103 research outputs found

    A computational protocol for the study of circularly polarized phosphorescence and circular dichroism in spin-forbidden absorption

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    We present a computational methodology to calculate the intensity of circular dichroism (CD) in spin-forbidden absorption and of circularly polarized phosphorescence (CPP) signals, a manifestation of the optical activity of the triplet-singlet transitions in chiral compounds. The protocol is based on the response function formalism and is implemented at the level of time-dependent density functional theory. It has been employed to calculate the spin-forbidden circular dichroism and circularly polarized phosphorescence signals of valence n -> pi* and n <- pi* transitions, respectively, in several chiral enones and diketones. Basis set effects in the length and velocity gauge formulations have been explored, and the accuracy achieved when employing approximate (mean-field and effective nuclear charge) spin-orbit operators has been investigated. CPP is shown to be a sensitive probe of the triplet excited state structure. In many cases the sign of the spin-forbidden CD and CPP signals are opposite. For the beta,gamma-enones under investigation, where there are two minima on the lowest triplet excited state potential energy surface, each minimum exhibits a CPP signal of a different sign

    On the potential application of DFT methods in predicting the interaction-induced electric properties of molecular complexes. Molecular H-bonded chains as a case of study

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    A detailed analysis of the selected DFT functionals for the calculations of interaction-induced dipole moment, polarizability and first-order hyperpolarizability has been carried out. The hydrogen-bonded model chains consisting of HF, H2CO and H3N molecules have been chosen as a case study. The calculations of the components of the static electric properties using the diffuse Dunning’s basis set (aug-cc-pVDZ) have been performed employing different types of density functionals (B3LYP, LC-BLYP, PBE0, M06-2X and CAM-B3LYP). Obtained results have been compared with those gained at the CCSD(T) level of theory. The counterpoise correction scheme, namely site-site function counterpoise, has been applied in order to eliminate basis set superposition error. The performed tests allow to conclude that the DFT functionals can provide a useful tool for prediction of the interaction-induced electric properties, however a caution has to be urged to their decomposition to the two- and many-body terms

    Polarizable continuum model study of solvent effects on electron circular dichroism parameters

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    We present an implementation of the polarizable continuum model for the calculation of solvent effects on electronic circular dichroism spectra. The computational model used is density functional theory in the length-gauge formulation, and gauge-origin independence is ensured through the use of London atomic orbitals. Results of calculations carried out for methyloxirane and bicyclic ketones, camphor, norcamphor, norbornenone, and fenchone are presented, and the theoretically obtained solvent effects are compared with experimental observation

    Circular dichroism and optical rotation of lactamide and 2-aminopropanol in aqueous solution

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    The performance of implicit and explicit solvent models (polarizable continuum model (PCM) and microsolvation with positions of water molecules obtained either from molecular dynamics (MD) simulations or quantum mechanical geometry optimization) for calculations of electronic circular dichroism (CD) and optical rotation (OR) is examined for two polar and flexible molecules: lactamide and 2-aminopropanol. The vibrational structure of the CD spectrum is modeled for lactamide. The results are compared with the newly obtained experimental data. The signs of the bands are correctly reproduced using all three methods under investigation and the CAM-B3LYP functional for the CD spectrum of lactamide, but not for 2-aminopropanol. The sign of the calculated optical rotation is correctly predicted by means of PCM, but its magnitude is somewhat underestimated in comparison with experiment for lactamide and overestimated for 2-aminopropanol. To some extent it is rectified by employing explicit hydration. Overall, microsolvation with geometry optimization seems more cost-effective than classical MD, but this is likely to be a consequence of inadequate classical potential and electronic structure model. \ua9 2013 American Chemical Society

    Solvent effects on Raman Optical Activity spectra calculated using the Polarizable Continuum Model

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    The integral equation formulation of the polarizable continuum model (IEFPCM) has been extended to the calculation of solvent effects on vibrational Raman optical activity spectra. Gauge-origin independence of the differential scattering intensities of right and left circularly polarized light is ensured through the use of London atomic orbitals. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations have been carried out for bromochlorofluoromethane, methyloxirane, and epichlorhydrin. The results indicate that solvent effects on the ROA differential scattering intensities can be substantial, and vary in sign and magnitude for different vibrational modes. It is demonstrated that both direct and indirect effects are important in determining the total solvent effects on the ROA differential scattering intensities. Local field effects are shown to be in general small, whereas electronic nonequilibrium solvation has a profound effect on the calculated solvent effects compared to an equilibrium solvation model. For molecules with several conformations, the changes in the relative stability of the different conformers also lead to noticeable changes in the ROA spectra