6 research outputs found


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    This study aimed to reveal the health disorder peculiarities in the employees of the modern production ofepichlorohydrin (EPCH) based on using the automatized system of the quantitative risk assessment of the main common pathological syndromes (RMCPS) and the results of medical examinations performed in dynamics. The working conditions of the employees working at the production of epichlorohydrin are characterized by a complex of the unfavorable production factors among which the employees exposure to epichlorohydrin (EPCH) end allyl chloride (AC), the substances of class 2 of danger, is known to have the main hygienic importance. At present the category of occupational risk in chemical factor is considered as low and middle, this is stipulated by the significant decrease in the concentrations of harmful substances in the air of the working zone (EPCH-up to 0.5 LAC, AC - up to 0,3 LAC). It was found that in the structure of RMCPS the risks of the functional disorders of the cardio-vascular system, the portion of which was significantly found to increase (from 17,7 to 27,2 % respectively) in dynamics, were revealed as the higher percent in the employees examined in both the first and the second study periods. The risk prevalence features have been revealed in the persons of the main occupations. So, the statistically significant increase in the risk cases of the neurological and border psychical disorders, the functional disorders of the cardio-vascular and endocrine systems was observed to be in the fitters-repairers, unlike the operators of mechanical devices, by the second study period. In dynamics of medical examinations the increase in the incidence levels relatively to the diseases of the circulatory system was noted to occur in all the occupational groups including the portion of the persons who had often ill feeling. The most statistically significant levels of the incidence including the diseases of the circulatory system as well as the nervous system and the psychical disorders were found to be in the occupational group of the fitters-repairers. The occupational risk assessment taking into account the occupation and the exposure toxic load with allyl chloride and epichlorohydrin has shown that in the both study periods the largest exposure load to the toxicants was revealed in the fitters-repairers, thereby, this load was statistically significant higher in the fitters and engineering staff compared to the operators of mechanical devices in both the first and the second examination periods. The statistically significant increase in the health disorder risks was revealed in these employees in dependence on the values of the exposition load with the toxicants. Studying the health state in the employees taking into account the exposition toxic loads has allowed to correlate the organism changes revealed to the cumulative exposure to the chemical pollutants as well as to ground the need of using this index to reveal the production - stipulated and occupational diseases


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    The impact of industrial aerosols (fluoride, aluminum oxide dust, coal tar distillates, aromatic and heterocyclic compounds) causes development of broncho-pulmonary pathology in professional workers. The aim of the work was to study the basic indicators of the quality of life and degree of influence of broncho-pulmonary pathology on the health status of patients with diagnosed occupational disease of respiratory system. 38 former employees of the basic professions of electrolysis aluminum production were divided into 2 groups. The first group consisted of 22 persons with FEV1 (forced expiratory volume in 1 second) of 70-80 % of the proper values, the second group included 16 people with fEV1 of 50-69 % of proper values. On the basis of the results of the COPD assessment test the patients of the first group marked moderate (18 %), strong (36 %) and extremely strong (46 %) impact of the disease on their lives. In the second group strong (37 %) and extremely strong (63 %) impact of the disease on patients' lives was registered. Total index of physical component of health in the first group was 37,3 ± 3,5 points, in the second group - 28,9 ± 2,3 points. The results of total index of mental component of health didn't differ significantly in both groups and were 44,1 ± 3,7 and 42,8 ± 2,8 points respectively. It was found that occupational respiratory diseases had negative influence both on summary mental component of health which characterized vitality, social and role functioning and mental health and also on total physical component of health which characterized physical and role functioning and patients' health. In this case lower values of total physical component of health were revealed in patients with moderate disorders of respiratory function in comparison with examined patients with slight decline in FEV1. Thus occupational diseases of respiratory system have negative impact on quality of life of patients and especially on their physical status. The degree of negative impact of the disease on patients' quality of life is determined by the severity of the disease. Functional indicators of respiratory function don't always correlate with subjective evaluation of health status by the patient


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    The article shows the opportunity of use of biomonitoring in patients with exogenous toxic encephalopathy in the remote period of chronic mercury intoxication. (CMI) and with, vibration disease caused by local vibration. The efficiency of the biofeedback method was assessed on the basis of the data of electroencephalography, auditory, visual and somatosensoric generated potentials, electroneuromyography, thermometry, dosed cold test and. rheography. Biofeedback training in people with. CMI caused decrease of total brain changes in EEG, improvement of amplitude indices at of the brain generated potentials, in people with vibration disease it caused decrease of manifestation of angiodistonic syndrome and. restoration of neuromuscular conductivity


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    Biofeedback in toxic encephalopathy in the late period chronic intoxication by mercury and complex toxic substances led to decrease in the EEG changes, performance improvement of the amplitude and latency evoked potentials, in vibration disease – to decrease manifestations of angiodystonia syndrome, recovery of neuromuscular conductivity. The effectiveness of biofeedback is confirmed by changes in subjective measures of the patients.Биоуправление при токсической энцефалопатии в отдаленном периоде хронической интоксикации ртутью и комплексом токсических веществ привело к уменьшению общемозговых изменений по ЭЭГ, улучшению показателей амплитуды и латентности вызванных потенциалов мозга, при вибрационной болезни – к снижению проявлений ангиодистонического синдрома, восстановлению нервно-мышечной проводимости. Эффективность биоуправления подтверждена изменениями субъективных показателей состояния пациентов

    The Irrecoverable Loss in Sleep on Weekdays of Two Distinct Chronotypes Can Be Equalized by Permitting a >2 h Difference in Waking Time

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    Background: Our work/study culture is biased towards the circadian clocks of “morning types”, whereas “evening types” are forced to advance their weekday waking times relative to weekend waking times. Since the experimental research consistently reveals a >2 h difference between these two chronotypes in the positions of their endogenous circadian phases, we hypothesized the necessity to permit a >2 h difference between them in weekday waking times to equalize their irrecoverable loss in sleep on weekdays. Methods: A total of 659 and 1106 participants of online surveys identified themselves as morning and evening types, respectively. The hypothesis was tested by applying a model of sleep–wake regulation for simulating sleep times reported by 245 lecturers of these two types, and by comparison of sleep times of these types among these lecturers and 1520 students. Results: The hypothesis was supported by results showing that, if, on weekdays, an “average” morning type wakes at 6 a.m., the equalization of the weekday sleep loss of the two chronotypes would require the waking time of an “average” evening type to be no earlier than 8 a.m. Conclusions: These results may be implemented in a model-based methodology for the correction of weekday waking times to equalize weekday sleep loss