7,690 research outputs found

    SET based experiments for HTSC materials: II

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    The cuprates seem to exhibit statistics, dimensionality and phase transitions in novel ways. The nature of excitations [i.e. quasiparticle or collective], spin-charge separation, stripes [static and dynamics], inhomogeneities, psuedogap, effect of impurity dopings [e.g. Zn, Ni] and any other phenomenon in these materials must be consistently understood. In this note we further discuss our original suggestion of using Single Electron Tunneling Transistor [SET] based experiments to understand the role of charge dynamics in these systems. Assuming that SET operates as an efficient charge detection system we can expect to understand the underlying physics of charge transport and charge fluctuations in these materials for a range of doping. Experiments such as these can be classed in a general sense as mesoscopic and nano characterization of cuprates and related materials. In principle such experiments can show if electron is fractionalized in cuprates as indicated by ARPES data. In contrast to flux trapping experiments SET based experiments are more direct in providing evidence about spin-charge separation. In addition a detailed picture of nano charge dynamics in cuprates may be obtained.Comment: 10 pages revtex plus four figures; ICMAT 2001 Conference Symposium P: P10-0

    Analisis Fitur Fraktal Citra Termogram sebagai Pendukung Deteksi Dini Kanker Payudara

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    Deteksi dini penyakit kanker payudara di Indonesia masih terkendala sejumlah persoalan sepertitingkat pendidikan, kondisi sosial ekonomi, pemahaman dan penanganan yang kurang tepat. Haltersebut menyebabkan 40% sampai 70% pasien kanker payudara datang ke dokter dal am statuskanker stadium lanjut. Pendeteksian dini kanker payudara adalah sangat penting untuk membantupenanganan penyakit kanker payudara secara cepat. Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalahmenganalisis fitur fraktal pada citra termogram untuk mendukung deteksi dini kanker payudara.Penelitian ini menggunakan citra termal jaringan payudara normal dan citra termal kankerpayudara. Tahapan-tahapan pada penelitian ini adalah pengolahan awal citra (preprocessing) yaitukonversi citra berwarna (RGB) ke citra skala keabuan (grayscale), pengubahan kontras, croppingobyek, proses binerisasi, serta ekstraksi fitur citra untuk menghitung dimensi fraktal. Hasilpenelitian menunjukan bahwa fitur fraktal yaitu dimensi fraktal dapat digunakan untukmembedakan antara citra termal payudara normal dengan citra termal kanker payudara. Dimensifraktal citra termal payudara normal lebih kecil yaitu 1,0725 sampai 1,2689 sedangkan pada citratermal kanker payudara yaitu 1,4581 sampai 1,8515

    Enskog Theory for Polydisperse Granular Mixtures II. Sonine Polynomial Approximation

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    The linear integral equations defining the Navier-Stokes (NS) transport coefficients for polydisperse granular mixtures of smooth inelastic hard disks or spheres are solved by using the leading terms in a Sonine polynomial expansion. Explicit expressions for all the NS transport coefficients are given in terms of the sizes, masses, compositions, density and restitution coefficients. In addition, the cooling rate is also evaluated to first order in the gradients. The results hold for arbitrary degree of inelasticity and are not limited to specific values of the parameters of the mixture. Finally, a detailed comparison between the derivation of the current theory and previous theories for mixtures is made, with attention paid to the implication of the various treatments employed to date.Comment: 26 pages, to be published in Phys. Rev.
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