28 research outputs found
Overview of the Beta II Two-Stage-To-Orbit vehicle design
A study of a near-term, low risk two-stage-to-orbit (TSTO) vehicle was undertaken. The goal of the study was to assess a fully reusable TSTO vehicle with horizontal takeoff and landing capability that could deliver 10,000 pounds to a 120 nm polar orbit. The configuration analysis was based on the Beta vehicle design. A cooperative study was performed to redesign and refine the Beta concept to meet the mission requirements. The vehicle resulting from this study was named Beta II. It has an all-airbreathing first stage and a staging Mach number of 6.5. The second stage is a conventional wing-body configuration with a single SSME
The Navy/NASA Engine Program (NNEP89): A user's manual
An engine simulation computer code called NNEP89 was written to perform 1-D steady state thermodynamic analysis of turbine engine cycles. By using a very flexible method of input, a set of standard components are connected at execution time to simulate almost any turbine engine configuration that the user could imagine. The code was used to simulate a wide range of engine cycles from turboshafts and turboprops to air turborockets and supersonic cruise variable cycle engines. Off design performance is calculated through the use of component performance maps. A chemical equilibrium model is incorporated to adequately predict chemical dissociation as well as model virtually any fuel. NNEP89 is written in standard FORTRAN77 with clear structured programming and extensive internal documentation. The standard FORTRAN77 programming allows it to be installed onto most mainframe computers and workstations without modification. The NNEP89 code was derived from the Navy/NASA Engine program (NNEP). NNEP89 provides many improvements and enhancements to the original NNEP code and incorporates features which make it easier to use for the novice user. This is a comprehensive user's guide for the NNEP89 code
An interactive preprocessor for the NASA engine performance program
The Simplified NEPP Automated Preprocessor (SNAP), which is written to aid in the preparation of input data files for the NASA Engine Performance Program (NEPP), is described. Specifically, SNAP is a software package on the Virtual Machine operating system that prompts the NEPP user for input information via a series of menus. The data collected from these menus are assimilated into an input file suitable for the running of NEPP. SNAP acts as a user-friendly preprocessing interface for NEPP. This serves as an introduction to the SNAP software, a user's manual, a description of the program logic, and a maintenance manual for future modifications to the software
Preliminary study of advanced turboprop and turboshaft engines for light aircraft
The effects of engine configuration, advanced component technology, compressor pressure ratio and turbine rotor-inlet temperature on such figures of merit as vehicle gross weight, mission fuel, aircraft acquisition cost, operating, cost and life cycle cost are determined for three fixed- and two rotary-wing aircraft. Compared with a current production turboprop, an advanced technology (1988) engine results in a 23 percent decrease in specific fuel consumption. Depending on the figure of merit and the mission, turbine engine cost reductions required to achieve aircraft cost parity with a current spark ignition reciprocating (SIR) engine vary from 0 to 60 percent and from 6 to 74 percent with a hypothetical advanced SIR engine. Compared with a hypothetical turboshaft using currently available technology (1978), an advanced technology (1988) engine installed in a light twin-engine helicopter results in a 16 percent reduction in mission fuel and about 11 percent in most of the other figures of merit
Propeller performance and weight predictions appended to the Navy/NASA engine program
The Navy/NASA Engine Performance (NNEP) is a general purpose computer program currently employed by government, industry and university personnel to simulate the thermodynamic cycles of turbine engines. NNEP is a modular program which has the ability to evaluate the performance of an arbitrary engine configuration defined by the user. In 1979, a program to calculate engine weight (WATE-2) was developed by Boeing's Military Division under NASA contract. This program uses a preliminary design approach to determine engine weights and dimensions. Because the thermodynamic and configuration information required by the weight code was available in NNEP, the weight code was appended to NNEP. Due to increased emphasis on fuel economy, a renewed interest has developed in propellers. This report describes the modifications developed by NASA to both NNEP and WATE-2 to determine the performance, weight and dimensions of propellers and the corresponding gearbox. The propeller performance model has three options, two of which are based on propeller map interpolation. Propeller and gearbox weights are obtained from empirical equations which may easily be modified by the user
Preliminary study of a hydrogen peroxide rocket for use in moving source jet noise tests
A preliminary investigation was made of using a hydrogen peroxide rocket to obtain pure moving source jet noise data. The thermodynamic cycle of the rocket was analyzed. It was found that the thermodynamic exhaust properties of the rocket could be made to match those of typical advanced commercial supersonic transport engines. The rocket thruster was then considered in combination with a streamlined ground car for moving source jet noise experiments. When a nonthrottlable hydrogen peroxide rocket was used to accelerate the vehicle, propellant masses and/or acceleration distances became too large. However, when a throttlable rocket or an auxiliary system was used to accelerate the vehicle, reasonable propellant masses could be obtained
Concurrent optimization of airframe and engine design parameters
An integrated system for the multidisciplinary analysis and optimization of airframe and propulsion design parameters is being developed. This system is known as IPAS, the Integrated Propulsion/Airframe Analysis System. The traditional method of analysis is one in which the propulsion system analysis is loosely coupled to the overall mission performance analysis. This results in a time consuming iterative process. First, the engine is designed and analyzed. Then, the results from this analysis are used in a mission analysis to determine the overall aircraft performance. The results from the mission analysis are used as a guide as the engine is redesigned and the entire process repeated. In IPAS, the propulsion system, airframe, and mission are closely coupled. The propulsion system analysis code is directly integrated into the mission analysis code. This allows the propulsion design parameters to be optimized along with the airframe and mission design parameters, significantly reducing the time required to obtain an optimized solution
Advanced secondary power system for transport aircraft
A concept for an advanced aircraft power system was identified that uses 20-kHz, 440-V, sin-wave power distribution. This system was integrated with an electrically powered flight control system and with other aircraft systems requiring secondary power. The resulting all-electric secondary power configuration reduced the empty weight of a modern 200-passenger, twin-engine transport by 10 percent and the mission fuel by 9 percent
Engine Technology Challenges for the High-Speed Civil Transport Plane
Ongoing NASA-funded and privately funded studies continue to indicate that an opportunity exists for a second generation supersonic commercial airliner, or High-Speed Civil Transport (HSCT), to become a key part of the 21 st century international air transportation system. Long distance air travel is projected to be the fastest growing segment of the air transportation market by the turn of the century with increases at about 5 percent per annum over the next two decades. This projection suggests that by the year 2015, more than 600,000 passengers per day will be traveling long distances, predominantly over water. These routes would provide the greatest potential for an HSCT to become a significant part of the international air transportation system. The potential market for an HSCT is currently projected to be anywhere from 500-1500 aircraft over the 2005-2030 time period. Such an aircraft fleet size would represent a considerable share of the potential long-range aircraft market. However, this projected HSCT fleet can become a reality only if technologies are developed which will allow an HSCT design that is (1) environmentally compatible and (2) economically viable. Simply stated, the HSCT will be a technology driven airplane. Without significant advances in airframe and propulsion technologies over the levels currently available, there will be no second generation supersonic airliner! This paper will briefly describe the propulsion technology challenges which must be met prior to any product launch decision being made by industry and the progress toward meeting these challenges through NASAs High-Speed Research (HSR) Program, a partnership between NASA and Boeing, General Electric and Pratt & Whitney
Tradespace Exploration of Distributed Propulsors for Advanced On-Demand Mobility Concepts
Combustion-based sources of shaft power tend to significantly penalize distributed propulsion concepts, but electric motors represent an opportunity to advance the use of integrated distributed propulsion on an aircraft. This enables use of propellers in nontraditional, non-thrust-centric applications, including wing lift augmentation, through propeller slipstream acceleration from distributed leading edge propellers, as well as wingtip cruise propulsors. Developing propellers for these applications challenges long-held constraints within propeller design, such as the notion of optimizing for maximum propulsive efficiency, or the use of constant-speed propellers for high-performance aircraft. This paper explores the design space of fixed-pitch propellers for use as (1) lift augmentation when distributed about a wing's leading edge, and (2) as fixed-pitch cruise propellers with significant thrust at reduced tip speeds for takeoff. A methodology is developed for evaluating the high-level trades for these types of propellers and is applied to the exploration of a NASA Distributed Electric Propulsion concept. The results show that the leading edge propellers have very high solidity and pitch well outside of the empirical database, and that the cruise propellers can be operated over a wide RPM range to ensure that thrust can still be produced at takeoff without the need for a pitch change mechanism. To minimize noise exposure to observers on the ground, both the leading edge and cruise propellers are designed for low tip-speed operation during takeoff, climb, and approach