36,609 research outputs found

    On the inspiral of Massive Black Holes in gas-rich galaxy mergers

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    We present a study on the dynamics of massive BHs in galaxy mergers, obtained from a series of high-resolution N-Body/SPH simulations. The presence of a gaseous component is essential for the rapid formation of an eccentric (Keplerian) BH binary, that resides at the center of a massive (~10^9 Msun) turbulent nuclear disc. Using physically and/or numerically motivated recipes, we follow the accretion history of the BHs during the merger. The mass of the BHs increases as large central inflows of gas occur inside each galaxy, and their mass ratio varies with time. Given the encountered strong degeneracy between numerical resolution and physical assumptions, we suggest here three possible paths followed by the galaxies and the BHs during a merger in order to fulfill the M-sigma relation : Adjustment, Symbiosis, and BH Dominance. In an extremely high resolution run, we resolved the turbulent gas pattern down to parsec scales, and found that BH feedback is expected to be effective near the end of the merger. We then trace the BH binary orbit down to a scale of 0.1 pc modeling the nuclear disc as an equilibrium Mestel disc composed either of gas, gas and stars, or just stars. Under the action of dynamical friction against the rotating gaseous and/or stellar background the orbit circularizes. When this occurs, each BH is endowed with its own small-size (~0.01 pc) accretion disc comprising a few percent of the BH mass. Double AGN activity is expected to occur on an estimated timescale of ~10 Myrs, comparable to the inspiral time. The double nuclear point--like sources that may appear have typical separations of ~10 pc, and are likely to be embedded in the still ongoing starburst.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, Proceedings of the Conference "The Multicoloured Landscape of Compact Objects and their Explosive Origins", Cefalu` 200

    Birth of massive black hole binaries

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    If massive black holes (BHs) are ubiquitous in galaxies and galaxies experience multiple mergers during their cosmic assembly, then BH binaries should be common albeit temporary features of most galactic bulges. Observationally, the paucity of active BH pairs points toward binary lifetimes far shorter than the Hubble time, indicating rapid inspiral of the BHs down to the domain where gravitational waves lead to their coalescence. Here, we review a series of studies on the dynamics of massive BHs in gas-rich galaxy mergers that underscore the vital role played by a cool, gaseous component in promoting the rapid formation of the BH binary. The BH binary is found to reside at the center of a massive self-gravitating nuclear disc resulting from the collision of the two gaseous discs present in the mother galaxies. Hardening by gravitational torques against gas in this grand disc is found to continue down to sub-parsec scales. The eccentricity decreases with time to zero and when the binary is circular, accretion sets in around the two BHs. When this occurs, each BH is endowed with it own small-size (< 0.01 pc) accretion disc comprising a few percent of the BH mass. Double AGN activity is expected to occur on an estimated timescale of < 1 Myr. The double nuclear point-like sources that may appear have typical separation of < 10 pc, and are likely to be embedded in the still ongoing starburst. We note that a potential threat of binary stalling, in a gaseous environment, may come from radiation and/or mechanical energy injections by the BHs. Only short-lived or sub-Eddington accretion episodes can guarantee the persistence of a dense cool gas structure around the binary necessary for continuing BH inspiral.Comment: To appear in "2007 STScI Spring Symposium: Black Holes", eds. M. Livio & A. M. Koekemoer, Cambridge University Press, 25 pages, 12 figure

    Systematic search for high-energy gamma-ray emission from bow shocks of runaway stars

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    Context. It has been suggested that the bow shocks of runaway stars are sources of high-energy gamma rays (E > 100 MeV). Theoretical models predicting high-energy gamma-ray emission from these sources were followed by the first detection of non-thermal radio emission from the bow shock of BD+43^\deg 3654 and non-thermal X-ray emission from the bow shock of AE Aurigae. Aims. We perform the first systematic search for MeV and GeV emission from 27 bow shocks of runaway stars using data collected by the Large Area Telescope (LAT) onboard the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope (Fermi). Methods. We analysed 57 months of Fermi-LAT data at the positions of 27 bow shocks of runaway stars extracted from the Extensive stellar BOw Shock Survey catalogue (E-BOSS). A likelihood analysis was performed to search for gamma-ray emission that is not compatible with diffuse background or emission from neighbouring sources and that could be associated with the bow shocks. Results. None of the bow shock candidates is detected significantly in the Fermi-LAT energy range. We therefore present upper limits on the high-energy emission in the energy range from 100 MeV to 300 GeV for 27 bow shocks of runaway stars in four energy bands. For the three cases where models of the high-energy emission are published we compare our upper limits to the modelled spectra. Our limits exclude the model predictions for Zeta Ophiuchi by a factor \approx 5.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, 1 table, accepted by A&

    Sequence of phase formation in planar metal-Si reaction couples

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    A correlation is found between the sequence of phase formation in thin-film metal-Si interactions and the bulk equilibrium phase diagram. After formation of the first silicide phase, which generally follows the rule proposed by Walser and Bené, the next phase formed at the interface between the first phase and the remaining element (Si or metal) is the nearest congruently melting compound richer in the unreacted element. If the compounds between the first phase and the remaining element are all noncongruently melting compounds (such as peritectic or peritectoid phases), the next phase formed is that with the smallest temperature difference between the liquidus curve and the peritectic (or peritectoid) point

    Ti and V layers retard interaction between Al films and polycrystalline Si

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    Fine-grained polycrystalline Si (poly Si) in contact with Al films recrystallizes at temperatures well below the Si-Al eutectic (577 °C). We show that this interaction can be deferred or suppressed by placing a buffer layer of Ti or V between the Al film and the poly Si. During annealing, Ti or V form TiAl3 or Val3 at the buffer-layer–Al-film interface, but do not react with the poly Si so that the integrity of the poly Si is preserved as long as some unreacted Ti or V remains. The reaction between the Ti or V layer and the Al film is transport limited ([proportional]t^1/2) and characterized by the diffusion constants 1.5×10^15 exp(–1.8eV/kT) Å^2/sec or 8.4×10^12 exp(–1.7eV/kT) Å^2/sec, respectively

    Heterostructure by solid‐phase epitaxy in the Si〈111〉/Pd/Si (amorphous) system

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    When a thin film of Pd reacts with a 〈111〉 Si substrate, a layer of epitaxial Pd_2Si is formed. It is shown that Si can grow epitaxially on such a layer by solid‐phase reaction

    Growing Massive Black Hole Pairs in Minor Mergers of Disk Galaxies

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    We perform a suite of high-resolution smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations to investigate the orbital decay and mass evolution of massive black hole (MBH) pairs down to scales of ~30 pc during minor mergers of disk galaxies. Our simulation set includes star formation and accretion onto the MBHs, as well as feedback from both processes. We consider 1:10 merger events starting at z~3, with MBH masses in the sensitivity window of the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna, and we follow the coupling between the merger dynamics and the evolution of the MBH mass ratio until the satellite galaxy is tidally disrupted. While the more massive MBH accretes in most cases as if the galaxy were in isolation, the satellite MBH may undergo distinct episodes of enhanced accretion, owing to strong tidal torques acting on its host galaxy and to orbital circularization inside the disk of the primary galaxy. As a consequence, the initial 1:10 mass ratio of the MBHs changes by the time the satellite is disrupted. Depending on the initial fraction of cold gas in the galactic disks and the geometry of the encounter, the mass ratios of the MBH pairs at the time of satellite disruption can stay unchanged or become as large as 1:2. Remarkably, the efficiency of MBH orbital decay correlates with the final mass ratio of the pair itself: MBH pairs that increase significantly their mass ratio are also expected to inspiral more promptly down to nuclear-scale separations. These findings indicate that the mass ratios of MBH pairs in galactic nuclei do not necessarily trace the mass ratios of their merging host galaxies, but are determined by the complex interplay between gas accretion and merger dynamics.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, replaced to match accepted version on Ap

    Comparison of different PADC materials for neutron dosimetry

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    Investigations on track density and track size distributions of different PADC (poly allyl diglycol carbonate) materials have been performed. The PADC used for the tests has been produced by Thermo Electron (USA), Track Analysis System Limited (UK), Chiyoda Technol Corporation (Japan) and Intercast srl (Italy). For each PADC material 120 detectors were randomly selected out of 2 sheets: 60 detectors from one sheet have been irradiated with a personal dose equivalent of 3 mSv in the field of a 241Am-Be source at the calibration laboratory of PSI, whilst the other 60 detectors from the other sheet have been used as background samples. All detectors have been processed according to an identical etching procedure and have been analysed with TASLImage scanning system. For each set of detectors the value of the average background signal, the average neutron sensitivity and the detection limit with respect to a personal dose equivalent measured with a dosemeter based on PADC have been determined. The results of the investigations allowed a comparison of the neutron sensitivity and background signal behaviours of PADC materials from different manufacturers and the assessment of the variation of neutron sensitivity and background signal over a single shee

    Caught in the "Fishing Net" of Information - 14. konferencija udruženja EURASLIC / 28. konferencija udruženja OMER

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    Konferencija međunarodnog udruženja EURASLIC (European Association of Aquatic Sciences Libraries and Information Centres, http://www.euraslic.org) održana je u krasnom francuskom gradu Lyonu od 17. do 20. svibnja ove godine, pod radnim naslovom Caught in the “Fishing Net” of Information. U sklopu konferencije održana je i 28. godišnja konferencija OMER-a (Eaux Mer), francuskog udruženja koje okuplja knjižnice francuskih institucija koje se bave istraživanjem mora i slatkih voda

    National Foreclosure Mitigation Counseling Program Evaluation: Final Report, Rounds 3 Through 5

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    The Urban Institute completed a four-year evaluation of Rounds 3 through 5 of the National Foreclosure Mitigation Counseling (NFMC) program. Using a representative NFMC sample of 137,000 loans and a comparison non-NFMC sample of 103,000 loans, the Urban Institute was able to employ robust statistical techniques to isolate the impact of NFMC counseling on loan performance through June 2013.The final evaluation of Rounds 3 through 5 conducted by Urban Institute indicates that the NFMC program continues to have positive effects for homeowners participating in the program Counseled homeowners were more likely to cure a serious delinquency or foreclosure with a modification or other type cure, stay current after obtaining a cure, and for NFMC clients who cured a serious delinquency, avoid foreclosure altogether