79 research outputs found
Génération de diagrammes de directivité variables indépendents de la fréquence par modulation de fréquence spatiale
A method to generate a desired two-dimensional beam pattern of specified form
without loss of energy by phasing a two dimensional array is given . By changing
the phase terms it is possible to adapt the beam pattern of the array for different
applications .Nous présentons une méthode d'obtenir un diagramme de directivité de forme donnée sans perte d'énergie par modulation de fréquence spatiale appliquée à une antenne en deux dimensions. En changeant le déphasage spatial, il est possibled'adapter la forme du diagramme de directivité aux besoins d'appliquations diverse
Ferdi ve şürekâsı
Halit Ziya'nın Hizmet'te tefrika edilen Ferdi ve Şürekâsı adlı roman
Central limit theorem and weak law of large numbers with rates for martingales in Banach spaces
This paper is concerned with large- error estimates concerning convergence in distribution as well as norm convergence for Banach space-valued martingale difference sequences. Indeed, two general limit theorems equipped with rates of convergence for such difference sequences are established. Applications of these lead to the central limit theorem and the weak law of large numbers with rates for Banach space-valued martingales.General limit theorems convergence in distribution norm convergence large- rates of convergence martingale difference sequences in Banach spaces central limit theorem weak of large numbers [phi]-decomposability of random variables
A modified zoom-transform for high-resolution Fourier analysis
Dans ce papier, une méthode est présentée pour obtenir un spectre de haute resolution a partir de transformations de Fourier a court terme d'un signal echantilloné. La méthode est basée sur ladite Transformée ZOOM, qui doit être modifié dans deux points importants afin d'obtenir des bons résultats. Nous donnons une description de la théorie, qui est expliquée et illuminée par des résultats de simulations
Dysprosium scandate thin films as an alternate amorphous gate oxide prepared by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition
Dysprosium scandate (DyScO3) thin films were deposited on Si substrates using metal-organic chemical vapor deposition. Individual source precursors of Dy and Sc were used and deposition temperatures ranged from 480 to 700 degrees C. Films were amorphous with low root mean square roughness (<= 2 A) and were stable up to 1050 degrees C annealing. Electrical characterization yielded C-V curves with negligible hysteresis (< 10 mV), high dielectric constant (similar to 22), and low leakage currents. The electrical properties of the DyScO3/SiOx/Si stacks were stable up to 800 degrees C for films on native oxide; however, this limit increased to 900 degrees C for films on special chemically grown oxide, suggesting further improvement with proper diffusion barrier. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics
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