2,345 research outputs found

    Absolute masses and radii determination in multiplanetary systems without stellar models

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    The masses and radii of extrasolar planets are key observables for understanding their interior, formation and evolution. While transit photometry and Doppler spectroscopy are used to measure the radii and masses respectively of planets relative to those of their host star, estimates for the true values of these quantities rely on theoretical models of the host star which are known to suffer from systematic differences with observations. When a system is composed of more than two bodies, extra information is contained in the transit photometry and radial velocity data. Velocity information (finite speed-of-light, Doppler) is needed to break the Newtonian MR−3 degeneracy. We performed a photodynamical modelling of the two-planet transiting system Kepler-117 using all photometric and spectroscopic data available. We demonstrate how absolute masses and radii of single-star planetary systems can be obtained without resorting to stellar models. Limited by the precision of available radial velocities (38ms−1), we achieve accuracies of 20 per cent in the radii and 70 per cent in the masses, while simulated 1ms−1 precision radial velocities lower these to 1 per cent for the radii and 2 per cent for the masses. Since transiting multiplanet systems are common, this technique can be used to measure precisely the mass and radius of a large sample of stars and planets. We anticipate these measurements will become common when the TESS and PLATO mission provide high-precision light curves of a large sample of bright stars. These determinations will improve our knowledge about stars and planets, and provide strong constraints on theoretical model

    Stable mode-locked pulses from mid-infrared semiconductor lasers

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    We report the unequivocal demonstration of mid-infrared mode-locked pulses from a semiconductor laser. The train of short pulses was generated by actively modulating the current and hence the optical gain in a small section of an edge-emitting quantum cascade laser (QCL). Pulses with pulse duration at full-width-at-half-maximum of about 3 ps and energy of 0.5 pJ were characterized using a second-order interferometric autocorrelation technique based on a nonlinear quantum well infrared photodetector. The mode-locking dynamics in the QCLs was modelled and simulated based on Maxwell-Bloch equations in an open two-level system. We anticipate our results to be a significant step toward a compact, electrically-pumped source generating ultrashort light pulses in the mid-infrared and terahertz spectral ranges.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figure

    πΞ\pi\Xi phase shifts and CP Violation in ΩπΞ{\Omega\to\pi\Xi} Decay

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    In the study of CP violation signals in {\O}\to\pi\Xi nonleptonic decays, the strong JJ=3/2 PP and DD phase shifts for the πΞ\pi\Xi final-state interactions are needed. These phases are calculated using an effective Lagrangian model, including Ξ\Xi, Ξ\Xi^*(1530), ρ\rho and the σ\sigma-term, in the intermediate states. The σ\sigma-term is calculated in terms of the scalar form factor of the baryon.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Tambaqui: benefícios econômicos com a adoção do Tambaplus Parentesco.

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    O Tambaplus Parentesco se apresenta como uma ferramenta que pode contribuir com o aumento da qualidade genética dos alevinos de tambaqui por meio da redução de acasalamentos endogâmicos obtida com o melhor gerenciamento do plantel. Como consequência, espera-se uma redução de custos de produção e incremento na oferta de formas jovens, o que trará ganhos significativos para toda a cadeia produtiva.bitstream/item/219830/1/com-tec-04-2020.pd

    Acompanhamento das tecnologias apícolas adotadas em assentamentos rurais de Corumbá, MS.

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    A Embrapa Pantanal executa desde março de 2009 um projeto de pesquisa participativa em dois Assentamentos Rurais de Corumbá/MS em parceria com a AAPAN, AGRAER, Fundação Terra do Pantanal e com alguns assentados, com o objetivo de avaliar as tecnologias apícolas adotadas, propor ajustes e inclusões ao sistema produtivo. Diversas revisões foram realizadas nas colônias de abelhas africanizadas (Apis mellifera) em três apiários, sendo constatadas a despadronização e inadequações na qualidade e no acabamento da madeira utilizada na confecção das colmeias, na localização, na mobilidade e na infra-estrutura nos apiários. Uma assentada com a assistência técnica da Embrapa Pantanal substituiu as suas colmeias rústicas pelo modelo padrão e em todos os apiários foram adotados alguns ajustes nas demais restrições identificadas. No entanto, a adoção de outras tecnologias é limitada devido ao restrito acesso dos assentados a financiamentos, insumos e materiais apícolas de qualidade na região.Disponível também em: Cadernos de Agroecologia, V. 5, n.1, 2010