by activity, and can be accompanied by nausea and vomiting, photophobia and phonophobia. Migraine can interfere with patient activities, so that it can reduce productivity and result in an economic burden to the family and reduce the patient's quality of life. To handle it, pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies can be used. Acupuncture therapy is one of the non-pharmacological therapeutic options that can be used in migraines. Purpose: This article review collects and analyzes journals related to the effect of acupuncture therapy on migraines. The journal search method was carried out electronically from December to April 2021 using several databases such as Pubmed, Sagepub and Google Schoolar with the keywords: acupuncture in cases of migraine, acupuncture for migraine, and acupuncture point for migraine. Review: The journal searches discovered that acupuncture therapy had an effect in reducing pain intensity in migraine cases with the most widely used method that was the manual acupuncture method. However, the most influential method was the combination method of manual acupuncture, herbal acupuncture, and nutritional therapy with the hyperactivity of Yang liver as the frequently occurring syndrome. The frequently used points were the acupuncture points of Fengchi-GB20, Hegu-LI4, Taichong-LR3, Baihui-DU20, Zusanli-ST36, Sanyinjiao-SP6, and Taiyang-EX-HN5.Conclusion: Based on the journal analyses, the combination method of manual acupuncture, herbal acupuncture, and nutritional therapy can reduce pain intensity in migraine case

    Abnormal Blood Lipids Levels (Dyslipidemia) Treatment with Acupuncture Method

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    Background: Dyslipidemia is an abnormal lipid metabolism characterized by an increase in total cholesterol, LDL (Low-Density Lipoprotein), triglycerides (TG), and a decrease in HDL (High-Density Lipoprotein). Increased levels of total cholesterol, TG, LDL, and decreased HDL levels can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. According to TCM, dyslipidemia is categorized into “Tan Zheng” (phlegm syndrome), “Shi Zuo” (damp retention), “Xuan Yun” (vertigo), and “Fei Pang” (obesity). Purpose: The purpose of this review is to analyze the literature study on TCM within the treatment of dyslipidemia with different acupuncture methods and points. The primary data search was conducted using online e-resources (Google Scholar, Proquest, and Pubmed). Review: The results of the study should include at least one of the outcomes indicators for total cholesterol, TG, LDL, and HDL. The result there were 20 journals consisting of studies that used several acupuncture methods, manual acupuncture (AM), electroacupuncture (EA), moxa (MOK), auricular acupuncture (AA), Cupping (CUP), and found additional interventions such as nutritional interventions, and exercise; body points often used are Zusanli (ST 36), Fenglong (ST 40), Quchi (LI 11), Daheng (SP15), Zhongwan (CV 12), Qihai (CV 6), Guanyuan (CV 4), Sanyinjiao (SP 6), Shenque (CV 8), Tianshu (ST 25), and therefore for AA are Spleen (CO 13), Stomach (CO 4), Shenmen (TF 4), and hunger point. Twenty journals showed a decrease in total cholesterol, TG, LDL levels, and an increase in HDL levels. Conclusion: In conclusion, all types of acupuncture methods can reduce total cholesterol, TG and LDL levels, and increase HDL levels

    Ameliorative and Renoprotective Effect of Electrical Stimulation on Blood Sugar, Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN), Creatinine Levels, and the Islets of Langerhans Weight in Diabetic Mice

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    Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic metabolic disease or disorder characterized by high blood sugar levels as well as impaired carbohydrate, lipid, and protein metabolism due to insulin function insufficiency. Insulin deficiency can be caused by impaired or deficient insulin production by Langerhans beta cells in the pancreas or by a lack of responsiveness of the body's cells to insulin. This study aims to the effects of electrostimulation on the ameliorative (improves disease manifestations) or renoprotective (protects the kidneys) in a diabetic rat model using noninvasive (electrical stimulation with the magnetic and nonmagnetic electrode) and invasive (using needles) methods. This study used 25 female rats, with a normal control group (KN), a diabetes control group (KD), a needle treatment group (A), an electro-stimulator treatment group with a magnetic electrode (M), and an ES group with a nonmagnetic electrode (ES) (L). The electro-stimulator used AES-05 with a magnetic field strength of 90 mT at two acupoints, Pishu (BL20) and Shenshu (BL23). The treatment was administered 12 times in one month with a therapy time of 6.6 minutes per session. Body weight and blood sugar levels were compared before and after the treatment. After treatment, the diameter of the islets of Langerhans, as well as levels of creatinine and blood urea nitrogen (BUN), was measured. Furthermore, statistical analysis was performed (α = 0.05). The results of this study showed that electrical stimulation treatments with needle-invasive, noninvasive magnetic electrodes, and nonmagnetic electrodes significantly reduced diabetic rats’ blood glucose levels before and after the treatment. The analysis of the diameter of the islets of Langerhans revealed a significant difference between the treatment groups. The analysis of creatinine levels revealed a significant difference between groups, but creatinine levels in the group with the magnetic electrode (0.58 ± 0.17 mg/dL) were not significantly different from the control group (0.58 ± 0.07 mg/dL). The BUN test results revealed a significant difference compared with the diabetic control group, but no significant difference with the magnetic electrode treatment group. Conclusion. Based on the results, the most effective therapy for diabetes is a noninvasive method with magnetic (M) electrodes

    Upaya Meningkatkan Deteksi Dini Kanker Payudara di SMKN 1 Cijulang Kabupaten Pangandaran

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    EFFORTS TO IMPROVE EARLY DETECTION OF BREAST CANCER IN CIJULANG 1 VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL, PANGANDARAN REGENCY. The high mortality rate of breast cancer (BC) patients in Indonesia is associated with conditions of most patients come to doctor in an advanced stage of BC. This is due to the low BC awareness of Indonesian women. This community service program (PPM) is intended to increase knowledge of adolescent women about early detection of BC. This action was conducted by BC awareness workshop to 114 female students of Vocational High School (SMK) 1 Cijulang, Pangandaran district, West Java. The profile of participants showed that 64% of participants are 17 years old and mostly from Cijulang and Cimerak sub-districts. In addition, the majority of participants were not aware of BC, indicated by lack of knowledge of BC signs and symptoms (97%), and low confident of doing breast self-examination (BSE) (30%). Moreover, there were 7% of the participants were smoking which is known to be one of the major risk factors for BC. These findings point out conducting a program for increasing BC awareness among students. The program was managed by mini-lecture that focuses on BC risk factors, BC early detection and BSE (SADARI) using videos and simulation on a mannequin. This program was expected to have an impact on their families, indirectly. Ultimately, this will increase the finding of new cases of BC which will increase their life expectancy