1,664 research outputs found

    Asteroseismic effects in close binary stars

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    Turbulent processes in the convective envelopes of the sun and stars have been shown to be a source of internal acoustic excitations. In single stars, acoustic waves having frequencies below a certain cutoff frequency propagate nearly adiabatically and are effectively trapped below the photosphere where they are internally reflected. This reflection essentially occurs where the local wavelength becomes comparable to the pressure scale height. In close binary stars, the sound speed is a constant on equipotentials, while the pressure scale height, which depends on the local effective gravity, varies on equipotentials and may be much greater near the inner Lagrangian point (L_1). As a result, waves reaching the vicinity of L_1 may propagate unimpeded into low density regions, where they tend to dissipate quickly due to non-linear and radiative effects. We study the three dimensional propagation and enhanced damping of such waves inside a set of close binary stellar models using a WKB approximation of the acoustic field. We find that these waves can have much higher damping rates in close binaries, compared to their non-binary counterparts. We also find that the relative distribution of acoustic energy density at the visible surface of close binaries develops a ring-like feature at specific acoustic frequencies and binary separations

    Strongly interacting photons in one-dimensional continuum

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    Photon-photon scattering in vacuum is extremely weak. However, strong effective interactions between single photons can be realized by employing strong light-matter coupling. These interactions are a fundamental building block for quantum optics, bringing many-body physics to the photonic world and providing important resources for quantum photonic devices and for optical metrology. In this Colloquium, we review the physics of strongly-interacting photons in one-dimensional systems with no optical confinement along the propagation direction. We focus on two recently-demonstrated experimental realizations: superconducting qubits coupled to open transmission lines, and interacting Rydberg atoms in a cold gas. Advancements in the theoretical understanding of these systems are presented in complementary formalisms and compared to experimental results. The experimental achievements are summarized alongside a description of the quantum optical effects and quantum devices emerging from them.Comment: Updated version, accepted for publication in Reviews of Modern Physic

    A Citation-Based Ranking of Strategic Management Journals

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    Rankings of strategy journals are important for authors, readers, and promotion and tenure committees. We present several rankings, based either on the number of articles that cited the journal or the per-article impact. Our analyses cover various periods between 1991 and 2006, for most of which the Strategic Management Journal was in first place and Journal of Economics & Management Strategy (JEMS) second, although JEMS ranked first in certain instances. Long Range Planning and Technology Analysis & Strategic Management also achieve a top position. Strategic Organization makes an impressive entry and achieves a top position in 2003-2006.Journal rankings; Citation analysis; Strategic Management; Academic impact; Strategy

    Fidelity Between Unitary Operators and the Generation of Gates Robust Against Off-Resonance Perturbations

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    We perform a functional expansion of the fidelity between two unitary matrices in order to find the necessary conditions for the robust implementation of a target gate. Comparison of these conditions with those obtained from the Magnus expansion and Dyson series shows that they are equivalent in first order. By exploiting techniques from robust design optimization, we account for issues of experimental feasibility by introducing an additional criterion to the search for control pulses. This search is accomplished by exploring the competition between the multiple objectives in the implementation of the NOT gate by means of evolutionary multi-objective optimization

    Non-Equipartition of Energy, Masses of Nova Ejecta, and Type Ia Supernovae

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    The total masses ejected during classical nova eruptions are needed to answer two questions with broad astrophysical implications: Can accreting white dwarfs be pushed towards the Chandrasekhar mass limit to yield type Ia supernovae? Are Ultra-luminous red variables a new kind of astrophysical phenomenon, or merely extreme classical novae? We review the methods used to determine nova ejecta masses. Except for the unique case of BT Mon (nova 1939), all nova ejecta mass determinations depend on untested assumptions and multi-parameter modeling. The remarkably simple assumption of equipartition between kinetic and radiated energy (E_kin and E_rad, respectively) in nova ejecta has been invoked as a way around this conundrum for the ultra-luminous red variable in M31. The deduced mass is far larger than that produced by any classical nova model. Our nova eruption simulations show that radiation and kinetic energy in nova ejecta are very far from being in energy equipartition, with variations of four orders of magnitude in the ratio E_kin/E_rad being commonplace. The assumption of equipartition must not be used to deduce nova ejecta masses; any such "determinations" can be overestimates by a factor of up to 10,000. We data-mined our extensive series of nova simulations to search for correlations that could yield nova ejecta masses. Remarkably, the mass ejected during a nova eruption is dependent only on (and is directly proportional to) E_rad. If we measure the distance to an erupting nova and its bolometric light curve then E_rad and hence the mass ejected can be directly measured.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, awaiting publication in ApJ

    ANNz: estimating photometric redshifts using artificial neural networks

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    We introduce ANNz, a freely available software package for photometric redshift estimation using Artificial Neural Networks. ANNz learns the relation between photometry and redshift from an appropriate training set of galaxies for which the redshift is already known. Where a large and representative training set is available ANNz is a highly competitive tool when compared with traditional template-fitting methods. The ANNz package is demonstrated on the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 1, and for this particular data set the r.m.s. redshift error in the range 0 < z < 0.7 is 0.023. Non-ideal conditions (spectroscopic sets which are small, or which are brighter than the photometric set for which redshifts are required) are simulated and the impact on the photometric redshift accuracy assessed.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures. Replaced to match version accepted by PASP (minor changes to original submission). The ANNz package may be obtained from http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/~aa
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