3,640 research outputs found
Perspectives for t¯t cross-section measurement at ATLAS
The top-antitop pair production is one of the dominant processes in proton-proton collisions at multi-TeV energies. Here are presented the prospects for measuring the total top pair cross-section with the ATLAS detector using 200 pb−1 of data taken at 10TeV. The cross-section is determined in the single-lepton channel, and in the dilepton channel. Data-driven methods are studied to estimate the main background in both channels
On localization and position operators in Moebius-covariant theories
Some years ago it was shown that, in some cases, a notion of locality can
arise from the group of symmetry enjoyed by the theory, thus in an intrinsic
way. In particular, when Moebius covariance is present, it is possible to
associate some particular transformations to the Tomita Takesaki modular
operator and conjugation of a specific interval of an abstract circle. In this
context we propose a way to define an operator representing the coordinate
conjugated with the modular transformations. Remarkably this coordinate turns
out to be compatible with the abstract notion of locality. Finally a concrete
example concerning a quantum particle on a line is also given.Comment: 19 pages, UTM 705, version to appear in RM
Top physic results from ATLAS and CMS
In this paper a summary of some of the latest and most precise measurements in the top quark physics field performed by the ATLAS and CMS experiments are presented. These include the most precise measurements for t¯t and
single top cross-section as well as for the top mass, but also various measurements of top production and decay. Higgs and New Physics searches in the top quark Sector are not reported here
Stringent limits on top-quark compositeness from top anti-top production at the Tevatron and the LHC
If the top quark is a composite state made out of some constituents, its
interaction with the gluon will be modified. We introduce the leading effective
operators that contribute to the radius and anomalous magnetic moment of the
top quark and study their effect on the cross section for top anti-top
production at the Tevatron and the LHC. Current measurements of the cross
sections set a stringent limit on the scale of compositeness. This limit is
comparable to similar limits obtained for light quarks and those from
electroweak precision measurements. It can be used to constrain the parameter
space of some composite Higgs models.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, 1 table. Analysis extended to quadratic
contributions of the effective couplings. Study of top spin polarizations
added. New confidence intervals obtained. Figures of the bounds replaced.
Bounds on C2 result weaker. Version accepted for publication in PR
Biases in retrieving planetary signals in the presence of quasi-periodic stellar activity
Gaussian process regression is a widespread tool used to mitigate stellar
correlated noise in radial velocity time series. It is particularly useful to
search for and determine the properties of signals induced by small-size,
low-mass planets (, ). By using
extensive simulations based on a quasi-periodic representation of the stellar
activity component, we investigate the ability in retrieving the planetary
parameters in 16 different realistic scenarios. We analyse systems composed by
one planet and host stars having different levels of activity, focusing on the
challenging case represented by low-mass planets, with Doppler semi-amplitudes
in the range 1-3 . We consider many different configurations for the
quasi-periodic stellar activity component, as well as different combinations of
the observing epochs. We use commonly-employed analysis tools to search for and
characterize the planetary signals in the datasets. The goal of our
injection-recovery statistical analysis is twofold. First, we focus on the
problem of planet mass determination. Then, we analyse in a statistical way
periodograms obtained with three different algorithms, in order to explore some
of their general properties, as the completeness and reliability in retrieving
the injected planetary and stellar activity signals with low false alarm
probabilities. This work is intended to provide some understanding of the
biases introduced in the planet parameters inferred from the analysis of radial
velocity time series that contain correlated signals due to stellar activity.
It also aims to motivate the use and encourage the improvement of extensive
simulations for planning spectroscopic follow-up observations.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA
Bose-Einstein condensate and Spontaneous Breaking of Conformal Symmetry on Killing Horizons
Local scalar QFT (in Weyl algebraic approach) is constructed on degenerate
semi-Riemannian manifolds corresponding to Killing horizons in spacetime.
Covariance properties of the -algebra of observables with respect to the
conformal group PSL(2,\bR) are studied.It is shown that, in addition to the
state studied by Guido, Longo, Roberts and Verch for bifurcated Killing
horizons, which is conformally invariant and KMS at Hawking temperature with
respect to the Killing flow and defines a conformal net of von Neumann
algebras, there is a further wide class of algebraic (coherent) states
representing spontaneous breaking of PSL(2,\bR) symmetry. This class is
labeled by functions in a suitable Hilbert space and their GNS representations
enjoy remarkable properties. The states are non equivalent extremal KMS states
at Hawking temperature with respect to the residual one-parameter subgroup of
PSL(2,\bR) associated with the Killing flow. The KMS property is valid for
the two local sub algebras of observables uniquely determined by covariance and
invariance under the residual symmetry unitarily represented. These algebras
rely on the physical region of the manifold corresponding to a Killing horizon
cleaned up by removing the unphysical points at infinity (necessary to describe
the whole PSL(2,\bR) action).Each of the found states can be interpreted as a
different thermodynamic phase, containing Bose-Einstein condensate,for the
considered quantum field. It is finally suggested that the found states could
describe different black holes.Comment: 36 pages, 1 figure. Formula of condensate energy density modified.
Accepted for pubblication in Journal of Mathematical Physic
Evaluation of gas turbines as alternative energy production systems for a large cruise ship to meet new maritime regulations
As a consequence of the new and up-coming regulations imposed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), polluting emissions produced by large ships are now under strict control. Moreover, specific areas called \u201cEmission Controlled Area\u201d (ECA), which request even lower pollutant emissions, will be extended. To face up to this issue, ships propelled by Internal Combustion Engines (ICEs) burning Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) can be equipped with abatement devices such as scrubbers and Selective Catalytic Reactor systems. Along with these solutions, which seem to be the route ship-owners will prefer, other methods can be considered, such as the use of Marine Gas Oil (MGO): a more expensive fuel, but with lower sulphur content. The use of MGO allows users to consider a further and more drastic modification of the power system, namely the use of Gas Turbines (GTs) in place of ICEs. GTs, despite being less efficient, are much lighter, more compact, and can more easily reach low NOx emissions than ICEs. Even if these aspects are theoretically well known, there are still difficulties in finding studies reporting quantitative analysis (weight, dimensions, fuel consumption) that compare GT and ICE power systems employed on board. The present paper aims to provide these data by analyzing different solutions applied to a real case. Unlike other studies, the work is focused on a cruise ship rather than on a cargo ship, because a cruise ship's operation profile is more variable during the trip
Search for new physics with top quarks at the ATLAS experiment
With the proton-proton collision data collected during 2015 and 2016 at the centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, the ATLAS experiment is exceeding the sensitivity reached with the
analysis of the 7 and 8 TeV data during LHC Run 1 for many New Physics scenarios involving top quarks and their heavy partners. In this contribution, some of the latest ATLAS results in searching for top-pair resonances, top and bottom vector-like quarks and four-top-quark events are shortly reviewed
Black hole entropy from classical Liouville theory
In this article we compute the black hole entropy by finding a classical
central charge of the Virasoro algebra of a Liouville theory using the Cardy
formula. This is done by performing a dimensional reduction of the Einstein
Hilbert action with the ansatz of spherical symmetry and writing the metric in
conformally flat form. We obtain two coupled field equations. Using the near
horizon approximation the field equation for the conformal factor decouples.
The one concerning the conformal factor is a Liouville equation, it posses the
symmetry induced by a Virasoro algebra. We argue that it describes the
microstates of the black hole, namely the generators of this symmetry do not
change the thermodynamical properties of the black hole.Comment: LaTeX, 11 pages, to appear on JHE
Rigorous steps towards holography in asymptotically flat spacetimes
Scalar QFT on the boundary at null infinity of a general
asymptotically flat 4D spacetime is constructed using the algebraic approach
based on Weyl algebra associated to a BMS-invariant symplectic form. The
constructed theory is invariant under a suitable unitary representation of the
BMS group with manifest meaning when the fields are interpreted as suitable
extensions to of massless minimally coupled fields propagating in the
bulk. The analysis of the found unitary BMS representation proves that such a
field on coincides with the natural wave function constructed out of
the unitary BMS irreducible representation induced from the little group
, the semidirect product between SO(2) and the two dimensional
translational group. The result proposes a natural criterion to solve the long
standing problem of the topology of BMS group. Indeed the found natural
correspondence of quantum field theories holds only if the BMS group is
equipped with the nuclear topology rejecting instead the Hilbert one.
Eventually some theorems towards a holographic description on of QFT in
the bulk are established at level of algebras of fields for strongly
asymptotically predictable spacetimes. It is proved that preservation of a
certain symplectic form implies the existence of an injective -homomorphism
from the Weyl algebra of fields of the bulk into that associated with the
boundary . Those results are, in particular, applied to 4D Minkowski
spacetime where a nice interplay between Poincar\'e invariance in the bulk and
BMS invariance on the boundary at is established at level of QFT. It
arises that the -homomorphism admits unitary implementation and Minkowski
vacuum is mapped into the BMS invariant vacuum on .Comment: 62 pages, amslatex, xy package; revised section 2 and the
conclusions; corrected some typos; added some references; accepted for
pubblication on Rev. Math. Phy
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