570 research outputs found

    Decreased T cell reactivity to Epstein–Barr virus infected lymphoblastoid cell lines in multiple sclerosis

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    Objective: To investigate T cell and antibody immunity to Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) in multiple sclerosis (MS)

    Health, stress, and well-being in Swiss adult survivors of child welfare practices and child labor: Investigating the mediating role of socio-economic factors

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    BACKGROUND: With widespread deprivation in the education of minors affected by child welfare practices (CWP) in the last century, affected individuals often continued a life dominated by socio-economic disadvantage. According to life course theories, the impact of socio-economic disadvantage can accumulate across the life span, leading to worse health in later life. However, the scientific examination of health correlates of CWP in later life and the mediating role of socio-economic factors (SEF) has previously been neglected. OBJECTIVE: This study examined whether Swiss survivors of CWP, including former Verdingkinder, have poorer health in later life compared to controls, and whether this association is mediated by socio-economic factors: education, income, satisfaction with financial situation, socio-economic status. PARTICIPANTS AND SETTING: Two face-to-face interviews were conducted with N = 257 participants (risk group, RG, n = 132, MAGE_{AGE} = 70.83 years, 58 % male; control group, CG, n = 125, MAGE_{AGE} = 70.6 years, 49 % male). METHODS: A broad set of physical health outcomes, stress, well-being, and SEF were assessed with psychometric instruments. RESULTS: The RG reported more physical illnesses, vascular risk factors, health symptoms, stress, and lower well-being, compared to the CG. Mediation analyses revealed that SEF were relevant mediators for the significant health and stress disparities between groups. CONCLUSIONS: Results suggest that SEF can play a crucial role in mitigating the negative effects and health impairments in individuals formerly affected by CWP. Public health services and policies that target these SEF could improve current welfare practices by providing opportunities to overcome early-life disadvantage and facilitating healthier life trajectories

    Internalizing Mental Health Disorders and Emotion Regulation: A Comparative and Mediational Study of Older Adults With and Without a History of Complex Trauma Exposure

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    Individuals with complex trauma exposure (CTE) in early life (i.e., childhood/adolescence) are at heightened risk for developing problems in various domains of functioning. As such, CTE has repeatedly been linked to internalizing mental health disorders, such as depression and anxiety, as well as emotion dysregulation across the lifespan. While these correlates of CTE are comparatively well studied up to middle adulthood, they are insufficiently studied in older adulthood. Therefore, this study aimed to (a) compare Swiss older adults with and without a CTE history regarding current and lifetime internalizing mental health disorders and emotion regulation strategies; and (b) to examine the potential mediating role of emotion regulation in the mental health disparities between these groups. A total of N = 257 participants (age = 49–95 years; 46.3% female) were assessed in a retrospective, cross-sectional study, using two face-to-face interviews. The CTE group (n = 161; Mage_{age} = 69.66 years, 48.4% female) presented with significantly more current and lifetime internalizing mental health disorders than the non-affected (nCTE) group (n = 96; Mage_{age} = 72.49 years, 42.7% female). The CTE group showed significantly higher emotion suppression and lower emotion reappraisal compared to the nCTE group. Mediation analysis revealed that the two emotion regulation strategies were significant mediators between CTE history and internalizing mental health disorders. Findings emphasize the relevance of emotion (dys-)regulation in understanding mental health disparities in older age and deciding about treatment strategies. Research and practice should pay more attention to the needs of this high-risk group of older individuals

    Associations Between Complex Trauma Exposure in Childhood/Adolescence and Psychopathology in Older Age: The Role of Stress Coping and Coping Self-Perception

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    Complex trauma exposure in childhood and/or adolescence is common and has repeatedly been linked to mental ill-health across the lifespan. While the correlates of complex trauma and mental health are well-studied in individuals up to middle adulthood, correlates in older adulthood, as well as potential mediators of this relationship, such as stress coping, are insufficiently studied. Therefore, this study aimed to (a) examine the mental health of Swiss older adults affected by complex trauma exposure in childhood and/or adolescence, in comparison to non-affected individuals; and (b) to examine the potential mediating role of coping strategies and coping self-perception. Data from N = 257 participants (complex trauma [CT] group: n = 161; M age = 69.66 years, 48.4% female; non-complex trauma [nCT] group: n = 96; M age = 72.49 years, 42.7% female) were assessed using self-report questionnaires and a clinical interview. The CT group presented with significantly more current and lifetime mental health disorders, more disadvantageous coping strategies, and significantly lower coping self-perception, compared to the nCT group. Mediation analyses revealed that maladaptive coping and coping self-perception were relevant mediators of the relationship between complex trauma exposure and psychopathology. Results suggest that complex trauma exposure in childhood and/or adolescence can have a lasting impact on mental health in later life and can be negatively associated with stress coping. Findings emphasize the relevance of a lifespan perspective in research and clinical practice for addressing consequences of complex trauma exposure. Keywords: Adolescence; Childhood; Complex trauma exposure; Coping self-perception; Mental health; Older adults; Stress coping

    Molecular evolution of the vesicle coat component βCOP in Toxoplasma gondii

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2007. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 44 (2007): 1284-1294, doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2007.02.031.Coatomer coated (COPI) vesicles play a pivotal role for multiple membrane trafficking steps throughout the eukaryotic cell. Our focus is on βCOP, one of the most well known components of the COPI multi-protein complex. Amino acid differences in βCOP may dictate functional divergence across species during the course of evolution, especially with regards to the evolutionary pressures on obligate intracellular parasites. A bioinformatic analysis of βCOP amino acid sequences was conducted for 49 eukaryotic species. Cloning and sequence analysis of the Toxoplasma gondii βCOP homologue revealed several amino acid insertions unique to T. gondii and one C-terminal insertion that is unique to apicomplexan parasites. These findings led us to investigate the possibility that βCOP experienced functional divergence during the course of its evolution. Bayesian phylogenetic analysis revealed a tree consistent with pan eukaryote distribution and long-branch lengths were observed among the apicomplexans. Further analysis revealed that kinetoplast βCOP underwent the most amount of change, leading to perhaps an overall change of function. In comparison, T. gondii exhibited subtle yet specific amino acid changes. The amino acid substitutions did not occur in the same places as other lineages, suggesting that TgβCOP has a role specific to the apicomplexans. Our work identifies forty-eight residues that are likely to be functionally important when comparing apicomplexan, kinetoplastid, and fungal βCOP.KMH is an Ellison Medical Foundation New Scholar in Infectious Disease; SLP was supported by an NIH training grant (NIH/NIAID/TMP T 32 7030); AGM was supported by the Marine Biological Laboratory’s Program in Global Infectious Diseases, also funded by the Ellison Medical Foundation

    Platelet inhibitors versus anticoagulants for prevention of aorto-coronary bypass graft occlusion

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    The effects of the antiaggregant substance ticlopidine and of the anticoagulant acenocoumarol on patency rates of aorto-coronary bypass grafts were compared in a prospective randomized trial. Ticlopidine, 250 mg b.i.d. was administered orally from the first postoperative day till angiography, while anticoagulation with acenocoumarol was initiated on the second to third postoperative day. Side-effects of ticlopidine were rare and patient management with the standard dosage of this drug was easier than oral anticoagulation. From an initial group of 166 randomized patients 149 completed the trial by coronary angiography three months postoperatively. The 78 patients in the ticlopidine group showed a compliance of 85%. The average prothrombin time in the 71 patients receiving acenocoumarol was 26.9%. Detailed statistical analysis of the two study groups revealed no reason to doubt the correctness of randomization. Coronary angiography showed an average patency rate per patient of 84% with ticlopidine and of 82% with acenocoumarol. This and various other measures of graft occlusion did not reveal any substantial difference in graft patency of patients receiving ticlopidine or acenocoumarol. It is concluded that ticlopidine may well be used instead of anticoagulants forprevention of postoperative occlusion of aorto-coronary bypass graft

    Prevalence and Predictors of Overweight and Insulin Resistance in Offspring of Mothers With Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

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    OBJECTIVE: Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is associated with high birth weight in the offspring. This may lead to overweight and insulin resistance during childhood. The aim of the study was to assess the impact of GDM on overweight risk and insulin resistance in offspring. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: BMI measurements were collected at age 2, 8, and 11 years from 232 offspring of mothers with GDM (OGDM) and compared with those from 757 offspring of mothers with type 1 diabetes (OT1D) and 431 offspring of nondiabetic mothers (ONDM) born between 1989 and 2000. Insulin resistance (homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance [HOMA-IR]) was determined at age 8 and 11 years in 751 children (74 OGDM). Overweight was defined as BMI percentile >or=90; insulin resistance was defined by HOMA-IR. RESULTS: Overweight prevalence was increased in OGDM compared with OT1D and to ONDM throughout childhood (age 11 years 31.1, 15.8, and 15.5%; P = 0.005). Maternal obesity was an important predictor of overweight risk in children (age 11 years odds ratio 7.0 [95% CI 1.8-27.7]; P = 0.006); birth size and maternal smoking during pregnancy were inconsistently associated with and treatment of GDM during pregnancy did not affect overweight risk. HOMA-IR was increased in OGDM compared with offspring of ONDM mothers (P = 0.01, adjusted for sex and age) and was associated with the child's BMI (P = 0.004). CONCLUSIONS: Overweight and insulin resistance in children is increased in OGDM compared with OT1D or ONDM. The finding that overweight risk is associated mainly with maternal obesity suggests that familial predisposition contributes to childhood growth in these offspring
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