40 research outputs found

    Genotype and allele frequency of CYP2C19*17 in a healthy Iranian population

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    Background: Cytochrome P450 2C19 (CYP2C19) is important in metabolism of wide range of drugs. CYP2C19*17 is a novel variant allele which increases gene transcription and therefore results in ultra-rapid metabolizer phenotype (URM). Distribution of this variant allele has not been well studied worldwide. The aim of present study was to investigate allele and genotype frequencies of CYP2C19*17 in a healthy Iranian population and compare them with other ethnic groups. Methods: One hundred eighty healthy unrelated Iranian volunteer took part in this study and were genotyped for CYP2C19 *2, *3, *17 (-3402) by using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) and CYP2C19*17 (-806) by a nested-PCR assays. The distribution of CYP2C19*17 polymorphism in Iranian population was then compared with other ethnic groups. Results: The CYP2C19*17 allele frequency was 21.6 in Iranian population. Among studied subjects 5.5 were homozygous for CYP2C19*17 and phenotyped as ultra-rapid metabolizers; 28.8 were genotyped as CYP2C19*1*17 (extensive metabolizers) and 3.3 as CYP2C19*2*17 (intermediate metabolizers). Conclusion: The CYP2C19*17 genetic distribution in Iranian population is similar to Middle East or European countries. The high frequency of CYP2C19*17 in Iranian population highlights the importance of this new variant allele in metabolism of CYP2C19 substrates. Thus, future association studies are required to reveal clinical consequence of this genetic polymorphism in carrier individuals

    Razvoj i biofarmaceutsko vrednovanje pripravka za povećano oslobađanje tramadol hidroklorida na principu osmotske tehnologije

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    Extended release formulation of tramadol hydrochloride (TRH) based on osmotic technology was developed and evaluated. Target release profile was selected and different variables were optimized to achieve the same. Formulation variables like level of swellable polymer, plasticizer and the coat thickness of semipermeable membrane (SPM) were found to markedly affect the drug release. TRH release was directly proportional to the levels of plasticizer but inversely proportional to the levels of swellable polymer and coat thickness of SPM. Drug release from developed formulations was independent of pH and agitation intensity but dependent on osmotic pressure of the release media. In vivo study was also performed on six healthy human volunteers and various pharmacokinetic parameters (cmax, tmax, AUC0-24, MRT) and relative bioavailability were calculated. The in vitro and in vivo results were compared with performance of two commercial tablets of TRH. The developed formulation provided more prolonged and controlled TRH release as compared to marketed formulation. In vitro-in vivo correlation (IVIVC) was analyzed according to Wagner-Nelson method. The optimized formulation (batch IVB) exhibited good IVIV correlation (R = 0.9750). The manufacturing procedure was found to be reproducible and formulations were stable during 6 months of accelerated stability testing.U radu je opisana priprava i evaluacija pripravaka tramadol hidroklorida (TRH) na principu osmotske tehnologije. Da bi se postigao željeni profil oslobađanja mijenjane su različite varijable. Pokazalo se da najveći utjacaj na oslobađanje ljekovite tvari imaju udjeli polimera koji bubri, plastifikatora i debljina ovojnice polupropusne membrane (SPM). TRH oslobađanje bilo je proporcionalno udjelu plastifikatora, a obrnuto proporcionalno udjelu polimera i vrijednosti SPM. Oslobađanje ljekovite tvari bilo je neovisno o pH i intenzitetu miješanja, a ovisno o osmotskom talku medija. U in vivo studiji provedenoj na šest zdravih volontera određeni su farmakokinetički parametri (cmax, tmax, AUC0-24, MRT) i izračunata relativna bioraspoloživost. Rezultati dobiveni u pokusima in vitro i in vivo uspoređeni su s dvije vrste komercijalno dostupnih tableta TRH: oslobađanje ljekovite tvari iz pripravka razvijenog u ovom radu bilo je dulje i više kontrolirano. In vitro-in vivo korelacija (IVIVC) je analizirana prema Wagner-Nelsonovoj metodi. Optimizirani pripravak (IVB) pokazao je dobru IVIV korelaciju (R = 0,9750). Proizvodni proces je bio reproducibilan i pripravci su bili stabilni tijekom 6 mjeseci u uvjetima ubrzanog starenja

    Src tyrosine kinase augments taxotere-induced apoptosis through enhanced expression and phosphorylation of Bcl-2

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    Activation of Src, which has an intrinsic protein tyrosine kinase activity, has been demonstrated in many human tumours, such as colorectal and breast cancers, and is closely associated with the pathogenesis and metastatic potential of these cancers. In this study, we have examined the effect of activated Src on the sensitivity to taxotere, an anticancer drug targeting microtubules, using v-src-transfected HAG-1 human gall bladder epithelial cells. As compared with parental HAG-1 cell line, v-src-transfected HAG/src3-1 cells became 5.9 and 7.0-fold sensitive to taxotere for 2 and 24-h exposure, respectively. By contrast, HAG-1 cells transfected with activated Ras, which acts downstream of Src, acquired approximately 2.5∼4.8-fold taxotere resistance. The taxotere sensitivity in HAG/src3-1 cells was reversed, if not completely, by herbimycin A, a specific inhibitor of Src family protein tyrosine kinase, indicating that Src protein tyrosine kinase augments sensitivity to taxotere. Treatment of HAG/src3-1 cells with taxotere resulted in phosphorylation of Bcl-2 and subsequent induction of apoptotic cell death, whereas neither Bcl-2 phosphorylation nor apoptosis occurred in parental or c-H-ras-transfected HAG-1 cells. Interestingly, the Bcl-2 protein is overexpressed in v-src-transfected cell line, compared to those in parental or Ras-transfected cell line. Treatment of HAG/src3-1 cells with herbimycin A significantly reduced the expression and phosphorylation of Bcl-2, and abrogated taxotere-induced apoptosis, suggesting a potential role for Src protein tyrosine kinase in the taxotere-induced apoptotic events. H-7, a protein kinase C inhibitor and wortmannin, a phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI-3 kinase) inhibitor, neither altered taxotere sensitivity nor inhibited taxotere-induced apoptosis in these cells. These data indicate that the ability of activated Src to increase taxotere sensitivity would be mediated by apoptotic events occurring through Src to downstream signal transduction pathways toward Bcl-2 phosphorylation, but not by activated Ras, PI-3 kinase or protein kinase C

    Diabetes and hypertension increase the placental and transcellular permeation of the lipophilic drug diazepam in pregnant women

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    Background: Previous studies carried out in our laboratories have demonstrated impaired drug permeation in diabetic animals. In this study the permeation of diazepam (after a single dose of 5 mg/day, administered intramuscularly) will be investigated in diabetic and hypertensive pregnant women.Methods: A total 75 pregnant women were divided into three groups: group 1 (healthy control, n = 31), group 2 (diabetic, n = 14) and group 3 (hypertensive, n = 30). Two sets of diazepam plasma concentrations were collected and measured (after the administration of the same dose of diazepam), before, during and after delivery. The first set of blood samples was taken from the mother (maternal venous plasma). The second set of samples was taken from the fetus (fetal umbilical venous and arterial plasma). In order to assess the effect of diabetes and hypertension on diazepam placental-permeation, the ratios of fetal to maternal blood concentrations were determined. Differences were considered statistically significant if p=0.05.Results: The diabetes and hypertension groups have 2-fold increase in the fetal umbilical-venous concentrations, compared to the maternal venous concentrations. Feto: maternal plasma-concentrations ratios were higher in diabetes (2.01 ± 1.10) and hypertension (2.26 ± 1.23) groups compared with control (1.30 ± 0.48) while, there was no difference in ratios between the diabetes and hypertension groups. Umbilical-cord arterial: venous ratios (within each group) were similar among all groups (control: 0.97 ± 0.32; hypertension: 1.08 ± 0.60 and diabetes: 1.02 ± 0.77).Conclusions: On line with our previous findings which demonstrate disturbed transcellular trafficking of lipophilic drugs in diabetes, this study shows significant increase in diazepam placental-permeation in diabetic and hypertensive pregnant women suggesting poor transcellular control of drug permeation and flux, and bigger exposure of the fetus to drug-placental transport


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    Background: Mirtazapine (MRZ) is a human antidepressant drug metabolized to 8-OH mirtazapine (8-OH) and dimethylmirtazapine (DMR) metabolites. Recently, this drug has been proposed as a potential analgesic for use in a multidrug analgesic regime in the context of veterinary medicine. The aim of this study was to assess the pharmacokinetics of MRZ and its metabolites DMR and 8-OH in rats. Findings: Eighteen fasted, healthy male rats were randomly divided into 3 groups (n=6). Animals in these groups were respectively administered MRZ at 2 and 10 mg/kg orally and 2 mg/kg intravenously. Plasma MRZ and metabolite concentrations were evaluated by HPLC-FL detection method. After intravenous administration, MRZ was detected in all subjects, while DMR was only detected in three. 8-OH was not detected. After oral administration, MRZ was detected in 3 out of 6 rats treated with 2 mg/kg, it was detected in 6 out of 6 animals in the 10 mg/kg group. DMR was only detectable in the latter group, while 8-OH was not detected in either group. The oral bioavailability was about 7% in both groups. Conclusions: The plasma concentration of the MRZ metabolite 8-OH was undetectable, and the oral bioavailability of the parental drug was very low


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    Mirtazapine (MRZ) is a human antidepressant drug that is metabolized, predominantly by the cytochrome P450 enzyme system, to 8-OH mirtazapine (8-OH MRZ) and dimetilmirtazapine (DMR) metabolites. In veterinary medicine, this drug is currently administered to cats and dogs with anorexia, although it could also have applications as an antidepressant, antiemetic, and analgesic agent in these species. The aim of this study was to assess the pharmacokinetics of MRZ and its metabolites DMR and 8-OH MRZ in horses. Six healthy female horses were administered MRZ (2 mg/kg) in fasting and fed states according to a balanced crossover study design. Plasma MRZ and metabolite concentrations were evaluated by high-performance liquid chromatography fluorescence detection method. Pharmacokinetic profiles of MRZ and DMR were similar (detected from 0.5 up to 34 and 48 hours, respectively), with an MRZ AUC0-N/DMR AUC0-N ratio range varying between 1.1 and 1.7. Surprisingly, 8-OH MRZ was undetected. Most of the pharmacokinetic parameters were not altered by food, with the exception of the time required to reach maximum concentration; this showed a statistical increase in subjects in the fasting state as compared with the fed state. However, because MRZ is an active substance intended for long-term administration, the slight increase of the time required to reach maximum concentration is not considered to be of any clinical consequence. In conclusion, the pharmacokinetic parameters demonstrated in this study suggest that MRZ is suitable for oral administration in the horse. However, further investigations are required to evaluate both its safety and effectiveness in this animal species