5,355 research outputs found

    Star Formation, Supernovae Feedback and the Angular Momentum Problem in Numerical CDM Cosmogony: Half Way There?

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    We present a smoothed particle hydrodynamic (SPH) simulation that reproduces a galaxy that is a moderate facsimile of those observed. The primary failing point of previous simulations of disk formation, namely excessive transport of angular momentum from gas to dark matter, is ameliorated by the inclusion of a supernova feedback algorithm that allows energy to persist in the model ISM for a period corresponding to the lifetime of stellar associations. The inclusion of feedback leads to a disk at a redshift z=0.52z=0.52, with a specific angular momentum content within 10% of the value required to fit observations. An exponential fit to the disk baryon surface density gives a scale length within 17% of the theoretical value. Runs without feedback, with or without star formation, exhibit the drastic angular momentum transport observed elsewhere.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Mg II Absorption Systems in SDSS QSO Spectra

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    We present the results of a MgII absorption-line survey using QSO spectra from the SDSS EDR. Over 1,300 doublets with rest equivalent widths greater than 0.3\AA and redshifts 0.366≤z≤2.2690.366 \le z \le 2.269 were identified and measured. We find that the λ2796\lambda2796 rest equivalent width (W0λ2796W_0^{\lambda2796}) distribution is described very well by an exponential function ∂N/∂W0λ2796=N∗W∗e−W0W∗\partial N/\partial W_0^{\lambda2796} = \frac{N^*}{W^*} e^{-\frac{W_0}{W^*}}, with N∗=1.187±0.052N^*=1.187\pm0.052 and W∗=0.702±0.017W^*=0.702\pm0.017\AA. Previously reported power law fits drastically over-predict the number of strong lines. Extrapolating our exponential fit under-predicts the number of W0≤0.3W_0 \le 0.3\AA systems, indicating a transition in dN/dW0dN/dW_0 near W0≃0.3W_0 \simeq 0.3\AA. A combination of two exponentials reproduces the observed distribution well, suggesting that MgII absorbers are the superposition of at least two physically distinct populations of absorbing clouds. We also derive a new redshift parameterization for the number density of W0λ2796≥0.3W_0^{\lambda2796} \ge 0.3\AA lines: N∗=1.001±0.132(1+z)0.226±0.170N^*=1.001\pm0.132(1+z)^{0.226\pm0.170} and W∗=0.443±0.032(1+z)0.634±0.097W^*=0.443\pm0.032(1+z)^{0.634\pm 0.097}\AA. We find that the distribution steepens with decreasing redshift, with W∗W^* decreasing from 0.80±0.040.80\pm0.04\AA at z=1.6z=1.6 to 0.59±0.020.59\pm0.02\AA at z=0.7z=0.7. The incidence of moderately strong MgII λ2796\lambda2796 lines does not show evidence for evolution with redshift. However, lines stronger than ≈2\approx 2\AA show a decrease relative to the no-evolution prediction with decreasing redshift for z≲1z \lesssim 1. The evolution is stronger for increasingly stronger lines. Since W0W_0 in saturated absorption lines is an indicator of the velocity spread of the absorbing clouds, we interpret this as an evolution in the kinematic properties of galaxies from moderate to low z.Comment: 50 pages, 26 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Study of the local field distribution on a single-molecule magnet-by a single paramagnetic crystal; a DPPH crystal on the surface of an Mn12-acetate crystal

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    The local magnetic field distribution on the subsurface of a single-molecule magnet crystal, SMM, above blocking temperature (T >> Tb) detected for a very short time interval (~ 10-10 s), has been investigated. Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) spectroscopy using a local paramagnetic probe was employed as a simple alternative detection method. An SMM crystal of [Mn12O12(CH3COO)16(H2O)4].2CH3COOH.4H2O (Mn12-acetate) and a crystal of 2,2- diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) as the paramagnetic probe were chosen for this study. The EPR spectra of DPPH deposited on Mn12-acetate show additional broadening and shifting in the magnetic field in comparison to the spectra of the DPPH in the absence of the SMM crystal. The additional broadening of the DPPH linewidth was considered in terms of the two dominant electron spin interactions (dipolar and exchange) and the local magnetic field distribution on the crystal surface. The temperature dependence of the linewidth of the Gaussian distribution of local fields at the SMM surface was extrapolated for the low temperature interval (70-5 K)

    Electrically detected magnetic resonance of carbon dangling bonds at the Si-face 4H-SiC/SiO2_2 interface

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    SiC based metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs) have gained a significant importance in power electronics applications. However, electrically active defects at the SiC/SiO2_2 interface degrade the ideal behavior of the devices. The relevant microscopic defects can be identified by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) or electrically detected magnetic resonance (EDMR). This helps to decide which changes to the fabrication process will likely lead to further increases of device performance and reliability. EDMR measurements have shown very similar dominant hyperfine (HF) spectra in differently processed MOSFETs although some discrepancies were observed in the measured gg-factors. Here, the HF spectra measured of different SiC MOSFETs are compared and it is argued that the same dominant defect is present in all devices. A comparison of the data with simulated spectra of the C dangling bond (PbC_\textrm{bC}) center and the silicon vacancy (VSi_\textrm{Si}) demonstrates that the PbC_\textrm{bC} center is a more suitable candidate to explain the observed HF spectra.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Journal of Applied Physic

    Second-Generation Objects in the Universe: Radiative Cooling and Collapse of Halos with Virial Temperatures Above 10^4 Kelvin

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    The first generation of protogalaxies likely formed out of primordial gas via H2-cooling in cosmological minihalos with virial temperatures of a few 1000K. However, their abundance is likely to have been severely limited by feedback processes which suppressed H2 formation. The formation of the protogalaxies responsible for reionization and metal-enrichment of the intergalactic medium, then had to await the collapse of larger halos. Here we investigate the radiative cooling and collapse of gas in halos with virial temperatures Tvir > 10^4K. In these halos, efficient atomic line radiation allows rapid cooling of the gas to 8000 K; subsequently the gas can contract nearly isothermally at this temperature. Without an additional coolant, the gas would likely settle into a locally gravitationally stable disk; only disks with unusually low spin would be unstable. However, we find that the initial atomic line cooling leaves a large, out-of-equilibrium residual free electron fraction. This allows the molecular fraction to build up to a universal value of about x(H2) = 10^-3, almost independently of initial density and temperature. We show that this is a non--equilibrium freezeout value that can be understood in terms of timescale arguments. Furthermore, unlike in less massive halos, H2 formation is largely impervious to feedback from external UV fields, due to the high initial densities achieved by atomic cooling. The H2 molecules cool the gas further to about 100K, and allow the gas to fragment on scales of a few 100 Msun. We investigate the importance of various feedback effects such as H2-photodissociation from internal UV fields and radiation pressure due to Ly-alpha photon trapping, which are likely to regulate the efficiency of star formation.Comment: Revised version accepted by ApJ; some reorganization for clarit

    From algebra to logic: there and back again -- the story of a hierarchy

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    This is an extended survey of the results concerning a hierarchy of languages that is tightly connected with the quantifier alternation hierarchy within the two-variable fragment of first order logic of the linear order.Comment: Developments in Language Theory 2014, Ekaterinburg : Russian Federation (2014
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