349 research outputs found

    Study of blood indices and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) in differentiation of β-thalassemia trait and iron deficiency anaemia

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    Background: Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) and beta thalassaemia trait (BTT) are two of the most common causes of microcytic anemia.It is essential to differentiate between the two, so as to avoid unnecessary iron therapy which is contraindicated in beta thalassaemia .We retrospectively evaluated the reliability of various indices for differential diagnosis of microcytosis and -TT in the same patient groups .Methods: A total of 200 patients were evaluated. We calculated 6 discrimination indices in all patients with anemia or suspected beta thalassemia. None of the subjects had  combined  IDA and -TT. The patient groups were evaluated according to  the Mentzer, Shine and Lal, England and Fraser,Srivastava, Green and King, Ricerca.Results: According to percentage correctly diagnosed criteria, Ricerca  and Mentzer  index are considered as the two best discrimination indices in differentiation between β thalassemia trait  and iron deficiency anaemia .Youden’s index showed the following ranking with respect to the indices’ ability to distinguish between -TT and IDA, Ricerca index >  Mentzer index > Green and King index >  Srivastava index >  Shine and Lal index > England and Fraser index.Conclusions: Ricerca  and Mentzer  index are considered as the two best discrimination indices in differentiation between β thalassemia trait  and iron deficiency anaemia.Keywords: Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) and beta thalassaemia trait (-TT)

    Role of slow decompression, injection carbetocin and Samarth Ram cannula for preventing postpartum haemorrhage in a patient of acute severe polyhydramnios

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    We presented a case of a 30-year-old woman G3P1L1A1 who was diagnosed with severe polyhydramnios at 29 weeks of gestation. The patient was managed conservatively with amnioreduction. However, after one week of conservative management showed a further increase in the AFI (54-55 cm) with severe breathlessness and abdominal pain. A decision to terminate pregnancy was taken in view of failed conservative management. Emergency LSCS done under general anaesthesia. Amniotomy was done by slow uterine decompression. Simultaneously injection carbetocin 100 mcg IV bolus over 1 minute given. Postpartum haemorrhage was prevented by using Samarth Ram cannula. Further recovery was uneventful and patient discharged on day 3 of surgery

    Morphological measurements, length weight relationship and relative condition factor (Kn) of Obtuse barracuda Sphyraena obtusata (Cuvier, 1829) from South-eastern Arabian Sea

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    The study investigated morphometric and meristic measurements, length-weight relationship (LWR) and relative condition factor (Kn) of the Sphyraena obtusata from south-eastern Arabian Sea from August 2019 to March 2020. Three hundred and fifty two specimens having a length and weight range of 16.5 – 30.1 cm and 29.54 – 155.20 g, respectively were analyzed for morphological measurements (13 morphometric and 11 meristic), LWR and relative condition factor. The maximum correlation were existed between standard length (r > 0.985), fork length (r > 0.979) and pre-dorsal length 1 (r > 0.942) among the various morphometric variables. A disparity in relative growth was noticed among the morphometric traits. The Regression coefficient b value clearly indicates that growth of all the morphometric characters were isometric in connection with the total length, except for pelvic length (negative allometric), body depth (positive allometric) and caudal depth (positive allometric) (p < 0.01). The length-weight relationship of the individual sexes (male, female) and pooled data is indicated as W = 0.02275 L2.6033, W = 0.01786 L2.6815 and W = 0.01945 L2.6541 having the value of coefficient of determination (r2) as 0.9566, 0.9696 and 0.9658, respectively. The ‘b’ values for both males and females divulge negative allometric growth (p < 0.05). There was no significant difference for the relative condition factor (Kn) among the months and size groups.

    Epidemiology of Burn Deaths in Aurangabad Region, India

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    Background: Amongst all discoveries by men, barely few like cultivation of soil, speech and writing, have borne such significant developments as has finding out how to make fire. From the discovery of fire and its tremendous force, manufacturing, transportation and practically all phases of modern industrial life emerged out. Burns are injuries often produced by contact with dry heat, such as flame, radiation, or some solid heated material like metal or glass to the body.Methods: This study was conducted prospectively on 325 cases of death due to burns in the period from January 2010 to December 2010.Results: Hindu married females belonging to rural background were most common victims of burns. Maximum cases were observed in the evening with involvement of cooking apparatus most of the time.Conclusion: The present study has findings more or less consistent with the findings of the other Indian studies. Rising incidences of burns can be prevented by awareness and education about the hazards of fire and safety measures also upgrade of social and educational standards of population

    TIRSPEC : TIFR Near Infrared Spectrometer and Imager

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    We describe the TIFR Near Infrared Spectrometer and Imager (TIRSPEC) designed and built in collaboration with M/s. Mauna Kea Infrared LLC, Hawaii, USA, now in operation on the side port of the 2-m Himalayan Chandra Telescope (HCT), Hanle (Ladakh), India at an altitude of 4500 meters above mean sea level. The TIRSPEC provides for various modes of operation which include photometry with broad and narrow band filters, spectrometry in single order mode with long slits of 300" length and different widths, with order sorter filters in the Y, J, H and K bands and a grism as the dispersing element as well as a cross dispersed mode to give a coverage of 1.0 to 2.5 microns at a resolving power R of ~1200. The TIRSPEC uses a Teledyne 1024 x 1024 pixel Hawaii-1 PACE array detector with a cutoff wavelength of 2.5 microns and on HCT, provides a field of view of 307" x 307" with a plate scale of 0.3"/pixel. The TIRSPEC was successfully commissioned in June 2013 and the subsequent characterization and astronomical observations are presented here. The TIRSPEC has been made available to the worldwide astronomical community for science observations from May 2014.Comment: 20 pages, 21 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in Journal of Astronomical Instrumentatio