43,402 research outputs found

    Policy and Practice Brief: Funding of Assistive Technology to Make Work a Reality

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    This brief provides a definition of assistive technology and a discussion of funding sources for assistive technology including: public schools; state vocational rehabilitation agencies; Medicaid; Medicare; and, SSA’s Plan for Achieving Self Support. Eligibility is reviewed for each along with other protections and rights

    Review of “Jurisdictional” Issues Under the Bumpers Amendment

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    The proposed Bumpers Amendment to the Administrative Procedure Act would encourage courts to be less deferential than they have previously been toward federal agencies\u27 views on issues of law. With regard to jurisdictional questions, the amendment would go further: it would invite courts not only to assert their independence, but also to disfavor agencies\u27 positions. Professor Levin regards this special rule of construction for jurisdictional questions as an attempt to achieve deregulation through judicial review. He criticizes this strategy as poorly conceived and calls attention to several weaknesses in the draftsmanship of the jurisdiction provision

    Policy and Practice Brief: The Transition from School to Work; The Special Education and State Vocational Rehabilitation Systems’ Obligations to Prepare Students with Disabilities for the World of Work

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    This brief provides an overview of the transition requirements outlined in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Reviewed are concepts of free appropriate public education, least restrictive environment; individual education programs; and, due process. The brief provides an illustrated case study along with a discussion of how special education and vocational rehabilitation intersect

    Nonlegislative Rules and the Administrative Open Mind

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    The author\u27s main purpose here is to discuss the openmindedness that agencies are required to maintain towards the positions that they announce in nonlegislative rules. The author will offer a few observations about the circumstances in which this attitude is required, what agencies should do to maintain it, and how courts might police this obligation

    Policy and Practice Brief: Funding of Assistive Technology to Make Work a Reality, Part II; Using the Americans with Disabilities Act to Fund AT

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    This article is a continuation of “Funding Assistive Technology to Make Work a Reality” (Policy and Practice Brief #3). This brief reviews the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) with a particular emphasis on how the ADA can be used to ensure that a person with a disability has access to needed assistive technology to do their job, or to ensure the individual has access to the job site

    The Going Public Through the Back Door Phenomenon - an Assessment

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    Texture-based cloud classification

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    The purpose of the 1988 ASEE Summer Program has been to broaden the application of texture-based cloud classification approaches to lower spatial resolution GOES imagery, and to design texture-based approaches for determining cloud cover over high albedo surfaces

    Does a Seller Really Want Another Bidder?

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    Several papers compare auctioning heterogeneous assets sequentially with sequentially selling the right to choose among assets not yet taken. Typically motivated by auctions of condos for owner occupation, these papers have assumed that each winning bidder exits, so each successive auction has less competition. In many heterogeneous-asset-sale situations, a winning bidder may still be interested in acquiring further assets. We build a simple model of persistent competition, in which the distribution of equilibrium revenue from separate sales is shown to be a mean-preserving spread of the distribution of revenue from selling rights to choose. Persistent competition reveals that a high bidder does not always select his most preferred asset, and that one asset being slightly more likely to be a favored asset discontinuously affects equilibrium bidding.auction theory; rights-to-choose auctions; revenue comparisons; persistent competition; private information
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