23 research outputs found


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    Cilj ovog rada bio je ocijeniti djelovanje razine hranidbe (RH) na djelotvornu razgradljivost (DR) u buragu i nestanak in situ kinetike suhe tvari (ST) i neutralna deterdženta vlakna (NDV) sijena lucerne i kukuruzne silaže. Primijenjen je standardni postupak najlonskih vreća za procjenu nestanka suhe tvari i neutralna deterdženta vlakna. Najlonske vreće s uzorcima inkubirane su na 8,16, 24, 48, 72 i 96 sati kanilama u burag četiriju ovaca (wether), a primijenjen je eksponencijalni model Orskova i McDonalda (1979) za izračunavanje kinetike degradacije. Mjerena je razgradljivost u buragu uzoraka krmiva na četiri razine unosa. U kukuruznoj silaži smanjili su se djelotvorna razgradljivost suhe tvari od 56.9% na 40.7% s povećanjem unosa od 1 do 2.5 puta većeg od uzdržnih potreba. Vrijednosti za DR suhe tvari sijena lucerne na razini hranidbe 1, 1.5, 2 i 2.5 u prosjeku su bile 60.3, 55.3, 44.5 i 42.9%. Općenito, DR je bila značajno viša (p>0.01) za RH=1 nego za druge postupke. Isto je primijećeno u NDV degradaciji oba krmiva. Djelotvorna razgradljivost NDV-a smanjila se od 53.08% uz RH 1 do 39.78% uz RH 2.5 u sijenu lucerne i od 42.58% na 32.18% u kukuruznoj silaži. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju da se DR suhe tvari i NDF dramatično snizuje kad RH raste više od 2 puta od potreba za uzdržnu energiju.The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of feeding level (FL) on effective rumen degradability (ED) and In situ disappearance kinetics of dry matter and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) of alfalfa hay and maize silage. Standard procedure for nylon bags technique was used to estimate ruminal disappearance of dry matter (DM) and NDF. Nylon bags containing samples were incubated for 8, 16, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h in the rumen of four ruminally cannulated sheep (wether) and the exponential model of Ørskov and McDonald (1979) was used to calculate degradation kinetics. The ruminal degradability of forages samples were measured at four levels of intake. In maize silage, ED of DM decreased from 56.9% to 40.7% as intake increased from 1 to 2.5 times of maintenance. Values for the ED of dry matter of alfalfa hay at FL 1, 1.5, 2 and 2.5 averaged 60.3, 55.3, 44.5 and 42.9% respectively. In general, ED was significantly (p<0.01) higher at the maintenance level of feeding (FL=1) than for other treatments. The same situation was seen in NDF degradation of both forages. ED of NDF decreased from 53.08% at FL 1 to 39.78% at FL 2.5 in alfalfa hay and from 42.58% to 32.18% in maize silage. The results of this experiment indicated that ED of DM and NDF decreased dramatically when FL increased to more than 2 times of maintenance energ


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    The analysis of sugar beet vinasse, originating as the condensed molasses residue from yeast production, and the effect of vinasse on rumen fermentation, protozoa population and digestibility of nutrients was investigated in two experiments. In the first experiment, a ration containing vinasse and wheat straw was fed ad libitum and voluntary feed intake for each sheep was measured. In the second experiment, four rumen fistulated Zandy sheep (40±0.5 kg BW) were assigned in a change over design in order to investigate the effects of vinasse on animal performance. At 2h post-feeding the ruminal pH value was decreased (p<0.005) in treatment groups. The ruminal NH3-N and protozoa population of rumen fluids were increased in all treatment groups. Compared to the control groups, voluntary feed intake and diet digestibility were higher in treatment groups. It can be concluded that the use of vinasse at the level of 100 g/kg DM of the TMR diet per sheep per day could improve the ruminal fermentation and voluntary feed intake and also diet digestibility, resulting in a relatively better performance.U dva su pokusa analizirani vinassa šećerne repe iz ostataka kondenzirane melase u proizvodnji kvasca i djelovanje vinasse na fermentaciju u buragu, populaciju protozoa i probavljivost hranjiva. U prvom pokusu ovce su dobivale obrok koji je sadržavao vinassu i pšeničnu slamu po volji, a dobrovoljni unos hrane mjeren je za svaku ovcu. U drugom pokusu četiri su Zandy ovce s fistuliranim buragom izabrane za ispitivanje djelovanja vinasse na proizvodne rezultate životinja. Dva sata nakon hranjenja pH vrijednost se snizila (p<0.005) u pokusnim skupinama. NH3-N i populacija protozoa u tekućini buraga porasli su u svim pokusnim skupinama. U usporedbi s kontrolnim skupinama dobrovoljni unos hrane i probavljivost obroka bili su viši u pokusnim skupinama. Može se zaključiti da primjena vinasse na razini od 100 g/kg DM TMR obroka po ovci može poboljšati fermentaciju u buragu i dobrovoljno uzimanje hrane kao i probavljivost obroka, te dati relativno bolje rezultate


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    The analysis of sugar beet vinasse, originating as the condensed molasses residue from yeast production, and the effect of vinasse on rumen fermentation, protozoa population and digestibility of nutrients was investigated in two experiments. In the first experiment, a ration containing vinasse and wheat straw was fed ad libitum and voluntary feed intake for each sheep was measured. In the second experiment, four rumen fistulated Zandy sheep (40±0.5 kg BW) were assigned in a change over design in order to investigate the effects of vinasse on animal performance. At 2h post-feeding the ruminal pH value was decreased (p<0.005) in treatment groups. The ruminal NH3-N and protozoa population of rumen fluids were increased in all treatment groups. Compared to the control groups, voluntary feed intake and diet digestibility were higher in treatment groups. It can be concluded that the use of vinasse at the level of 100 g/kg DM of the TMR diet per sheep per day could improve the ruminal fermentation and voluntary feed intake and also diet digestibility, resulting in a relatively better performance.U dva su pokusa analizirani vinassa šećerne repe iz ostataka kondenzirane melase u proizvodnji kvasca i djelovanje vinasse na fermentaciju u buragu, populaciju protozoa i probavljivost hranjiva. U prvom pokusu ovce su dobivale obrok koji je sadržavao vinassu i pšeničnu slamu po volji, a dobrovoljni unos hrane mjeren je za svaku ovcu. U drugom pokusu četiri su Zandy ovce s fistuliranim buragom izabrane za ispitivanje djelovanja vinasse na proizvodne rezultate životinja. Dva sata nakon hranjenja pH vrijednost se snizila (p<0.005) u pokusnim skupinama. NH3-N i populacija protozoa u tekućini buraga porasli su u svim pokusnim skupinama. U usporedbi s kontrolnim skupinama dobrovoljni unos hrane i probavljivost obroka bili su viši u pokusnim skupinama. Može se zaključiti da primjena vinasse na razini od 100 g/kg DM TMR obroka po ovci može poboljšati fermentaciju u buragu i dobrovoljno uzimanje hrane kao i probavljivost obroka, te dati relativno bolje rezultate

    The influence of price comparison websites on online switching behavior: A consumer empowerment perspective

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    While online price comparison websites have burgeoned, there is scant understanding of how they influence online consumer behavior. This study addresses this gap in the literature by investigating the influence of price comparison websites on online switching behavior, and also suggests some additional factors that may be considered when looking at this relationship. We argue that shopper innovativeness, their perceived usefulness of the ad, and their customer service experience consciousness are important factors to consider when evaluating the impact of price comparison websites on eSwitching behavior. We also argue that the most appropriate theoretical lens through which to investigate this relationship is that of the consumer empowerment paradigm. A conceptual model is proposed and tested. Our analysis of 345 sample respondents finds that perceived usefulness of ads and customer service experience expectations are important enablers to price comparison websites use. Similarly, we find that shopper innovativeness and customer service expectations, in addition to price comparison websites use, are significant enablers to eSwitching behaviour. However, contrary to prediction, we find that shopper innovativeness has little to no influence on shoppers’ use of price comparison websites; we also observed similar patterns concerning the link between the perceived usefulness of online ads and eSwitching behaviour. In conclusion, our research contributes to better understanding the influence of price comparison websites on online switching behavior, and the factors that might influence this relationship. © 2020, IFIP International Federation for Information Processing