1,479 research outputs found

    Towards Semantic Fast-Forward and Stabilized Egocentric Videos

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    The emergence of low-cost personal mobiles devices and wearable cameras and the increasing storage capacity of video-sharing websites have pushed forward a growing interest towards first-person videos. Since most of the recorded videos compose long-running streams with unedited content, they are tedious and unpleasant to watch. The fast-forward state-of-the-art methods are facing challenges of balancing the smoothness of the video and the emphasis in the relevant frames given a speed-up rate. In this work, we present a methodology capable of summarizing and stabilizing egocentric videos by extracting the semantic information from the frames. This paper also describes a dataset collection with several semantically labeled videos and introduces a new smoothness evaluation metric for egocentric videos that is used to test our method.Comment: Accepted for publication and presented in the First International Workshop on Egocentric Perception, Interaction and Computing at European Conference on Computer Vision (EPIC@ECCV) 201

    The String Coupling Accelerates the Expansion of the Universe

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    Generic cosmological models in non-critical string theory have a time-dependent dilaton background at a late epoch. The cosmological deceleration parameter Q_0 is given by the square of the string coupling, g_s^2, up to a negative sign. Hence the expansion of the Universe must accelerate eventually, and the observed value of Q_0 coresponds to g_s^2 ~ 0.6. In this scenario, the string coupling is asymptotically free at large times, but its present rate of change is imperceptibly small.Comment: 7 page

    Effective Potential on Fuzzy Sphere

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    The effective potential of quantized scalar field on fuzzy sphere is evaluated to the two-loop level. We see that one-loop potential behaves like that in the commutative sphere and the Coleman-Weinberg mechanism of the radiatively symmetry breaking could be also shown in the fuzzy sphere system. In the two-loop level, we use the heavy-mass approximation and the high-temperature approximation to perform the evaluations. The results show that both of the planar and nonplanar Feynman diagrams have inclinations to restore the symmetry breaking in the tree level. However, the contributions from planar diagrams will dominate over those from nonplanar diagrams by a factor N^2. Thus, at heavy-mass limit or high-temperature system the quantum field on the fuzzy sphere will behave like those on the commutative sphere. We also see that there is a drastic reduction of the degrees of freedom in the nonplanar diagrams when the particle wavelength is smaller than the noncommutativity scale.Comment: Latex 18 pages, some typos correcte

    Central Venous Catheter Infection with Brevibacterium sp. in an Immunocompetent Woman: Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    Brevibacterium spp. were considered apathogenic until a few reports of infections in immunocompromised patients were published. Herein, we present a case of a catheter-related septicemia with Brevibacterium casei in an immunocompetent patient receiving continuous iloprost infusion for pulmonary arterial hypertension and review the clinical presentation of this mainly emerging opportunistic pathoge

    Holographic dark energy model with non-minimal coupling

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    We find that holographic dark energy model with non-minimally coupled scalar field gives rise to an accelerating universe by choosing Hubble scale as IR cutoff. We show viable range of a non-minimal coupling parameter in the framework of this model.Comment: 7 pages, no figure, corrected some typos, to be published in Europhys. Let

    A finite cutoff on the string worldsheet?

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    D-brane backgrounds are specified in closed string theories by holes with appropriate mixed Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions on the string worldsheet. As presently stated, the prescription defining D-brane backgrounds is such that the Einstein equation is not equivalent to the condition for scale invariance on the string worldsheet. A modified D-brane prescription is found, that leads to the desired equivalence, while preserving all known D-brane lore. A possible interpretation is that the worldsheet cutoff is finite. Possible connections to recent work of Maldacena and Strominger, and Gopakumar and Vafa are suggested.Comment: 7 pages, RevTex; v2: typos corrected, superstring calculation included, discussion expanded - to be published in Phys.Rev.

    Dirichlet boundary value problem for Chern-Simons modified gravity

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    Chern-Simons modified gravity comprises the Einstein-Hilbert action and a higher-derivative interaction containing the Chern-Pontryagin density. We derive the analog of the Gibbons-Hawking-York boundary term required to render the Dirichlet boundary value problem well-defined. It turns out to be a boundary Chern-Simons action for the extrinsic curvature. We address applications to black hole thermodynamics.Comment: 4 pages, revtex4, v2: added Refs., made one statement stronger, added footnote and added paragraph on single field inflatio

    Mirage Cosmology on Unstable D3-Brane Universe

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    We study the geodesic motion of an unstable brane moving in a higher dimensional bulk spacetime. The tachyon which is coupled to a U(1) gauge field induces a non-trivial cosmological evolution. Interestingly enough, this system exhibits a much smoother initial cosmological singularity in comparison with former works.Comment: 6 pages. Talk at the RTN conference ``The Quest for Unification: Theory Confronts Experiment", Corfu, Greece, Sept, 11-18, 200

    Leptogenesis from Pseudo-Scalar Driven Inflation

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    We examine recent claims for a considerable amount of leptogenesis, in some inflationary scenarios, through the gravitational anomaly in the lepton number current. We find that when the short distances contributions are properly included the amount of lepton number generated is actually much smaller.Comment: JHEP style, 11 pages. Corrected typ

    Loop quantum gravity effects on inflation and the CMB

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    In loop quantum cosmology, the universe avoids a big bang singularity and undergoes an early and short super-inflation phase. During super-inflation, non-perturbative quantum corrections to the dynamics drive an inflaton field up its potential hill, thus setting the initial conditions for standard inflation. We show that this effect can raise the inflaton high enough to achieve sufficient e-foldings in the standard inflation era. We analyze the cosmological perturbations generated when slow-roll is violated after super-inflation, and show that loop quantum effects can in principle leave an indirect signature on the largest scales in the CMB, with some loss of power and running of the spectral index.Comment: revtex4, 5 pages, 3 figures, significant improvements in explanation of quantization and perturbation issues; version to appear Classical and Quantum Gravit
