2,028 research outputs found

    Effects of Chronic Waterborne Nickle Exposure on Two Successive Generations of \u3cem\u3eDaphnia Magna\u3c/em\u3e

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    In a 21-d chronic toxicity test in which an F0 generation of Daphnia magna were exposed to waterborne Ni, the noobservable-effect concentration (for survival, reproduction, and growth) was 42 μg Ni L-1, or 58% of the measured 21-d median lethal concentration (LC50) of 71.9 μg Ni L-1 (95% confidence interval, 56.5–95.0). Chronic exposure to 85 μg Ni L-1 caused marked decreases in survival, reproduction, and growth in F0 animals. In the F1 generation (daphnids born of mothers from the chronically exposed F0 generation), animals chronically exposed to 42 μg Ni L-1 for 11 d weighed significantly less (20%) than controls, indicating increased sensitivity of F1 animals. Additionally, in this successive generation, significant decreases in whole-body levels of metabolites occurred following exposure to both 42 μg Ni L-1 (decreased glycogen and adenosine triphosphate [ATP]) and 21 μg Ni L-1 (decreased ATP). No significant changes were observed in whole-body total lipid, total protein, and lactate levels at any concentration. Whereas F1 neonates with mothers that were exposed to 21 μg Ni L-1 showed increased resistance to acute Ni challenge, as measured by a significant (83%) increase in the acute (48-h) LC50, F1 neonates with mothers that were exposed to 42 μg Ni L-1 were no more tolerant of acute Ni challenge than control animals were. Nickel accumulations in F1 animals chronically exposed to 21 and 42 μg Ni L-1 were 11- and 18-fold, respectively, above control counterparts. The data presented suggest that chronic Ni exposure to two successive generations of D. magna lowered the overall energy state in the second generation. Whereas the quantity of neonates produced was not affected, the quality was; thus, environmentally meaningful criteria for regulating waterborne Ni concentrations in freshwater require consideration of possible multigenerational effects

    The Alternative Business Psychology Application in Green Industry Program Towards the Competitiveness of ASEAN Economic Community 2016

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    Penetrating the era of the ASEAN Economic Community, the requisite of national business environment to prevail the competitionwas more exorbitant and formidable. A corporation could implement a program of Green Industry from the government to improve the effectiveness and efficiency.In enhancing the efficiency of Green Industry implementation, a corporate attempted to apply the theories in business psychology as an alternative of intervention.The objective of this study was to give the alternative intervention to the manufacturing business in implementing the Green Industry program. This study used the literature study as a method and limited the scope to develop the organization using the theory of business psychology as the intervention. The change management as part of the business psychology is the result of study after comparing the theories in the literature study method

    Third Space Theory: Reconceptualizing Content Literacy Learning

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    This paper develops, through a literature review, a conceptual framework for a study in process of the literacy views and practices of youth offenders. The framework offers a reconceptualized view of literacy to increase opportunities for content literacy learning with marginalized youth

    Analisis Perilaku Konsumen Atas Penerapan Labelisasi Halal dalam suatu Produk (Studi Kasus Ud. Sariwangi Tangerang)

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    Dengan adanya label halal pada produk baksu UD. Sari Wangi konsumen muslim dapat memastikan produk bakso mana saja yang boleh mereka kansumsi, yaitu produk yang memiliki dan mencantumkan label halal pada kemasannya. Hampir setiap orang yang diwawancarai mengemukakannpendapatnya bahwa dengan adanya label halal pada kemasan yang ada di kemasan bakso UD. Sari Wangi membuat para konsumen muslim merasa aman dan yakin untuk mengkonsumsi produk bakso UD. Sari Wangi karena bagi mereka hal tersebut meruakanbagian dari prinsip hidup kensumen muslim. Konsumen muslim sendiri juga bukan tanpa kesulitan untuk memilah produk-produk yang mereka konsumsi menjadi produk dalam kategori halal dan haram. Tentunya untuk memeriksakan sendiri kondisi kehalalan suatu produk adalah kurang memungkinkan. Hal ini berkaitan dengan masalah teknis dalam memeriksa kehalalan suatu produk, seperti uji kimia, pengamatan proses serta pemeriksaan kandungan produk. Yang hal tersebut sudah terwakili dengan adanya labelisasi halal pada kemasan makanan dan minuman. Konsumen nonmuslim pun memilih produk berlabel halal menjadi pertimbangan bagi kesehatannya, karena labelisasi halal yang secara prinsip adalah label yang menginformasikan kepada pengguna produk, bahwa produknya benar-benar halal dan nutrisi-nutrisi yang dikandungnya tidak mengandung unsur-unsur yang diahramkan secara syariah, dan tidka membahayakan kesehatan sehingga produk tersebut boleh dikonsumsi. Dengan adanya labelisasi halal terjadi peningkatan penjualan pada tahun 2011 sampai tahun 2015 rata-rata sebesar 25% yang mengakibatkan pendapatan UD.Sari Wangi bertambah dari Rp. 242.681.250,00 menjadi Rp. 323.575.000,00. Dari sisi produsen sertifikat halal mempunyai peran antar lain; (1) sebagai pertanggungjawaban produsen kepada konsumen muslim, (2) meningkatkan kepercayaan dan kepuasan konsumen, (3) meningkatkan citra dan daya saing Perusahaan, dan (4) sebagai alat pemasaran serta untuk memperluas area pemasaran. Kata Kunci : Konsumen, Perilaku, Labelisas

    Analisis Laporan Keuangan sebagai Perangkat Evaluasi Kinerja Pengurus pada Koperasi Kahuripan Jaya

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    Analisa peranan pengurus dalam  kegiatan usaha yang dilakukan  terhadap koperasi tersebut. Dinilai berhasil berarti usahanya telah dilaksanakan dengan baik tercermin dari  perolehan SHU yang besar, atau kurang berhasil berarti meraih SHU rendah. Apapun yang dicapai  oleh koperasi mencerminkan pengelolaan usaha  dari pengurus atau menunjukkan kinerja  pengurus  koperasi yang dinilai profesional dalam menjalankan usahanya .Untuk mengungkapkan keadaan yang sebenarnya terjadi atas  kinerja pengurus dalam mengelola koperasi,   penulis menetapkan sebuah metode penelitian dengan melakukan analisis atas laporan keuangan koperasi yang selanjutnya mengkaitkan dengan kinerja pengurus dalam mengelola koperasi tersebut. Hal ini karena pada dasarnya laporan keuangan merupakan wujud dari bukti tanggung jawab pengurus dalam menjalankan usaha koperasi untuk dipertangungungjawabkan kepada  anggota koperasi selaku pemegang saham atau pemilik modal koperasi. Kata Kunci: Kinerja Pengurus, Laporan Keuanga

    Corruptive Tendencies, Conscientiousness, and Collectivism

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    This research investigated the relation between conscientiousness, collectivism, and corrupt tendency–which is represented by moral emotions (shame and guilt proneness). The study was conducted on 117 students (76 male, 41 female; M = 18.93 years old; SD = 1.67 years old) in Jakarta. The result shows that collectivism has positive predictive correlation with the tendency of not doing corruption and that conscientiousness is not able to predict corrupt tendencies. Collectivism of which every group member has as a strong moral identity is suggested to be the ideal ecological situation which need to be built to prevent corruption in Indonesia

    A Transforming the School-to-Prison Pipeline Initiative: Mentoring Model Pilot Project Symposium

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    Abstract: This informative and interactive teaching symposium posits the Positive Peer Leadership Mentoring Program (PPLM) as an evidence-based wrap-around service for youth and families in Miami-Dade who are involved in the school-to-prison pipeline. Presenters first provide information to initiate the dialogic process of discerning and interpreting the school-to-prison pipeline, impacted by costs of incarceration for Black youth and families and the move toward effective mental health services in the juvenile justice system. Then, participants experience an interactive pedagogical mentoring format set forth in PPLM as the first step toward transforming the school-to-prison pipeline in their own classroom or other educational setting


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    The research is focused on the styles of Javanese political leadership revealed in the novel Arok Dedes written by Pramoedya Ananta Toer. The Javanese leadership style is a cultural heritage and deserves to be maintained and revitalized and to be adjusted to the changing of times. Javanese people live side by side in harmony with cultural norms and values  and lifestyle becomes an ethnic identity.  The objectives are to find styles and how the styles of Javanese political leadership are revealed in Pramoedya Ananta Toer’s novel Arok Dedes. A theory of Javanese leadership style, with its slogan of 5Ms is used a base and the whole research is conducted by means of descriptive qualitative method revealing the individual personality. The results show that the 5Ms of style are found in the novel: 1) melek/awas (awareness), 2) melik (sense of ownership), 3) muluk (poverty solution, 4) melok (aspiration realization), and 5) meluk (accomodation), all of which are performed by a leader of Tumapel district, named Ken Arok.
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